That earlier news story about a Tory MP getting stabbed? One series of details from the original reporting, that he was stabbed multiple times, that he received surgery on the spot, and that he *wasn’t* taken to the hospital, now makes a bit more sense.
Sir David Amess: Conservative MP stabbed to death
That answers that. Now, to the next question: who did it and why. Original reporting only said “a man.” Now there’s this little detail:
A government source told the BBC the man arrested was a British national who, according to initial inquiries, is of Somali heritage.
Huh. I’m sure we’re all shocked, SHOCKED.
Norway attack: What we know about bow and arrow killings
A Danish convert to A Certain Religion Of Peace killed five seemingly random people with a bow and arrows in Kongsberg, Norway. Police managed to arrest him without him blowing himself up with his bow.
I suppose the Norwegians will now go and make bows and arrows illegal.
And from Britain:
Claudia Webbe: MP guilty of threatening and harassing woman
A Minister of Parliament has been found guilty of threatening an acid attack on another woman. It might be noted that “acid attacks” are something that were essentially unknown in Britain a generation and more before, but now, for some reason, are reasonably common. Why did Webbe think this was a good idea? No man can say.
Ramadan Mubarak
To all celebrating in Leicester and around the world, I wish you a peaceful and blessed #Ramadan
The selflessness and generosity of Muslims
The benevolence which is at the heart of the Islamic religion will be further demonstrated in this holy month
Thank you pic.twitter.com/XZMQoZ0Bst
— Claudia Webbe MP (@ClaudiaWebbe) April 12, 2021
The below video takes a good long while to meander around to the point, and meanders around a good bit when it gets there, but the point is fairly simple: modern progressives in the entertainment industry are pushing stories of “magic” because progressive ideology is basically indistinguishable from magic. Both systems reject cause and effect and assume that the universe will bend to your will simply because you want it to. This is part of why many on the left are opposed to logic, reason, the scientific method.
I’m not opposed to magic in fiction. But I am uncomfortable with fiction that *pushes* magic as some sort of viable world view. Hell, even in the fictional worlds where magic users are the “heroes,” they seem to inevitably be dirtbags:
1) Star Wars universe: the space wizards think *nothing* of using magic to telepathically change peoples minds, to cheat them, to outright steal from them.
2) X-Men universe: in X-Men 2, Professor X freezes a whole mall full of regular people in order to chat with some of his students. Beyond the outrage on these peoples rights to go about their day without being frakked with, who knows what damage this does to them on the neurological level. At least “Logan” pointed out that this sort of thing was, indeed, A Very Bad Thing.
3) The Harry Potter universe: the wizards are *forever* screwing with the minds, senses and memories of regular people. People suffer and die in large numbers and the magic users don’t give a damn.
And magic in fiction is generally *lazy.* Magic works without rules, or at least whatever rules it might have are arcane and mutable. The best stories are those where not only the characters but the *author* are constrained by a strict set of rules (i.e. natural laws). The author and the characters then have to *think* their way to a solution. This might be a solution that the reader can look at and go “why didn’t I think of that” as opposed to “where the hell did that come from?”
And as bad as magic can be in fiction, when it’s applied in the real world it’s simply disastrous, whether it’s psychic surgeons, astrologers or wokies railing against phantom fascists as if they were demons or dementors, with solutions as divorced from reality as a Stalinistic Five Year Plan.
It’s nice when the whackos are open and up front.
He not only advocates for domestic violence (husbands *should* beat their wives in his worldview), but also violence in the workplace.
As the government of Britain actively works to replace the English (and Welsh, and Scottish) culture with something more glitteringly diverse, old, stale notions of criminals receiving trials and punishments that don’t involve hacking bits off are going by the wayside. in their place, exciting new ideas in dealing with criminal activity, ideas that aren’t constrained by cisheterowhitenormativecryptolibertarianpatriarchal concepts like “law and order.”
Man has hand ‘chopped off at the wrist after Whitechapel vigilantes corner him’
Any comments along the lines that summarily chopping off peoples hands in the streets is not a good idea means you are an -ist and a -phobe.
Note that the suspected thief is not from the same community/culture that lopped his hand off (reportedly a Caribbean import was caught trying to rob Bengali imports). So culturally specific responses to crime are not being restricted to members of that culture.
Enoch Intesifies
Twenty years ago today I boarded a van for the irritatingly long ride to work just south of San Jose, CA. The drive mentioned that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. We all figured it was a private plane, with minimal real damage. Before we got to the plant, we heard the first tower fall. Got into the main meeting room just in time to see the second fall. The rest of the day was utter chaos, with rumors running rampant. A truck bomb had gone off in front of the court house in San Francisco. A truck bomb was parked on the Oakland Bridge. A freighter had detonated in the bay. A jetliner was headed directly towards our little ICBM factory. All of these were wrong, of course, but there was no denying, on the trip home that afternoon, that the sky was remarkably clear of contrails.
After World War II, the United States and its allies hunted down every accessible bastion of Nazi ideology and re-educated it from existence; today Nazis exist almost solely within the minds of crazy people. After the Cold War, the United States and its allies did *not* cleanse the world of Communism, and thus we now have commies in the classroom and fellow travelers in the White House. After 9/11, the United States did *nothing* to erase the ideology that led to 9/11. And as a result, it is growing by leaps and bounds with almost no opposition whatsoever.
On that day twenty years ago, there was opposition. It came late; three planes full of people were sacrificed on the altar of believing that hijackings were to be simply waited through. One plane, though, had passengers who learned what was going on and stood up to evil people following an evil ideology. They died on their own terms, which is the best any man can hope for.
This young lady watched “United 93” and reacts to the movie like much of the country did twenty years ago.
Never forget, never forgive. If it helps, listen to the final words of Kevin Cosgrove:
The forthcoming video game “God of War: Ragnarok” features this Scandinavian character:
Uh… huh.
It should be noted that Angrboða was the mate of Loki and the “mother of monsters.” She birthed Fenrir the wolf, the Midgard serpent Jörmungand and Hel, the half-dead ruler of the land of the dead. So… one wonders if this is just straight-up unthinking woke cultural appropriation, or if someone in the background might be doing some counter-programming by making this character the evil mother of evil monsters that sow destruction and devastation.
In exciting news out of Germany…
Afghan man, 29, repeatedly stabs female gardener in the neck in park ‘because he didn’t like the fact she was a working woman’
Yeah, yeah, mental illness, blah, blah, blah. No nation has a duty to harbor the nutjobs from elsewhere. Now that Afghanistan has been taken over by the Taliban, it’s time to start paradropping the “refugees” and “asylum seekers” that have been unwisely welcomed into first-world nations to their detriment. Heck, we can drop in out own native-born whackaloons straight into Kandahar,
This is hidden camera footage of this very fine gentleman, Gabriel Gipe, admitting to his intellectually corrupt and ethically bankrupt philosophies and goals for twisting childrens minds in his role as a teacher in the Inderkum High School in California. But the thing is… he advertises his communist ideology *openly,* with not only Antifa and Maoist propaganda on the walls of his classroom, they are tattooed all over him (not to mention the Hammer & Sickle shirt). He’s even got the INGSOC logo prominently displayed on his arm. “1984” was supposed to be a warning, not a users manual… but here we are, using taxpayer dollars to fund direct indoctrination and intimidation of our school children into the worst ideology to come around in the last thousand years.
Doubtless there’ll be a minor kerfuffle in the Natomas Unifed School District over this, and he might even be invited to explore new career options. but the thing is… he should have not been in that position in the first place. Other heads should roll for putting someone like that in a position like that. Imagine some other teacher hanging up a Confederate flag or a portrait of Hitler, and you get a fraction of the way towards the level of scumbag this guy represents.
But wait! There’s more!!!
There is at least a glimmer of hope, though:
Teacher who says she told kids to pledge to Pride flag removed from California class
“Removed during an investigation” is not quite as good as “fired, and we’ve contacted every other school in the country to warn them that this person has been abusing an untold number of impressionable children, and we’ve instructed all our other teachers and staff that this sort of insane and abusive behavior will not be tolerated.” But it’s at least a start.