Jul 232018

Göbekli Tepe is an archaeological site in Turkey of *vast* interest. The site dates to something like twelve *thousand* years ago, by far the earliest sign of monumental engineering. The culture that erected the stone structures there has been completely lost; it is effectively an alien world, dating from a time when humans ran into cave bears and mammoths and aurochs. It’s virtually like a window into the Hyborian Age.

It will be some decades before the site is fully excavated. But in the mean time, studies of the site – a hill – using ground penetrating radar have shown that the site covers a considerable area. Assuming the Islamic State, the Turkish Government, or some other group of whacked out nutjobs doesn’t trash the place, it should prove to be invaluable.

One interesting and useful website full of information on Göbekli Tepe is:

 Posted by at 2:49 am
Jul 112018

So, all twelve kids were rescued from the cave in Thailand. Huzzah! The story is to be made into a Hollywood movie. Unsurprising! It’s gonna be made by people who have yet to create a movie that’s not terrible. Gah!

Thailand cave rescue to be turned into Hollywood movie

Los Angeles (AFP) – The mission to rescue 12 boys and their soccer coach from a Thai cave is to get the Hollywood treatment in a movie announced by faith-based production house Pure Flix.

Pure Flix. The movie studio that gave the world the “God’s Not Dead” series.

 Posted by at 11:19 pm
Jun 242018

It’s something I’m sure we’ve all seen: someone produces articles or videos or documentaries or whatever on either science or politics that you look at and conclude “well, done, these people know what they’re talking about.” And then they make another piece, covering the *other* topic, and your response is “What the hell happened? You used to be cool.”

Carl Sagan was like that. He’d talk about science, and I was right there with him. Then he’d launch into politics, especially the “let’s disarm in the face of Soviet imperialism” and I had to back off, shaking my head sadly.

On the other side, there are organizations like Prager U that produce some interesting and reasoned videos on the subject of politics. but when they delve into science, *especially* science that dares to cover issues that the Middle Eastern religions claim to have a monopoly on the answers to… well, they get downright embarrassing. Witness:


The short form here: the trained chimp narrating the Prager U video claims that scientists are all a pack of hypocrites because they have replaced a faith in God with a faith in the Multiverse. But as the fella debunking that nonsense points out, scientists do not overwhelmingly believe in the multiverse hypothesis, so much as consider it an intriguing conjecture. It is not used to explain cosmogenesis or biogenesis. The two Famous Big Name Scientists that the narrator name-drops to show that scientists are Faithful Multiverse Believers are easily shown by the debunker to *not* be believers.

If you have to outright lie about the other side in order to make your case, your case isn’t very strong… and you apparently don’t have much faith in it.

It’s something I see way too much of, and it bugs the hell out of me. Michael Medved, for instance, has an interesting politics-based talk show. But I gotta change the channel when he brings on one of those professional BS artists from the “Discovery Institute” to talk about the latest claims about how they have successfully misinterpreted some snippet of data to back up their claim that evolution is a hoax. I *used* to like Glenn Beck politically, but dropped him like a hot rock when he started to turn into Reverend Glenn. Especially grating were the commercials that ran on his show in the local (Salt Lake City) market some years ago touting some conferences or other that claimed – based on religious claims – that 2500 or so years ago there was a massive iron-age culture in North America derived from a lost tribe of Israel. It was basically Ancient Aliens but with “I bet the Jews did this” instead of “I’m not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.”

Sadly, this weird-ass mix of good politics and crackpot science is all too common, not only in reality but also in perception. And it need not be so:

And of course, there’s The Other Side. The side that gets all the politics wrong, and claims to be the side of Good Science. And yet they are generally opposed to not only nuclear power, but are often enough coming out against actual space exploration/colonization/exploitation. So screw them too.


 Posted by at 4:33 pm
Jun 212018

Sometimes, people get what they want:

Story 1: People wanted less “police violence:”

Park ravaged by drugs, hookers and muggings after infamous police killing

Eric Garner died in police custody after a tussle across the street from Tomkinville Park. Locals got all protesty, so now…

“Guys are not going to risk their jobs anymore,” said one high-ranking law enforcement source familiar with the precinct. “We’ll just let you have that area.”

Locals now are referring to the area as a “war zone.”


Story 2: People wanted Sweden to get more culturally diverse. Huzzah!

Message: No more Bråvalla

Which is the Google Translate version of:

Beskedet: Inget mer Bråvalla

In short: Swedens largest music festival has been cancelled because it has become a hotbed of “cultural enrichment” in the form of “migrants” raping the locals.

Congrats! The migrants are enriching the local culture right out of existence!

 Posted by at 11:41 pm
Jun 212018

Chris Pratt seems like an entertaining guy. It’s always unwise to try to gauge the quality of an actor as a *person* based on the roles they choose. Many actors who played appealing characters turned out to be utter scumbags… sexual dirtbags, spouse abusers, Hillary supporters, thieves, alcoholics, bad parents, you name it. Still, Christ Pratt *seems* like he might be a good guy.

But then this video came out. After what he says here, you gotta wonder if his Hollywood career can possibly survive. It’s not like he announced “I support Trump and think he’s doing great,” but it’s not far off.


And because it’s funny:



 Posted by at 9:45 pm
Jun 082018

Two stories linked by one thread: foreigners causing trouble and raising a ruckus. But the the two stories have very different end results: in one, the locals say “STFU and GTFO,” in the other, they bend the knee.

Amazon Lets Muslim Workers Put Ramadan Before Prime Day

Short form: about 1,000 Somalis at an Amazon warehouse in Minnesota demand special prayer rooms (that I bet other employees don’t get to use), they demand reduced workload for an entire month (that I bet the other employees will be tasked with picking up) and they demand time off for their own celebrations (which everyone else will doubtless work through). That’s all well and good, but I didn’t see anything in the article about these workers pay being docked to pay for the special facilities or for their slacking off.

And now for something completely different:

Austria to shut seven ‘political’ mosques and expel imams

Short form: the imams in question have been preaching violence and the overthrow of Austrian culture; the mosques are foreign-funded and have been implicated in radicalization.

“Parallel societies, political Islam and radicalisation tendencies have no place in our country,” said Chancellor Kurz on Friday.


 Posted by at 8:02 pm
Jun 052018

Here we go again:

Armed member of ‘Pfleger’s security’ arrested outside his church

“Pfleger” here is “Reverend Michael Pfleger.” A preacher having an armed guard… shrug. Jesus his own self suggested to one of his people that if he didn’t have a sword, to sell his cloak and go buy one, so a preacher having defensive capability isn’t anti-Christian doctrine. Especially when you consider that Pfleger works in Chicago, a town that has been run by anti-gun tyrants for so long that the average person basically hasn’t been able to procure defensive weapons, and thus Chicago has become a place loaded with armed *criminals.* But if you do not recognize Pfleger, he was somewhat notorious a decade or so ago, being a pal with racist Reverence Jeremiah Wright. Since then he has made a name for himself as – wait for it – an anti-gun fanatical demagogue, going so far as to threaten the owner of a gun shop.

And now, wonder of wonders, one of his armed guards has been arrested not only for having an illegal gun, but for not having a FOID (Firearms Owners ID) card. Illinois, unsurprisingly for a state so badly and corruptly run, requires citizens to have a special state-issued card before they are allowed to exercise their basic rights. It’s good and proper for citizens to arm themselves regardless of what power-mad bureaucrats might have to say on the subject… but if you are yourself a power-mad anti-gun nut, maybe you aught to make sure that the guys you hire to stand around you and arm themselves with guns to protect you from the people you want to disarm are at least following the laws. so they don’t get arrested and make a public spectacle of your hypocrisy.

 Posted by at 7:41 pm
Jun 042018

Supreme Court rules for Colorado baker in same-sex wedding cake case

The baker had declined to make a cake with an over message on it that the baker had a religious problem with. Rather than simply going to another baker, the plaintiffs instead took this all the way to the Supreme Court, in order to set a precedent that business owners do not have the right to decline to produce products that they personally disagree with. Sadly, while the baker won this case in the end, the ruling was so narrow as to not set any sort of precedent whatsoever. The Supreme Court’s conclusion wasn’t that an artist or artisan can decline to produce something that offends them, it was that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission had gone overboard in its antipathy towards religious beliefs in *their* ruling that cake bakers do not have First Amendment protections.

This whole thing could have been avoided via one or both of two means:

1) When the couple found that the bakers didn’t want to bake them a cake with a specific message on it, they could have easily gone to another baker who would have gladly taken their business

2) The baker could have operated under this simple business ethic: “Mask your contempt and take their money.” Smile – or don’t – do the job, cash the check, move on with life. Simple. If ya really gotta, write a Bible verse or something between the layers of the cake. If ya *really* gotta, while taking the order, express your objections while writing down the order; if they persist, once you deliver the cake, smile evilly and drop hints that you added “a little something extra” to the cake, that extra being the text between the layers. Under no circumstances add anything evil to the cake… but don’t tell them just what it was you did add. This sort of thing can apply to any sort of religiously or politically offensive cake-message that a baker is being pressured to make. Nazis want a cake for Hitlers birthday? Great. Enjoy the added flavor of the Star of David frosting in the middle. Democratic party having a party? Yum, there’s a chocolate AR-15 drawn within. And so on.

 Posted by at 11:22 am