May 042019

An Alabama “ISIS Bride” Wants To Come Home. Can We Forgive Her Horrifying Social Media Posts?

I see no good reason to let this person back into the US. She left to give aid and comfort to the enemy; she burned her passport and called for the death of American civilians. I say she has two options:

1) Get comfortable in ISIS-land

2) Go to Mecca and loudly proclaim on live television that her political and religious beliefs were all wrong and to beg Ahura Mazda for forgiveness. She may then seek provisional asylum in the US… assuming she makes it here.

 Posted by at 5:57 pm
May 012019

Gentlemen, behold: grievance studies experts hold court on human exploration of Mars. It is every bit as awful as you might imagine. The banality of evil is on full display as they demonstrate their willingness and desire to kneecap humanity by demanding that space flight take into consideration their intersectioncl BS. if you watch nothing else here, make sure to check out the end when an audience member finally puts to the panel the obvious question: what exactly are the characteristics you want from the first generation of people sent to colonize Mars?

These idiots actually think the useless garbage they’ve decided to focus their lives around will actually survive first contact with the vacuum of space.

 Posted by at 7:28 pm
Apr 292019

The man who terrified synagogue shooter – and ended the attack

The rampage finally ended when Stewart charged the gunman, screaming so loud witnesses say it sounded like a “chorus of four or five men” – a sound so loud a priest at a nearby church heard it. A former army staff sergeant, Stewart served in the US Navy from 1990 to 1994, then enlisted in the Army after the September 11th attacks in 2001, and served in Iraq in 2003.

According to The Daily Caller, which spoke with Stewart and his wife, Stewart rushed the gunman, threatening to kill him.

“Get down!” Stewart screamed. “I’m going to kill you!”

Stewart says he “scared the hell” out of the shooter, forcing him to flee.

“I knew I had to be within five feet of this guy so his rifle couldn’t get to me. So I ran immediately toward him, and I yelled as loud as I could. And he was scared. I scared the hell out of him.”

Here’s the great irony: the genetic defective who thought it was a neato-keen idea to kill a bunch of Jews for the greater glory of the white race was chased away like a little b!tch by a Jewish feller who was a *far* better berserker than he would ever be.


Stewart said he chased him all the way out to his car and began pounding on it — the shooter had managed to lock himself in. When Stewart saw him reach for a rifle, he punched the side of the car as hard as he could, intending to figure out a way to drag him out of the car. That’s when a Border Patrol agent who attends the synagogue came running out to the parking lot, yelling for Stewart to get down because he had a gun.

Stewart says this man may have saved his life and pointed to his use of a civilian’s gun as evidence that gun control isn’t the answer to these kinds of tragedies. Stewart was off-duty and was apparently handed the weapon by someone else on the scene.

Now… here’s hoping it doesn’t turn out that this guy is making this story up. In the era of Hillary dodging sniper fire and Smollett and whatever Trump is on about today, ya gotta have some skepticism regarding any tales that don’t come equipped with video evidence.


 Posted by at 12:40 pm
Apr 282019

A little while back the most vacuous of the current crop of congresscritters engaged in some fantasy role-play where she pretended to be a future version of herself extolling the virtues of the world accepting and enacting her Green New Deal policies. Even without the most basic surface understanding of just how nutty her ideas are, it was painful to watch as any “the world will come to understand and celebrate my greatness” self-congratulatory piece of self-insertion sci-fi literature would be.

But then you actually analyze the details and, man, this thing is stooooopid.

 Posted by at 5:59 pm
Apr 282019

So we had a whackaloon shoot up a synagogue in California. In this case we have an orgy of evidence about the shooter in the synagogue because the guy, in the finest tradition of true whackaloons, left a friggen manifesto. You can read it HERE. It’s not very long, but great googaly moogaly is it jam-packed full of Jew-hating crazy. It reads like the sort of unhinged monologue that a poorly-written movie Klansman would screech to his three inbred followers.

A few things can be gleaned from it. First, there’s a level of antisemitism there that is hard to fathom where it even came from. It had to have been building for a good long while. But it seems that the motivation for doing this came about recently… specifically, the Christchurch New Zealand mosque shootapalooza. This guy calls it out specifically as an inspiration, while also throwing in a bunch of video game and even PewDiePie references. He’s clearly a fanboy of the Christchurch shooter. Would he have gone after the synagogue had it not been for NZ? Hard to say, but this level of crazy must have been around for a good long while. Chances are that he would have snapped at some point, but it’s clear that Christchurch was the thing that got him moving. It has long been suggested that a big part of the cause of the modern school/mass shooting “epidemic” is crackpots seeing the news coverage that others get and becoming infected with a copycat virus. It seems that this is another data point.

In the modern lunatic manifesto tradition, it has a “question and answer” section. Seems he’s not a fan of either Trump or conservatives, though you know that both of those groups will be tarred by this guys actions. He’s a European, which he takes great pains to repeatedly go on about, and he’s quite vocal about his Christianity… which I bet will irritate the hell out of a whole lot of Christians who seem to think that that Jesus feller might have looked a little askance on someone trying to massacre Jews.

 Posted by at 3:29 am
Apr 232019

The 20th anniversary of the Columbine high school massacre in Littleton, Colorado, was a few days ago. When it happened, I worked in Lakewood, Colorado, ten or fifteen miles up the road; as memory serves productivity that day kinda ground to a halt as we listened to events on the radio. But then, productivity was never really all that good at that place on days when the boss was in the office, since he made it kind of a “toxic” environment (i.e. he was a dick).

Columbine was perhaps the first of the “modern” mass shootings in America. It seemed novel at the time, but would seem kinda meh today. This is not due to the availability of firearms, which have *always* been available, but more likely due to the media. Prior to Columbine, the internet barely existed and the 24-hour news cycle was still relatively new and novel; if an event like this had occurred a decade earlier, it would have gotten coverage on the evening news and the next days paper, and that would have been about it. But in 1999, CNN was all over this, 24/7. So it became fodder for other messed-up whackaloons.

Sadly, the events of Columbine have generated a wide-ranging set of factually inaccurate mythologies, including just what kind of people the shooters were, what their motives were, what their actual plan was (bombings, not shootings.. the guns were just backup), and rather bizarrely, the existence and religious importance of “martyrs.” The video below, by the always interesting “Ask A Mortician” channel, covers a lot of these myths… and continues to trot some of them out in the process, such as blaming the ready availability of “high power guns” for the incident. The guns actually used were shotguns and nine millimeters (and cheap, crappy ones at that), not a rifle in the bunch; and as the prior Oklahoma City Bombing and the Sri Lankan Church bombings from a few days ago show, if you really want to rack up the bodycount, you use bombs, not guns. Had those behind Columbine actually been competent bomb makers (and they weren’t), the body count would have been far, far higher.

Many myths persist because they are useful to someone. The martyrdom story helped a family grieve, and helped a *lot* of people make bank. Blaming this on guns helps those who wish to disarm and enfeeble the citizenry. Blaming this on certain musicians or video games helps those who don’t like certain musicians or video games. Other myths are errors that persist, I guess, because they sound good: these guys were goths (they weren’t), or cheesed off at being incels (the leader of the two was apparently quite the ladies man), or were part of the “trenchcoat mafia” (they weren’t… and BTW I had *just* bought a $200 leather trenchcoat myself that I wound up almost never wearing again because of this).


 Posted by at 10:15 am
Apr 172019

Two things:

Israeli flight attendant in coma after getting measles

The 43-year-old woman has been in a deep coma for ten days, has encephalitis and cannot breath on her own. Keep that in mind the next time some anti-vaxxer moron tells you that measles is just some harmless childhood disease.

It is believed that the woman was vaccinated as a child. The vaccine is about 93% effective, and that should have been perfectly sufficient if we lived in a world where everyone was vaccinated: soon, like smallpox, there’d be nowhere left for the virus to hang out and soon, like smallpox, it would disappear into the pages of medical history books. Instead, anti-vaxers have given the disease fertile new ground to not only continue in, but to mutate in.

But wait, there’s more:

Scientists Restore Some Function In The Brains Of Dead Pigs

“Dead” as in “killed and butchered FOUR HOURS earlier;” “some function” as in “no sign of consciousness.” But also noted that some of the drugs used in the treatment inhibit cellular functions of consciousness, so…

Prior to this, true death for warm mammals meant you had maybe four or five minutes before brain death set in and then….thppblt, that’s it, brain’s kaput. After this… well, I bet that even if they did everything they could to bring that four-hour-old brain back to life it’d be a vegetable at best (turning bacon into a vegetable? Heresy!).

Bioethecists are going to go bugnuts over this. There were *no* ethical issues about the studies being done, because there are no ethical concerns about animal welfare and experimentation when the animal is well and truly dead in the first place. This process not only beheaded the pigs, but extracted the brains from the skulls and resulted in the classic Brain In A Jar, ready to be whisked off to Yuggoth. And What If they could actually restore a brain to consciousness, but they had to de-skullinate it first? Bleah.

The true test would be a brain intact in the body… and a human brain at that. Someone, say, dies of a heart attack and it takes an hour to get them to the hospital. Hook up the tubes, flush the system and hit the big red REBOOT button. Will you get Grampa back… or will it be one of those “sometimes, dead is better” things and he comes back as a mindless/soulless ghoul hungry for human flesh? Hell, what would be the religious implications? People have difficulty enough with those who’s hearts stop for a moment but the brain never quite dies, meaning that the person was never truly dead. But someone dies deader’n disco due to getting shot in the heart with a .44 and they’re cold on a slab for a few hours, then they’re brought back? Oh, yeah, people will freak the frak out.

 Posted by at 8:43 pm
Apr 152019

As is doubtless news to nobody at this point the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris caught fire earlier today and is, as I type this, still burning. From the looks of it, the cathedral looks like it will end up being a virtual total loss; the main spire has collapsed and the entire wooden structure is likely to end up as ash, with the stonework fire damaged and likely to at least partly tumble. The artworks and relics inside are likely gone.

‘Everything is burning, nothing will remain’: Famed Notre Dame cathedral ablaze in Paris

I am not a religious person; certainly not a Catholic. Still, there ain’t nothin’ funny about this. Nothing culturally or economically useful to be gained by burning this 800-year old cathedral to the ground. This is just *bad.* When the Big Butter Jesus caught a lightningbolt from Thor and burned to it’s steel structure, leaving only the Terminator Jesus endoskeleton? Sorry, that sh!t was damned funny… because it was cheap, tacky, recent and easily replaced. The Notre Dame cathedral was a monument to the heights that man can aspire to and achieve even when mired in the muck and superstition of  medieval Europe.

In all probability the fire was the result of the restoration work being done on it. A grinder or a welder shedding sparks, an electrical arc, spilled paint thinner, oily rags… there are a *lot* of possibilities. Doubtless an investigation will nail it down, though it’s entirely possible that some worker right now *knows* exactly what happened. And he *knows* that he’s responsible. Imagine having that on you conscience, especially if the feller is a Parisian Catholic. Yeesh.

As for turning this tragedy into a political screed, I’ll hold off on that and leave it to, of all people, German Chancellor Angela Merkel who has said that the cathedral was a “symbol of France and our European culture.” An ancient  construct of surpassing beauty and genius, the envy of the world, taken for granted, inadequately cared for and finally burned to the ground: yup, that’s a good symbol of European culture.


 Posted by at 3:46 pm
Apr 092019


Pluto and the Young Solar System

The outer solar system continues to confirm the biblical timescale. When the New Horizons spacecraft flew past the Pluto system in July 2015, its findings challenged secular expectations. In the standard old-universe model, Pluto formed about 4.5 billion years ago. Yet, New Horizons found evidence of a geologically “youthful” surface for both Pluto and its largest moon Charon. A recent study examining the sparse cratering on these worlds provides even additional evidence of their biblical age of a few thousand years.

This from the “Biblical Science Institute.” The basic claim is that since Pluto is relatively uncratered compared to what a geologically inactive solid rock aught to be, then clearly it’s actually brand-spankin’ new, only a few thousand years off of the assembly line. The fact that the surface of Pluto is composed of solidified gases that only need to be warmed *slightly* to become *actual* gases, and that it is in exceedingly close orbit with the very similarly sized moon Charon, driving tidal pumping of the interior of the world thus generating internal heat… why, that’s no never mind to these geniuses.

Is it any wonder that people don’t vaccinate their children, try to raise their cats as vegans, believe the Earth is flat?

 Posted by at 5:35 pm