Dec 172019

Oh My God.

I dare you to make objective engineering sense out of this malodorous steaming pile of leftist ᛒᚢᛚᛚᚲᚱᚨᛈ :

“Another student is concerned with how ableism undergirds all kinds of Learning Management Systems, pointing out how the design logics behind these learning platforms are inequitable”

“OMG! One of the other students just asked: “how could these platforms also integrate translanguaging in order to, for example, integrate indigenous languages?” “

“Using dis/crit the third student asks: what teaching and learning would be like for students with dis/abilities if learning environments would provide and value different ways of knowing, and what how do we support teachers? “Nothing *about* us *without* us!””

“A fourth student builds on the work by and Lorrie Shepard to ask what more just and equitable systems of student-centered assessments look like that disrupt the teacher-student power hierarchy”

“The fifth student is concerned with decolonizing a K-5 outdoor curriculum, understanding their positionality as a settler and partnering with local Native communities”

“The final student (who’s also a secondary science PST) asks us to reconsider the “humanizing” v “dehumanizing” binary through multiple critical lenses, and is designing an ecology unit that prefigure new forms of culture-nature phenomena and relations”




One can only hope that at least a few of the students cranking out this useless gibberish are simply feeding a few appropriate buzzwords into a gibberish generator and are laughing themselves fuzzy out of the sight of the “educator” who is taking their money whole providing them no aid in becoming actual STEM majors.

This being twitter, there is at least some valid snark:

And for the win:

And from this minor gravity well’s Twitter feed comes this graphic representation of madness:

This guy’s Twitter feed is astonishing in it’s banal evilness, using randomized word salad to bastardize science education into a stew of useless feel-good decay and filth. This guy is to STEM education what boils and sores are to healthy skin.

I love the way the student is able to navigate the desire to know and the desire to respect and value the life of the Taro plant. Often times we don’t stop to think about the consequences of knowing coming to know; we should also think about when to know and why

Also, Django paris’s framework of Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies foreground the dynamic aspect of culture and warn precisely against pedagogies rooted in stereotypes and essentializing communities

We need to create translanguaging spaces for students to use linguistics resources that we don’t share (e.g., Arabic, Tagalog). Equitable science learning environments must invite, value, and leverage their languages, and we must figure out how to get there

That’s why I look up to and her work on (what I’m calling) semiotic solidarity: I may not understand what you’re saying, but I will support you in using that language in order to make this a brave learning environment for yourself and your ideas

Translanguaging spaces. Translanguaging spaces.



Stalin and Orwell nod sagely.



 Posted by at 12:59 pm
Dec 122019

All evidence points to this being a real game:

From the link where you can pre-order the game:

Become Jesus Christ, the famous man on Earth – in this highly realistic simulation game. Pray like Him for getting superpower, perform famous miracles like Him from Bible like casting demons, healing and feeding people, resurrection and more in “I am Jesus Christ”.


Yes, the company does seem to be for real; their Steam page lists quite a sizable number of games. Whether they are any good, I can’t say; they seem to be rather… uh, niche interest sort of games. “Thief Simulator,” “Plane Mechanic Simulator,” “Cooking Simulator,” “Ultimate Fishing Simulator,” “House Flipper,” so on. Sounds about like the “Progressive Park” of video games, but to each their own. That said, there are some good comments on YouTube:

the lag in this game is really bad though. takes 3 days just to respawn
You had me at “Realistic Fight with Satan”. Day one.
Spoiler: The first 30 years of gameplay are all Carpentry Simulator
The sequel I Am Mohammed should get some interesting reviews



 Posted by at 8:00 pm
Dec 112019

Jersey City shooting suspects were lovers who lived in a van

So, these two lovely folks decided it was a perfectly cromulent exercise to go and shoot up a Jewish grocery store. They killed three, including a cop, before they caught some bullets themselves. Additionally, they’d apparently previously killed an Uber driver. And who were they? What made them decide to go kill them some Jews?

David Anderson was described by law enforcement sources on Wednesday as a follower of the Black Hebrew Israelites, and he introduced girlfriend and accomplice Francine Graham to their beliefs,

These are people who believe that black folk are the true Hebrews, and that all the other Jews are just evil white colonist cultural appropriators. If you think you’ve heard of the Black Hebrew Israelities before… congrats! You almost certainly have. You could have heard of them many places, but one standout is that these jackholes were the ones standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial in January of this year. Their loud, insane, inane racist shriekings are what set off the Covington Blood Libel. Note that even at this late date, the New York Post article *still* lays some of the blame at the feet of the Covington kids while letting the aggressor who banged a drum in a little kids ear entirely off the hook and portrays him as a hero rather than a minor villain.

The Black Hebrew Israelites, who are not a part of mainstream Judaism, believe that white people are agents of Satan, Jews are liars and false worshippers of God, and black people are the true “chosen people” of the Bible, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The Southern Poverty Law Center lists various branches of the movement among the country’s black nationalist hate groups, most of which it says are “strongly anti-white and anti-Semitic.”

You know you’re special when the SPLC decides that your anti-white rhetoric and beliefs might be a bit beyond the pale.

Once again it should prove interesting and entertaining to see how this terrorist action compares in the media to others with reversed color values.

 Posted by at 8:16 pm
Dec 012019

Real Men will wield narwhal tusks:

When Usman Khan decided to help enrich the culture of London by using Knives Of Peace, a Polish chef named Łukasz pulled  a tusk off the wall of “Fishmongers Hall” and decided to enstabulate Khn with it. Another Londoner hosed Khan down with a fire extinguisher.

Khan, as it turns out, was an interesting fellow. Here’s a photo of him (far left) and his fellow Bo-lu from 2012 when he was jailed for a plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange:

A few questions immediately spring to mind:

1: If he was convicted of an an attempted terrorist bombing less than a decade ago, what the frak was he doing out and about? Answer: there was a maximum sentence permitted under British law, and he was set free.

2: Why the frak was he still in Britain, rather than deported back to Caprona? Answer: he was apparently a British citizen, born and bred there. As English as the Queen, eh wot.

Might be a few lessons there.

 Posted by at 4:27 pm
Nov 142019

As a followup to this

US-born ‘ISIS bride’ Hoda Muthana isn’t an American citizen and can’t come back, judge rules

Turns out that her father, a Yemeni diplomat, had diplomatic immunity at the time she was born in the US. And “if you’re born here, you’re a USA citizen” does NOT apply to the children of foreign diplomats, for reasons that should seem both good and proper. As a result, when she left the US to provide aid and comfort to enemy cultists, burning her US passport in the process, she tossed away her chance to live in the US.

Have fun in the utopia you chose, darlin’.

 Posted by at 3:13 pm
Nov 092019

U.S.-born ISIS bride says ‘everyone deserves a second chance’

An American-born woman who once urged jihadists in America to “go on drivebys, and spill all of their blood,” says she “regrets every single thing” and believes she should be given the option to return to the United States with her young son.

Nope. She’s a US citizen, but I’d argue that intentionally going abroad to provide aid and comfort and babies to the enemy, while advocating that acts of murder be carried out on the streets of the US, is prima facia evidence of “no longer a US citizen.”

Buh bye, beeyotch.


 Posted by at 8:45 am
Nov 032019

Well, the audio here should just about satisfy your monthly required dosage of Teh Dum. Short form: a university professor arguing that space doesn’t exist because he’s never been there, and that the only reason why people say that it does is because Evil White People, and that the fact that there are black astronauts who have claimed to actually go to space only means that they are participating in whiteness. Oh, and that trusting someone else’s experience about something you’ve never actually experience is “colonialism.”

And it gets better: the students try to make the argument that the proper thing to do is eliminate all the white people… by shooting them into space, which the professor argues does not exist.

Interestingly, as stupid as these people clearly are, there’s an interesting basis for a sci-fi future buried in there. Hmmm…




 Posted by at 8:30 am