
Mar 022016

Language, people:

Scientists Are Still Arguing About That Chopra Bullshit Study

The “study” mentioned in the post linked above is the amazingly titled “Reception and Detection of Pseudo-Profound Bullshit.” The study in question showed that many people were not able to differentiate computer-generated gibberish from actual Deepak Chopra tweets (such as “Attention and intention are the mechanics of
manifestation.”). The compu-babbler was programmed to spit out grammatically correct, but logically vacuous, statements; they were designed to seem “profound” but were, instead, what the authors describe as “bullshit.”

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the study found that the less skeptical a person was (short form: the more religious, superstitious or accepting of “alternate medicine” and the like), the more likely they were to find the gibberish to be “profound.”

The authors of the original study tried to determine just what it was about some people that they would see nonsense as “deep,” what they called “bullshit receptivity.”

The point of the Gizmodo article linked above is that there are those who take issue with the original studies methodology. In short, the argument  is that not all statements that are devoid of logic yet seem to be profound are in fact bullshit. Zen koans are given as examples of logically-lacking statements that still inspire “meaning” (“what is the sound of one hand clapping,” that sort of thing). But the response to *that* is… just because you get a sense of meaning out of something doesn’t mean it’s not still pure bullshit. If a statement can be analyzed objectively and is found lacking… well, there ya go.

This sort of thing seems to be what keeps a lot of philosophy majors busy, but engineers, scientists, mathematicians have a different take on it. Engineers *have* to. A statement that talks but says nothing might give you a warm fuzzy, but it doesn’t tell you where to drill the hole.

I suspect there’s a lot more to “bullshit receptivity” variability levels than purely education or major. Because I’ve known well-educated successful engineers who nevertheless glom onto statements that mean absolutely *nothing* to me.  The words don’t even make sense together, yet to them, they are of vital importance. I’ve seen people go into a state not far from ecstasy when contemplating the phrase “I am.” I’ve seen people lose their damned minds when they hear or say “He is risen!” This latter one always flummoxes me. I know what it means, I know what it refers to (Jesus woke up and wandered off after being crucified), but the reaction to the statement just doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense. Why so excited? You’ve heard it before. You’ve heard it all your life; the religion has been yapping on about it for going on two thousand years now. So why is it so exciting the bajillionth time you hear it? Then there’s the newage nonsense about “energy fields” and “vortexes” and whatnot. What do these even *mean?* Sure, a lot of the people spouting this are just makin’ it up as part of the scam. But the scam wouldn’t work if so many people didn’t believe it. And then there’s just about all of modern political “thought,” especially Marxist-based claptrap that loves the long drawn out nonsensical rhetoric that throws out a whole bunch of words that, taken as a whole, don’t mean a whole lot. Virtually everything written about “critical race theory” and the like is just so much word salad.

I often wonder if there might be not a spectrum of acceptance of bullshit, but sometimes a gulf. Because while I’m sure there’s some utter bullshit that I’ll see and nod my head at, there is a *lot* of it that makes me think I’m seeing an alien language being employed. A language that has taken words from English and then completely revised the meaning of the words to mean something entirely different from what I understand them to mean.

 Posted by at 5:10 pm
Mar 022016

A  Star Trek convention held in Denver in 1976. A lot of this sure looks familiar… the same sense of nerd-comraderie, similar sorts of cosplay, etc. But… DAYum, the reporter is just *painful* to watch (note: this is not TV news, but instead Just Some Guy with a Super 8 camera and a microphone… think *really* early cameraphones & selfies).

And because this blog is all about the anti-PC… the young lady done up as a Vulcan? Doin’ it right.

And because Why The Hell Not, here is a 1977 Shatner-narrated documentary about ancient alien astronauts and suchforth. Seems like every 20 years this humbug comes back… people going buggo for flying saucers in the 50’s, van Dannikens BS (and a *whole* lot of other BS) in the 70’s, Area 51/Roswell in the 90’s, Ancient Aliens and the mere existence of a Donald Trump candidacy in the 2010’s.

 Posted by at 1:00 pm
Mar 012016

It seems we might have all been a bit wrong about Germany willingly turning itself over to the colonists. They might not have built walls or sent in the troops… but they sent in the bureaucrats, and that seems to be getting the job done.

Refugees buying one-way tickets home after finding Germany intolerable

Seems a lot of them were sold a bill of goods by the people they paid to transport them to Germany. Many seemed to believe that in Germany they’d live a carefree, easy life, filled with free houses and free everything else. Which is never going to happen *anywhere,* no matter how  vast the welfare state.

Now, here’s the thing. The article, by the quotes it includes, is generally of the “aw, isn’t this sad for these poor folks” type. But… these people left war zones, supposedly as refugees. Because their homes were just so dangerous they just couldn’t stay there. But many are going back because Germany didn’t make with the freebies like they were expecting. This indicates that these folks *weren’t* actually war refugees, but just mooches looking to score free stuff. Consider: if a bunch of Eastern European Jews showed up in NYC in 1944 and found that the US would let them in, but would provide *nothing* for them… how many do you think would say “screw it” and hop the next boat back to Warsaw?

 Posted by at 11:45 pm
Mar 012016

So, here’s a video of a Boston Dynamics “Spot” robot (human controlled, *not* autonomous) interacting with an actual dog. One thing that’s immediately obvious… regardless of how impressive an engineering achievement Spot is, that dog can run circles around it.

Now, I don;t know from dogs. Some people are saying that this is a confused, disturbed or angry dog, challenging the robot to a fight; others suggest that this is a dog trying to get the robot to play with it. I dunno. Now, if in a year or three Boston Dynamics scales Spot down to cat size and has it interact with a cat, I foresee one of two probable outcomes:

  1. The cat just ignores the robot and goes back to sleep
  2. The cat arches its back, hisses, freaks out and runs away

I just don’t see cats ever looking at robots like this as playpals.



 Posted by at 4:39 pm
Feb 292016

So, science fiction author Nick Cole wrote a book about a robot uprising with the goal of wiping out mankind. It is, by this point, an old and tired cliche, so he decided to put some thought into *why* the robots would want to destroy mankind. And his idea is actually fairly interesting.

It’s a little ways into the future. One of the most popular shows on TV is an entirely believable idea… a “bridezilla” show that wallows in venal hedonistic BS and materialism. The bride-to-be has a pre-marriage hookup that ends up with her getting pregnant; since being pregnant during the wedding and honeymoon would e an inconvenience, she decides to have an abortion. While the show is playing, the AI’s are watching. They realize that humans are lame enough to kill their own offspring for the purposes of convenience… which realization disturbs the AI, and leads them to decides that rather than waiting for mankind to abort *them,* they’ll strike first.

It’s an interesting take.

And if the author is to be believed, it was a sufficiently non-“Progressive” notion that his book contract was cancelled.

Banned by the Publisher

 Posted by at 6:11 pm
Feb 292016

Woman Carrying Child’s Severed Head Arrested in Moscow

Not just any woman, but the childs nanny; not just carrying the head around, but apparently she was the one who chopped it off in the first place; not just carrying it around silently, but apparently she was shouting – wait for it, you’ll never guess – “Allahu Ackbar.” She was wearing a hijab while doing all this. Hmm. I wonder if there might have been any warning signs in advance of all this that the family might have used to say “You know, maybe we shouldn’t hire *this* particular nanny…”

The video below, censor-blurred to obscure the childs severed head, shows Jihadi Poppins wandering around in front of a KFC shouting that she’s a terrorist and that she’ll blow herself up.

English-language Russian news coverage:

 Posted by at 10:36 am