
Mar 072016

This looks interesting… the entire movie is shot in first person. There’s a bit more shakeycam than seems strictly necessary, so I imagine there’ll be some people who’ll need Dramamine to get through this flick.



 Posted by at 9:20 pm
Mar 072016

Project Horizon was a late 1950’s US Army study for a military lunar base. It’s hardly a secret at this point… it has been written about for decades, and several volumes of the report have been available online as generally “meh”-quality PDFs for years. Still, as well known as Horizon is to the space-history community, I imagine it’s pretty much unknown to the general population. So imagine my modest surprise when I halfway caught a commercial for a special on Project Horizon to air tomorrow (Tuesday) night on the Science Channel, on an episode of “NASA’s Unexplained Files.”

From the bit I caught, it seems like the show will probably slant the story not as “hey, look as this neato-wacky concept the Army looked at sixty years ago,” but more as “what is the Army hiding on the moon, look, BEHOLD, for we have found Secret Plans.” In general this would be a turnoff, but it’s not like Horizon gets a lot of press. And from the brief glimpse, it *looks* like someone got hold of Project Horizon color artwork. So this might be one of those things where the show is spectacular if you simply put the sound on “mute.” Consequently, it might be worth digitally recording if anyone has the ability. And who knows… *maybe* they’ll actually produce something new, or give hints as to where a complete original *color* version of the reports might be found.

UPDATE: Bleurrrrgh. Good and shallow, added nothing new. The color artwork shown is *modern* lunar base artwork, from the 90’s or later.

 Posted by at 12:00 pm
Mar 052016

Last episode of “Mythbusters” just aired. While a whole lot of the show was simply blowing stuff up (not that there’s anything wrong with that), a good fraction of it was actually pretty good at presenting a skeptical approach to commonly held beliefs – and then blowing them up.

In a world of innumerable crap shows about horrible vacuous celebrities, or brain damaged “paranormal investigators,” or inbred “bigfoot hunters” or insane gibberers about “ancient aliens,” “Mythbusters” was a bit of a rarity… a show about the scientific method and skepticism.

It seems to me that there are two kinds of science shows on television:

  1. Shows like “Cosmos” and “How The Universe Works,” which show, well, how the universe works, generally describing Big Things that your average viewer probably didn’t know too much about (black holes, atomic structure, cosmology, etc.)
  2. Shows like “Mythbusters” (and “Bullshit!” and “Adam Ruins Everything”) that deal with the everyday… and shows that What You Know May be Wrong.

The former type of show is reasonably well represented. In general, that type gets through an hour of television by just telling you how it is, and generally fairly uncontroversially. The second type of show, however, is a much rarer thing, and it is by definition controversial… because it tells a lot of people that their beliefs are *wrong.* In the case of Mythbusters, those beliefs were usually pretty shallowly believed… stuff people saw on the internet, or other such urban legends. But shows the “The Truth Behind” and “Bullshit!” dealt with a lot of stuff that your average newage aficionados took greatly to heart, and “Bullshit!” and “Adam Ruins Everything” dealt with a lot of things that people take as received political truth. And given how entertaining these shows have been, their rarity can’t be due to low ratings… and it’s not like they’re likely all that expensive. I imagine  it’s the sheer skeptical nature of the shows that make them unpopular with certain groups… including studio heads and the like.

So, now that Mythbusters is gone… what’s left? “Bullshit!” is long gone. “The Truth Behind” was only a few episodes. Season One of “Adam Ruins Everything” ended some months ago; season two won’t start until August 2016. TV seems kinda empty, abandoned to the “monster hunters.” So… what we got?

 Posted by at 8:05 pm
Mar 052016

I managed to finagle a complete full-color scan of an original copy of Eugen Sanger’s 1944 report, Uber einen Raketenantrieb fur Fernbomber (A Rocket Drive for Long Range Bombers). A “meh” quality B&W PDF of an English-language translation of the report has been available online for a while, but it seems to me that the world needs a proper high-rez version of the original, in color where appropriate.

One of the pages I’ve cleaned up from the new scan shows the statistical damage potential if New York City was regularly targeted by a very large number of bombs. This image, at least a black-and-white English-translated version, several generations removed from the original, is reasonably well-known and commonly reproduced… and as described a few years back, is generally described wrong.

Sanger (1) S2 (101)

 Posted by at 6:03 pm
Mar 042016

A bit over a year ago I asked if anyone knew of a larger version of a tiny image of early nuke RV’s that I found online. I finally found a much better version, and because I’m a hell of a guy, here it is:

feb-29-60-missilesrockets6196unse_0452 feb-29-60-missilesrockets6196unse_0453


Oh for the days when companies would proudly show off their latest development in nuclear delivery system. Oh for the days when there actually were recent developments in nuclear delivery systems…

 Posted by at 9:42 pm
Mar 042016

SpaceX finally got their latest rocket into the sky, but it looks like it didn’t survive landing on the barge. As this one was pretty much expected to fail – due to being a very high energy mission, with the barge much further out to sea – it’s not really considered a failure.

 Posted by at 7:46 pm
Mar 042016

Artwork depicting the Surveyor lunar probe as of June, 1962. Reasonably close to the final product, but some differences are visible. The subsurface probe  I believe was not employed; neither was the SNAP-11 nuclear power source. That was intended to power the lander through the lunar night.


 Posted by at 11:03 am