
Mar 142016

So, “protesters” in Chicago created enough of a physical ruckus that Trump cancelled a rally. The protesters believe that they scored a victory. But who *really* believes that Trump and his followers won’t use this as a rallying cry? Something authoritarians pretty much *need* is an external threat to rally the faithful against.

I understand some of the appeal of Trump. He is not politically correct, and that’s great. He’s a vulgarian, and that’s kinda ok. But he is a braggart, which would be dubious at the best of times but wholly bizarre considering his staggering record of failures. His relationship to honesty is downright Democratic in its tenuousness. The main thing his fans seem to like is that he projects himself as the Strong Man in the Mussolini sense… and I just can’t accept that. As a supporter of individualism, the idea of rallying around a Dear Leader or Maximum Leader or First Citizen or Big Boss or whatever just makes me friggen’ ill.

Lookin’ like 2016 is gonna *suuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.*

 Posted by at 2:43 pm
Mar 142016

A Russian Proton rocket has successfully launched the ESA/Roscosmos ExoMars spacecraft. ExoMars – an orbiter and a lander – is specifically designed to look for signs of life on Mars. It’ll be a while before results can come back. The lander will separate from the spacecraft in October and is to land on October 19.

Orbiter aerobraking into a circular Mars orbit will take place between January 2017 and November 2017, with science operations starting in December 2017. This of course assumes success… the Europeans and the Russians don’t exactly have a spectacular record with Mars landers.

 Posted by at 2:16 pm
Mar 142016

The planet had its biggest temperature spike in modern history in February

Well. There’s some good news. February was 2.43 degrees F warmer than the 1950-1980 average.

The temperature anomaly is due to El Nino stirring up ocean waters, dredging up warmer waters from the depths. El Nino years are typically warmer for just that reason… but this time El Nino started off from a warmer baseline, with warmer deep waters. As El Nino fades off the temperatures should decline, but probably won’t go back down to average.

And as always, if a good fraction of this warming is caused by anthropogenic carbon dioxide, who’s to blame? The socialists, communists, environmentalists and other anti-nuclear activists.

 Posted by at 2:02 pm
Mar 142016

Here’s a nifty little magnetic dart launcher. The velocity/muzzle energy seem to be pretty low for any practical purpose, but maybe with some scaleup – and maybe with some liquid nitrogen coolant, I dunno – it might be a nifty and cumbersome way to make a pest of yourself.

 Posted by at 12:59 am
Mar 132016

And here’s the carbine version of the Gyrojet rocket gun (previously shown in pistol form). It’s one of those great ideas that really just didn’t work all that well. I still think a modernized version could be made into a practical and entertaining weapon, but as pointed out in the video the original Gyrojet carbine, if made today, would instantly get you in trouble with the feds. The rounds were 13 millimeters in diameter… 0.3 mm greater than anti-firearms laws passed in 1968 would allow (anything above 50 caliber is considered a “destructive device, except, somehow, shotguns).

A modernized Gyrojet in carbine form could probably be made to burn propellant fast enough to burn out just before the end of the barrel, so that it would have full velocity right at the muzzle. Or at least have a boost/sustain rocket grain to get a sizable fraction of the energy at the muzzle. And give it a decent replaceable magazine, for frak’s sake. And a solid-fuel ramjet sustainer…

 Posted by at 4:19 pm
Mar 122016

Before I read “Tuf Voyaging” I re-read Frank Herbert’s “Dune.” Last time I read “Dune” was circa 1983, a few months before the David Lynch movie came out; while my memories of reading the book are pretty faint, I do remember clearly thinking “WTF is that? That wasn’t in the book!” as I sat in the theater and watched the movie.

So, yeah, once again I’m reminded “I’m friggen’ old.”

Anyway, the book is dense. Lots of stuff, people, places, background. So it’s nice that there is now this handy video summary of the story of “Dune:”


And here’s the Thug Notes summary of “Dune” (thanks to blog reader mzungu for pointing this out):


 Posted by at 9:30 pm
Mar 122016

I recently finished George R. R. Martin’s novel “Tuf Voyaging.” This is a fix-up… i.e. a collection of short stories stuck together as a novel. And it’s a good read.

The stories revolve around one Haviland Tuf. From a certain point of view Tuf is a sci-fi cliche: he’s a trader, hauling merchandise from star system to star system on his own personal FTL starship. This could be Han Solo… but he ain’t. Tuf is 2.5 meters tall, chalk white, devoid of any hair and extremely fat. He is *not* a sex machine; indeed, unlike Captains Kirk and Solo, he dislikes physical contact with humans, including women. Numerous personality quirks point to Tuf having something akin to Aspergers Syndrome. And he has cats. What little affection he shows throughout the ten years covered in the book is lavished upon his cats.

As the story starts, he is seriously down on his luck. But soon he comes into possession of a new ship… a “seedship” produced a thousand years earlier by the “Federal Empire.” That was the peak of mankinds technological prowess and power; the seedships were built to fight a war against an alien race, and while humanity won the war, the end result was an interstellar collapse of civilization. The seedships were not just big warships, though… they were biological warfare platforms, capable of cloning viruses, pests or monsters to drop on enemy worlds to attack the populace, crops or ecosystems.

Throughout the book, Tuf uses the capabilities of his ship to fix various problems encountered on different worlds… improved crops for an overpopulated world, monsters to fight in arenas, predators to fight rampaging sea monsters. In other hands, these could be some pretty stock stories. But in Martin’s hands… Tuf is faced with some very difficult challenges, and meets them with very hard-nosed answers. Several reviews I’ve read online say that as the stories go on, they get a bit darker, with Tuf becoming especially brutal at the end. But really, the darkest moment in the whole thing takes place less than halfway through the first story, when one of the most heartbreaking scenes I’ve read in literature suddenly jumps up and forces Tuf to do something shocking. But while it’s horrible, it is clear that his response is the least bad of the options; and with his unemotional approach, he just goes ahead and does it. And this moment tells the reader what they can expect from Tuf in the future: he is eminently ethical, but he will drop a hammer on you if that is in fact the best solution. Several times Tuf nonchalantly breaks characters with his bare hands without a moments hesitation, because that’s what needs to happen.

In the end, characters recognize that Tuf is, more or less, a god, because he not only has the power of a god (he can completely terraform a world at  whim, replacing the existing ecosystem with something completely different), he has the will to *use* that power. And as with the gods of old, your best approach is to *not* tick him off.

A few years ago there was a momentary flurry of interest when Martin mentioned the possibility of “Tuf Voyaging” becoming a TV series. I doubt it’ll ever happen. Just *try* to imagine a show headlined by a fat, bald brilliantly sarcastic Vulcan, with no romance or sex scenes; instead of pitched cinematic space battles,conflict is resolved by Tuf reasoning with the antagonists… or by simply threatening them with extinction. And while I’d love to see the show, I dread one scene: if you’ve read the book, you know what I mean when I say “Mushroom.” Holy crap, I can hear the wailing, of shock, sadness and rage, if that scene was shot and aired as written. That said… a warrior woman riding a T-Rex storming down the kilometer-wide hallway down the middle of the “Ark” seems like it’d make a hell of a shot.


 Posted by at 9:12 pm
Mar 122016

A silent NASA film documenting flight testing of the little-remembered X-100 in 1960. The X-100 was a slick-looking tilt-prop design, a predecessor to the X-19. In this video is certainly looks rather wobbly in the air as the pilot attempts to hover. The craft could certainly have benefited from modern computerized controls.


 Posted by at 12:29 am
Mar 112016

Now this is some funny stuff:

J.K. Rowling’s History of Magic in North America Was a Travesty From Start to Finish

The short form is this… in preparation of the new Potterverse movie coming out in a few months, J.K. Rowling has written a few short pieces that detail the history of magic in the USA from Ancient Time up to about 1920 (the timeframe of the new movie). And as described in the linked article, the history *is* pretty laughable. But for frak’s sake, it’s a story about wizards and magic. Of Course it’ll be ludicrous.

There are several aspects that irritate historians (the magical community in the US is governed by the “Magical Congress of the United States of America,” which was somehow formed in 1693… *juuuust* a few years before the United States of America existed), Native Americans (descriptions of Native Amerinjun magic that’s apparently a lame cliche-filled stereotype), and black folks (some weird discussion about segregation in the magical community being a badly-formed allegory for racism in the US). And so the writer of the article suggests that an English white woman simply shouldn’t write about such things. To back up that position, “Cherokee scholar Dr. Adrienne Keene” is quoted as saying:

What happens when Rowling pulls this in, is we as Native people are now opened up to a barrage of questions about these beliefs and traditions (take a look at my twitter mentions if you don’t believe me)–but these are not things that need or should be discussed by outsiders. At all.

Let me emphasize something she wrote:

these are not things that need or should be discussed by outsiders. At all.

Screw you, lady. Just for that I’m tempted to write a crummy sci-fi story filled with plot holes and spelling errors that will be filled with Cherokee mystical beliefs… but to simplify research, I’m going to simply crib some magic-based plot elements from “The Smurfs” and plaster Cherokee concept names over the smurf names.

First rule of Skinwalkers Club? Don’t talk about Skinwalkers Club.

Time comes when you realize you’re getting all offended and upset about some bits of Harry Potter… you should learn to lighten up, Francis.

 Posted by at 4:34 pm