
Mar 212016

A while back Horizon Models, a new injection-molded model kit company in Australia, sent me a copy of their first kit, a 1/72 Mercury spacecraft in return for a review. So, here goes.

The kit includes parts to build not only the orbital capsule (with abort tower) but also the earlier “boilerplate” test articles. The results are small… but then, the Mercury capsule wasn’t exactly a Winnebago. Also included are photoetched steel detail parts, and stands for the two kits. The engineering of the parts seems to be quite well done, with the corrugations nice and clean and fricken’ tiny. On the whole this looks like a spiffy kit.

As an engineer, there is one aspect of the kit that makes me scratch my head a tad. The sprue as shown below includes the parts for one complete Mercury capsule, one incomplete Mercury capsule and one stand. In order to make this a “two capsule kit,” Horizon used the simple expedient of including two copies of the sprue. It seems to me that it would have been more efficient to include all the necessary parts (for one flight and one boilerplate) on a single sprue; but in doing it this way the kit builder winds up with a bunch of extra bits to be used for other projects.

The Mercury capsule kit is available from the Horizon Models website for $35.

Horizon has also just released a companion kit, a 1/72 Mercury-Atlas. I haven’t seen that, but it seems promising. And it’s available through Amazon.



If you have a product you want me to review… hey, why not. Feel free to send me a copy or two. I’m particularly interested in reviewing gold bullion and the like.

 Posted by at 6:43 pm
Mar 202016

What we’ve got here are about 200 episodes in MP3 format of 1950’s science fiction radio dramas, “Dimension X” and “X Minus One.” These aided on NBC radio from 1950-51 and 1955-58 and featured stories written by the likes of Robert Heinlein and Ray Bradbury. I’ve only just started listening (having caught part of one episode on the radio late last night… presumably a station broadcasting recordings, rather than a small wormhole  that’s letting radio signals from 60 years ago propagate through), and I’ve noticed the same titles popping up several times. I don’t know if those episodes are remakes  or re-runs. But hey, they’re free, so do as I did and download ’em all.

Dimension X

X Minus One


There are also these (so far I haven’t listened to any):

Dark Fantasy

This sounds a bit like the more horror-centric Twilight Zone.


And then there are these two, which seem like screamingly-1950’s sci-fi fare:

Space Patrol

Planet Man

 Posted by at 6:54 pm
Mar 192016

The Brits have themselves a new research vessel. Looks like this:

They’re holding open voting to name the ship. Some of the names suggested have been the RRS Henry Worseley and the RRS David Attenborough. But what name is winning the popular vote just now? Hmm, let’s see…

‘Boaty McBoatface’ Is Currently Leading An Open Vote To Name The New £200 Million Royal Research Ship

This is a reminder, as if it was really needed, that democracy isn’t *always* the answer. “What shall we name our ship?” “Engine #2 has burst into flames. What shall we do?” “Should we use the power of government to stomp all over such-and-such ethnic/religious/economic group?” These are the sort of questions it’s often best to *not* put in the hands of the mob.

 Posted by at 8:06 pm
Mar 192016

Some recent views of the Thatcher area…

2016-03-08 pano 3 2016-03-08 pano 2


And this sure looked like a giant-scale trilobite fossil in the sky. Well, I suppose Cthulhu has to snack on *something*…2016-02-29 pano 07 2016-02-29 pano 02

 Posted by at 7:04 pm
Mar 182016

A video explainer of a very unusual shotgun from South Africa. It was designed for 12 gauge shotgun shells that cannot be obtained; the only shells that it’ll run that can actually be purchased are quite weak, with the end result being that the gun… just ain’t that good.

 Posted by at 11:32 pm
Mar 182016


For First Time, Majority in U.S. Oppose Nuclear Energy

54% opposed, 44% in favor.

And here’s the combination “well dug” and “umm, what” chart:

That Democrats are so opposed to nukes? Not surprising. The sudden crash in Republican acceptance of nukes? Shocking and appalling.

 Posted by at 5:15 pm
Mar 182016

Oddly enough, this post isn’t about Trump rallies.

IL Rep. Soto’s daughter, campaign volunteer charged in attack on opponent

In short: one Robert Zwolinski was running for the office currently held by one Cynthia Soto, competing against her in the party primary. As goes the tale: Soto’s daughter Jessica and others were stapling up campaign ads/flyers for her mom…a  perfectly cromulent thing to do, but kinda questionable to do outside the opponents campaign office. When  Zwolinski came out to ask what they were doing, Jessica Soto and her boyfriend bashed him upside the head with a bottle, punched him down to the ground, kicked him and used a staple gun on his forehead. Zwolinski suffered substantial lacerations and a broken nose.

Go ahead and guess at the the party affiliation of Cynthia Soto.  Go  on, I dare you.

Bonus round – guess which one is Zwolinski and which one is Soto:

So how do we b lame the Tea Party for this?

 Posted by at 4:20 pm