
May 152016

As mentioned hereabouts many months ago, Bruce was delivered to his new home. It’ll be sad to not have him around… but it’ll also be better for all involved. Five cats *is* a bit much, and now he’s in a good home with only one other cat. Longer-term blog readers may remember Tak… she now has a room mate, whether she likes it or not.

And, yes, Bruce did seem to recognize that I was leaving him. But he will be happy in his new place.

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 Posted by at 7:16 pm
May 152016

When I finish “Gimli” and a few other projects I intend to revist “Mass Disappearance.” The primary goal will be to convert it from first person to third person, but also to revise it substantially. Some things I’m unhappy  with, some areas that need expanding and a bit of clarity. At least two new characters; Anubis Alpha and Beta; more clarity on the stored passengers; expansion on the mad dash at the end. There were bits that I wanted to be morbid and creepifyin’ that just never lived up to what I saw in my head; I want to try again on those.

But of course I’m looking at it from my own perspective, with is not objective. For those of you who’ve read Mass Disappearance and found it to be at least somewhat enjoyable, what areas do you see that you’d like to see worked on… plot holes, logic problems, “what the hell does that mean”, that sort of thing. Can’t say as I’ll answer all questions (some mysteries presented I intend to keep as mysteries, at least for a while), but if there’s anything clearly stupid, I’d like to fix it.

 Posted by at 8:50 am
May 142016

A 1952 film describing the turboprop tailsitter. The film apparently had no audio, so a wholly unnecessary bit of “film projector noise” was added.

The film shows some interesting stuff, such as animations of the craft in action, and artists impressions of what must have been early alternate designs including a ducted-fan design and one with an odd delta wing with a cutout for the props.

 Posted by at 11:37 pm
May 132016

Michigan State University has posted online a PDF copy of “Screen Guide for Americans,” a pamphlet apparently written by Ayn Rand in 1947 that presents ideas for film makers on how to *not* be a stooge for Communists. It has a number of what are, frankly, still very good ideas: don’t trash the free market system, wealth, individualism or success in your little film. Don’t extol the mythical virtues of collectivism . Don’t tar industrialists or rich folk as villains as a *group.* Don’t raise up mediocrity or victimhood as morally superior. Basically… don’t be a dumbass progressive.

On the whole the pamphlet is on the mark, and as valid today as sixty years ago. But perhaps even more today, the suggestion that maybe we shouldn’t worship the economic philosophy that gave the world the Holodomor and the execution and deportation of the Kulaks and the Cultural Revolution and Venezuelas empty shelves and forced labor camps and purges and theft and greed on continental scales drives some leftists buggo. See, for example, the writeup and, better, the comments on the subject of this pamphlet HERE.

 Posted by at 8:15 am
May 122016


Join 100 Women Posing Naked at the Republican National Convention

The photograph will involve 100 nude women holding large mirror discs, reflecting the knowledge and wisdom of progressive women and the concept of “Mother Nature” into and onto the convention center, cityscape and horizon of Cleveland. The philosophy of the artwork relates to the idea of the sacred feminine. By holding mirrors, we hope to suggest that women are a reflection and embodiment of nature, the sun, the sky and the land. We want to express the belief that we will rely upon the strength, intuition and wisdom of progressive and enlightened women to find our place in nature and to regain the balance within it. The mirrors communicate that we are a reflection of ourselves, each other, and of the world that surrounds us. The woman becomes the future and the future becomes the woman.

Blah, blah, blah. Basically, this goober is comparing women to mirrors: you know, flat, featureless objects that are incapable of creation, can only reflect what they happen to be facing, with neither intellect nor volition. Hmmm. You know, that might actually be an accurate metaphor for the sort of progressive who would sign up for this sort of gag, thinking she’s doing something “important.”

 Posted by at 10:30 pm
May 112016

Pretty sure you’d see *my* shiny metal ass going the opposite direction. Still, this here is some incredible footage:

This here is an example of the changes wrought in human civilization via technological development. Before automobiles, there’s be no way to be a “tornado chaser.” Before hand-held movie cameras, there’d be little reason to be a tornado chaser. Put the two together, and a wholly new type of person becomes possible.

 Posted by at 9:47 am
May 102016

Well, this should give the ancient aliens whackos something to go buggo about:

Teen Discovers Lost Maya City Using Ancient Star Maps

In short, a Canadian 15-year-old realized that the locations of known Mayan cities lined up well with the brightest stars in Mayan constellations. In proper scientific tradition, he used constellations to predict the location of an as-yet undiscovered Mayan city… and after examining satellite images, it appears that there really is a city or complex right there.

So it looks like the Mayans laid out their civilization based on star maps. If that meant building a labor-intensive structure hell and gone away from rivers and roads, expending vital resources and manpower in an effort to build pyramids in mountains, then so be it. While that’s an impressive commitment to cause, it is in the end pretty damned silly. I’ll note that the Mayan civilization vanished, swallowed by the jungle. Perhaps their strategy of basing their civic planning on superstition rather than logical use of resources might not have been so wise.


Ooops. It’s looking like this is turning out to be hogwash. The “Mayan complex” looks to archeologists like an old corn field. The article linked above links to several experts who are less than thrilled that they are having to comment on what one of them refers to as “a terrible example of junk science.”

 Posted by at 9:30 am