
Nov 092016

I can’t help but think that the list of things in the “proposed implementation” is more “hope” than “likely to come to pass.” Trump seems to not be aware that space exists and that it’s the most important, long-range thing that a President can *actually* influence via policy.

What a Trump administration means for space

As a framework, on the whole it sounds pretty good. Whether or not it’ll come to pass… shrug.

 Posted by at 7:21 pm
Nov 092016

And so it begins:

Canada’s immigration website just crashed

Perhaps Alec Baldwin and Barbara Streisand and all the rest of the useless One Percenters who have “threatened” to leave the US if their choice of President isn’t elected will, at last, finally up and split. Just imagine if places like Berkeley emptied out, moving north to live high on the hog in their presumed socialist paradise.

Sadly, it takes 6 years to gain Canadian citizenship. One wonders if President GMF could bribe the Canucks to speed that process along…

 Posted by at 3:20 am
Nov 092016

The Giant Middle Finger candidate won the Presidency. I honestly didn’t think that would happen.

As uncertain as I am about how this will work out, I can’t help but be endlessly entertained by wondering about whether any breakable objects within reach of the losing candidate remain unhurled.

 Posted by at 1:37 am
Nov 082016

Woman pepper sprays man as fight breaks out at Florida polling site

What *appears* to be the story:

  1. Woman stands outside legal 100-foot “no campaigning” limit, handing out pro-Trump literature.
  2. Man comes by, “has words” with her.
  3. Man goes and votes for Hillary Clinton.
  4. Man comes back out, again “has words” with woman (by getting in her face and yelling expletives).
  5. Man lays hands on woman.
  6. Woman hoses voter down with pepper spray.
  7. Man tackles woman.
  8. Profit!

OK, kids, everyone pull out your Magic Vorlon 8-Ball and ask… “How will this end?”

 Posted by at 1:24 pm
Nov 082016

Most college students think America invented slavery, professor finds

On one quiz, 29 out of 32 students responding knew that Jefferson owned slaves, but only three out of the 32 correctly identified him as president. Interestingly, more students— six of 32—actually believed Ben Franklin had been president.


I maintain that quizzes  such as this should be integrated into the voting booth. Collect a pool of hundreds of question like this, and provide each question with six unambiguous multiple choice answers. The computer tallies up your answers. Four, five or six correct answers, your vote counts.  Two or three correct answers, your vote counts half. One or zero, your vote doesn’t count. When you vote, you are given a receipt that shows that you voted and what your votes were (which I believe most electronic voting machines do now anyway), with an indecipherable code at the bottom. The *following* *day,* you can go online and enter that code, and it’ll tell you how you did. By doing so the following day, people who did poorly won;t go bugnuts and trash the voting establishment.

The vote-quiz could be made available for weeks in advance. This is something you’d have to do on-site, presumably inside a Faraday cage to keep people from Googling the answer. By having a registered quiz answer in advance, people could still vote early or vote by mail.

Some people will claim that a voting test like this would be racist (or sexist, or transphobic, or whatever goofy hobbyhorse they happen to ride). I suspect that many of these same people believe that voter ID laws are racist. Those people should watch this:

 Posted by at 10:16 am
Nov 062016

This scene is something like 50 years old. And if you can ignore the craptacular 60’s “fashion” and the stereotypical stilted talkin’-to, this is a remarkably “modern” speech. Every generation thinks they’re special and destined to change the world, just seems to be a part of growing up. And don’t tell me that the Modern Problems that Friday describes – again, about 50 years ago – don’t seem like exactly the sort of Modern problems people yammer on about today…

 Posted by at 10:17 pm