
Nov 172016

I’ve read this several times, and I’ve yet to see what the actual crime is. Maybe because it’s in Canada, and their ways are strange.

Poster in East York being investigated as hate crime

You can see the complete “poster” (actually just a single sheet of standard printer paper stuck to a pole) HERE. I *defy* you to say what the crime is, beyond the act of posting political tracts.

It asks some questions, none of which pose any sort of threat. It then invites people to “join the Alt-Right,” and lists some websites, none of which I’ve ever heard of. Now, even if these websites are for organizations as racist as Stormfront, the KKK or the DNC, simply inviting people to view the sites is hardly any sort of crime. It invites no criminal act, it does not call for violence.

So, again, what’s the crime? Is it just that things have gotten so bad in Canada that opinions are illegal?

 Posted by at 11:57 pm
Nov 172016

Here’s another photo of the lifting body mockup I showed a month ago. Here you can see that the full display – apparently a USAF public relations item – included a more or less full length booster, presumably a Titan II. It’s not the best angle, but it *kinda* looks like this might be just the first stage of the Titan II (or a round tube resembling one) without a second stage. It’s doubtful that there was ever a plan to launch a one-man lifting body atop a single Titan II first stage; it would be distinctly suborbital, and without some deep throttling the acceleration would probably be pretty crushing.

When i last posted this, I mentioned that photos of this were shown “many times.” I wrote that because I remember seeing such photos… but once I started actually looking for them they turn out to be rather hard to find. I imagine I must’ve seen the photos in 1960’s magazines or such. Two more not terribly helpful photos are available HERE and

 Posted by at 11:40 pm
Nov 172016

So Raedthinn is informed that it’s time for his annual vaccination shots:


And then Buttons is informed:


And then Speedbump. But as he’s kind of a dimwit, he’s initially excited.


Then he thinks about it for a bit…


Fingers is not informed. Because unless she is captured unaware, she will run and hide most proficiently.

So then they all end up at the vet.

wp_20161117_018 wp_20161117_016


These was before the shots. When the crate doors first opened, each cat tried to dash out. They were all caught, poked and prodded by the vet, then cruelly stabbed in the back of the neck with a needle. THEN they each and every one couldn’t get back into the crates fast enough.

Ootini, beeyotch!


 Posted by at 10:00 pm
Nov 172016

It will, I imagine, come as almost zero surprise that I’ve long been a fan of the various “Star Trek” blueprint sets produced over the years by fans and professionals. They range from the “why did you even bother when you had to know you had neither skill nor talent” to the “I want to frame that and hang it on my wall.” In my opinion, just as a matter of aesthetics, the best ones were produced in the 70’s and early 80’s (the original Franz Joseph “Constitution Class” set, the McMaster “Klingon Book of Plans,” the Dreadnought, etc.). These were drafted by hand. The errors are in evidence, inconsistencies can be readily found, imprecisenesses here and there, a whole raft of unfortunate things that were eliminated when people started doing this sort of thing on the computer. And when vector graphics, CAD systems and 3D modeling came in and cleaned everything up, a little bit of the art seemed to go out of the enterprise. Dunno… maybe it’s just me.

So, promptly after pointing out that I prefer hand0drawn over computer aided…. here’s the beginnings of my own stab at the art form, done entirely on computer.

Something I have been working on for quite some time is a series of 2D diagrams of the “Messiah” spacecraft from Deep Impact. This is an outgrowth of the 3D CAD model of the Messiah I made for Fantastic Plastic (I gather there were some hiccups in the process, but I understand that things are back on track) a year and a half ago. This is the very definition of a “back burner” project; it’s not a secondary effort, not even a tertiary effort. There are paying gigs ahead of it. Still, going in and tapping away at it from time to time is a good way to destress from the other projects.

I’d spent a long time considering what to do with “Messiah.” Options included some sort of book/magazine/thing, or one or more large format (24X36, say) prints, or even cyanotype blueprints (I did in fact make a grand total of two *very* large Messiah blueprints, quite a while back… a year and a half, as it turns out). But I’ve decided to adopt the “Book Of General Plans” format. In this case,a  set of prints, say, 11 inches by 36, folded and in an envelope. Retro!

The Messiah would cover about half a dozen sheets, plus or minus. A lot depends on scale. The image below (purple coloring just a drawing aid, will go to black before printing) shows the 2D diagram in 1/200 scale… which is a quite large sheet. Below that you can see a rectangle, 24X36 inches, subdivided into two 11X36 strips. At 1/200, the plan view of the ship will just fit. Thus, there’d be one sheet for the top view, one for the bottom, one for the side, one for the fore/aft. There are also a number of scrap views…the Shuttle/lander in both flight and landing configuration, details of the Orion booster section, an inboard profile, others.


Here’s a quick look at a small fraction of the illustrations created of the lander:


Along with the diagrams there’d also be “in universe” text and data, with my best efforts to rationalize the design. In the case of Messiah… it’s powered by a wandwavy form of nuclear pulse that uses bomblets that are more akin to “nuclear hand grenades,” with explosions that are slightly oblate rather than spherical… justifying the elliptical pusher plate. The large chemical boosters are liquid systems filled with high-energy space-storable propellants… FLOX burning with a kero-boron slurry. The aft boosters look like Energia boosters; the forward boosters look like Ariane V boosters, but in both cases they are much larger than the originals. This was done because… ummm… well, they were in a hurry (so they copied what they had), and they were working in secret (so they made the boosters look like things people had seen before, so if they were photographed at a distance they could be passed off as the more mundane boosters… yeah, that’s it…).


I’m doing this (veeerrry slowly) because I’m just that much of a geek. Anybody else interested? If I have ’em printed off in quantity, I’m thinking of selling them for around $20 a set, on a print run of *maybe* twenty.

After Messiah, there are a number of other designs I’d like to do the same with. 10-meters USAF Orion (real design). 4,000 ton Orion Battleship (Pax Orionis). Helicarrier (Avengers). USS Ascension (from the miniseries of the same name… oy, the monkeymotions to rationalize that).

 Posted by at 8:20 pm
Nov 172016

This seems unlikely to me:

Merkel to be the new ‘leader of the free world’?

Though it would be interesting to see Germany step up and take on the role of sending soldiers and fighters, helicopter and bombers to the middle east. If Germany is to be the leader of the free world, they might look to doing something about that invasion from the non-free world that they’ve got going on.

Next time there’s a major hurricane, earthquake or tsunami, it’s the German Navy that shows up with nuclear powered aircraft carriers to serve as logistics bases and mobile power stations; German cargo planes show up to unload thousands of tons of relief supplies. Germany that provides the bulk of the funding for NATO and the UN and sends hundreds of thousands of troops around the world to hundreds of bases to keep the peace and try to smack down terrorists and the like.

I’m sure I’ll see that any day now.

 Posted by at 5:12 pm
Nov 172016

Report: Man died seeking place to soak in Yellowstone park

In short: a tourist in Yellowstone decided it would be fun to “hot pot,” or go soak in one of the many hot springs in Yellowstone. This is, of course, an illegal practice. The feller reached in to one to test the water and lost his balance and fell in. Turns out the water was juuuuuuust a little warmer than he might have liked and he boiled to death. Due to a lightning storm, park rangers couldn’t immediately retrieve his body; when they came back the next day there was nothing left, having been rendered down to broth.

Added fun points: the guy was with his sister and she apparently caught his slip’n’fall and subsequent no-doubt screaming death on cell phone video.

I’ve been to Yellowstone a few times. Not as many times as I’d like, but what’re ya gonna do. Every time I was there, the “step off the designated boardwalk and yer a’gonna DIE” signs were in clear evidence pretty much everywhere.

 Posted by at 11:16 am
Nov 162016

Political Divide Splits Relationships — and Thanksgiving, Too

Several tales of people cancelling Thanksgiving/Christmas family get-togethers because they cannot stand to be near someone who voted differently. My favorite is the woman who moved her wedding from Chicago to Italy so that her fiance’s family cannot attend.

Yeah, that’ll help heal those familial bonds.

Similarly, here’s a surprisingly insightful piece from an avowed Leftie at Cracked:

How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

This one starts out with some cultural references that help explain things:

  1. Star Wars: Farm boy fights elitists who literally live in orbital splendor
  2. Hunger Games: Rural folks rebel against evil urbanites who dress funny
  3. Braveheart; Farmer rebels against foppish castle-dweller

The point being that in our culture, it’s ingrained that not only are “urban” and “rural” people different, but the rural people are the relatable heroes. Well, one question not really answered is why that might be. We are, after all, a more urban than rural culture now. So why are the farm folks the heroes and the city folk the villain? There is one line in one movie that I think really does explain it:

4: Serenity: Rural outer worlds rebel against civilized dominant worlds. Why are the rural outer planets upset with the urban central ones?

In the world of Serenity, as in the United States, the urban areas dominate the rural. I think the US would be a happier, less fighty place if these regions were politically separate to a larger degree, but as things are, the laws that urbanites find appropriate for themselves they want to impose on *everyone.* Because high density cities cannot well tolerate firearms, farm folk shouldn’t be able to have them. Because city dwellers apparently have real short fuses, *everybody* needs to be controlled. Because you can’t really do much agriculture or have big powerplants in cities, you can’t do them outside, either, and screw you you privileged racist pig if you are upset that the only industry in your worthless little town pulled up stakes and left you with nothing but debt. Because people in cities are *forced* to be all up in everybody else’s business, anybody who wants their own piece of privacy and quiet out in the sticks is to be mistrusted and accused of all forms of cultural heresy.

It may take a few more decades, but once self-contained manufacturing systems – evolved 3D printers approaching “replicator” capabilities – become available, cities will start to have less need to be centralizing infrastructure will make a lot less sense once there’s simply no need for it.

Thank God we live in the quiet, little, redneck, podunk, white-trash, kick ass U- S- A-!

 Posted by at 7:10 pm
Nov 152016

Boom Technology, a company working towards a supersonic passenger transport, is unveiling in Denver the mockup of their “XB-1,” a 1/3 scale technology demonstrator.

A supersonic jet faster than the Concorde will get public design debut in Centennial

See the link above for some hugenormous photos, but here’s what the thing looks like:


To me the XB-1 looks like the Rose Mach Buster and a T-38 got a little drunk and made the plane with two backs, then slathered the baby with Bondo and sanded real, real smooth.

Boom Technology is working towards a commercial SST with a cruise speed of Mach 2.2, 44 passengers and transAtlantic range. They are hoping to reduce sonic boom to levels low enough that the FAA will let them fly overland, but as the law is currently written I don’t think they could legally do it if their plane was utterly silent. Getting the bureaucrats and politicians to change the regulations that stifle progress is probably a much bigger chore than designing a supersonic jet that’s actually commercially viable.

 Posted by at 1:18 pm