Mar 242011

Fingers laying into a toy what done her wrong:

And now, perfected.

 Posted by at 2:53 pm

  8 Responses to “Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!”

  1. Hey kitty don’t play with tha… whatever.


  2. Training to attack a giraffe?

  3. I had a cat that would do that to Beanie Babies. Rip the back of the neck right out and purr the whole time.

  4. I saw a program on how lions hunt, and it showed that the main kill mechanism their grabbing the prey’s throat uses isn’t tearing the flesh and veins or breaking the spine, but rather clamping down on the windpipe and causing the prey to die of suffocation. This stops a lot of flaying around by the prey that could damage the predator.
    Do cats do the same thing also?

  5. > Do cats do the same thing also?

    If by “cats” you mean “housecats,” then no, not really. Lions tend to take on prey items as big as them or bigger, thus they developed a more cautious form of predation. Housecats tend to take on prey items smaller than them (mice, rats, bugs, small snakes, toes, etc.), and are thus not in as much danger of being trampled to death.

  6. What if it’s a really clever mouse and tries to do something bad to the housecat that’s stalking it, like sticking its tail into an electrical outlet?
    Would the cat suffocate it then?
    Maybe by luring it into a bottle with a piece of cheese in it and screwing the lid onto it? I’m pretty sure I saw that on a animated series about cat predatory behavior when I was a kid. 😉

  7. As long as we’re on the subject of cats, check out Nora the piano
    playing cat on YouTube.

  8. Nora:
    Like all great pianists, she seems intensely focused…but also moody and occasionally depressed.
    Her range isn’t all that great either; maybe around six inches to each side?

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