Oct 042010

It’s been about a week since the blog had its last hiccup, and I disabled a number of plugins. Since the hiccups had been coming daily… it seems likely that the plugins might have been the issue. Well, I’m getting bombarded with spam… several hundred per day. It’s annoying and needlessly time consuming (like our local Comintern representative). So, I’m going to reactivate the spam filter. If you notice anything goofy – in particular, if the blog shuts you out from commenting, by demanding that you be logged in, or if it simply closes commenting on recent posts – let me know.

 Posted by at 10:10 am

  4 Responses to “Another blog update”

  1. Whenever I log in, i get a message to “tell the administrator to upgrade WordPress”. Not sure that has anything to do with anything, but FWIW.

  2. Nothing like that happening to me.

  3. > “tell the administrator to upgrade WordPress”

    I get the same message all the time. However, whenever I look into upgrading WordPress, I get other messages as well, such as “If you upgrade, it could wipe out all your previous posts, comments and uploaded images. Tee-hee!”

    That’s kind of a turnoff WRT upgrading.

  4. Working this morning, but I must admit I am logged into wordpress for other blogs, so I may not be the best indicator!

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