Jul 042010

So, what do we know about the state of immigration law today? On the one hand, we have millions (somewhere between 11 and 30 million) of people who came here illegally and are draining the economy dry. So what is the Presidents response to this?

if the majority of Americans are skeptical of a blanket amnesty, they are also skeptical that it is possible to round up and deport 11 million people.  They know it’s not possible.  Such an effort would be logistically impossible and wildly expensive.  Moreover, it would tear at the very fabric of this nation -– because immigrants who are here illegally are now intricately woven into that fabric.

OK, so deporting *criminals* is apparently a bad idea. How about *legal* immigrants, here workign within the system and running a successful, popular business? Oh, hell yeah, lets deport THEM!

Established Maine couple kicked out of US

A York county couple, originally from England, is about to be kicked out of the country.
For a decade, Dean and Laura frank built up “Laura’s Kitchen,” a small, but popular local restaurant in Wells, now shuttered and for sale.
That’s because the “E-2” visa they’d legally had for years — twice renewed with no problem– was suddenly denied last year.
The reason — an immigration case worker in California reviewing their numbers declared their business “marginal,” not profitable enough, even though they made enough to run the business, live virtually debt free and employ local people part-time.

Ye gods. How’s about we deport the illegals *and* the bureaucrats? We could use immigrants who want to come here and run good businesses. We have much less need of the millions of illegals who are doign jobs that would be better done by high school dropouts and criminals.

 Posted by at 12:43 pm

  5 Responses to “More Immigration FAIL”

  1. It’s interesting that they keep peddling the “it’s impossible to round up and deport 11 million people” angle to justify blanket amnesty (and acquiring 11 million democratic voters). There is a third choice – make it so they’ll take themselves home. Crack down HARD on those who employ them and make examples of them. 10% of the previous year’s profits, and jail time for the board of directors, of the offending company ought to do it. Let anybody who wants to, cross the border going south, no questions asked, for an initial period of three months. After that the hammer comes down. Those who are here illegally after three months from kickoff will be working those “jobs nobody else wants” for FREE and in chains for 1 year – MANDITORY-, with the only escape being death. When their year hard labor is up, they get deported with the clothes on their backs. If they get caught a second time, it’s 5 years hard labor and a brand on the forehead. Get caught a third time and maybe they get sold as organ donors to the Chinese. Remember, they’ve got three months to get the hell out of Dodge no questions asked, so anybody not gone is VOLUNTEERING for the consequences. (Three months, they could friggin’ WALK to the damn border.)

    Secondly, formalize a guest worker program. They come here to work, pay their taxes and their OWN insurance. The taxpayer shouldn’t have to pay a damn dime for them to be here. I’d also chip them while they’re here. (Hey, nobody is MAKING them come here.) If they come back next year to work again they can leave it in. If they decide they don’t want to come back they can just get it removed. On the chip is a small spot for a DNA sample. If you bought your chip from someone coming back and your DNA doesn’t match that on the chip, 10 years busting rocks for you.

    Thirdly, make an understandible, doable, way for a person to become a US citizen if they want to. All they need to do is pass a written and oral test similar to college entry exams, with the idea being sure that prospective citizens can survive in the US ON THEIR OWN. The last thing the US needs is more mouths sucking off the government teat. They cannot vote in any election until they’ve paid taxes for five years.

    If all of this sounds harsh, well, too bad I guess. Kicking the can down the road or saddling the taxpayer with 11 million more mouths to feed damn sure isn’t going to solve the problem. No doubt some would scream “racism” or “fascism” but note, nowhere is race distinguished. It’s for ALL illegals. As for fascism, again, nobody is MAKING anybody do anything. Personal responsiblity for the win.

  2. > Let anybody who wants to, cross the border going south, no questions asked, for an initial period of three months.

    Hell with that… free outward-bound busing, in perpetuity!

    Anybody who wants to leave the US should not only be allowed to, but helped to.

  3. I see the same thing in traffic law enforcement. Instead of chasing speeders and red-light runners, the cops wait on the corner to see who isn’t wearing their seat belt. The laws that are enforced are the laws that CAN be enforced. This is the same phenomenon that promoted gun control: only those who’d not commit a crime are the ones who will follow the law in the matter of carrying a firearm.

    The great thing about being a government bureaucrat is that there’s no penalty for screwing u[ except in public. It’s much like getting tenure at a university: only by raping someone’s grandfather in the student commons can one lose tenure. Seems to me that one should be able to be employed by government only for a few years at a time.

    Why is a caseworker in California reviewing the situation of legal immigrants in Maine?

  4. Simple solution: Cut off welfare. All the bums who suddenly need jobs will displace the illegals, and two problems get solved to a net benefit of… everyone.


  5. Its truly ashame that our country is upside down now. Instead of enforcing he law, lets just kick out the legal immigrants, and hug the illegal immigrants because it is the right thing to do! No thank you. I agree, anyone unhappy being here please leave and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Its called “Tough Love”. Had to learn it with my kids, so how much more do I have to learn with you.
    Those of you who are hear without filling out papers and filing for visas, green cards or citizenship, please get out. You are not welcome here. Please go to the back of the line like everyone else and work your way forward. Please realize that our citizens have the right for school loans, discounts on mortgages and any other perks offered to foreign people entering this country, first. You have no rights here, unless you have been invited to live here AFTER filling out the appropriate paperwork. I am sorry your kids cannot attend the schools in the US without proper paperwork filed, its your parents fault kids, they have disobeyed the law and caused you all these problems. You are not welcome in our colleges, without paperwork being filed and all appropriate fees paid, just like us Americans have to do. I had to wait until I was 62 to get a “break” to go to college, and I am a citizen of the US, what about you? You want to belong to the club and be first in line? Join, fill out the paperwork and await your turn. Thanks to the breakdown of the Welfare system and the Health systems in this country by too many people who are not eligible to be recipients but are accepted, there is not enough for US citizens to go around. Write your government and demaind your rights in your own country. It is their responsibility to provide for your welfare and health. Not my government’s. Oh and one last thing, learn to speak the language of the country you are trying to escape to. Otherwise stay home.

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