Feb 112010

Meteorite falls Ahuazotepec bridge collapses; Army cordoned off the area

Ahuazotepec .- Huauchinango Municipal Police confirmed the fall of a meteorite that collapsed a bridge between the municipalities and Cuautepec Ahuazotepec.

Preliminary reports indicate that no injuries and that the fall caused a roar that was heard up Zacatlan and Tulancingo, Hidalgo.

The incident took place Wednesday at 18:30 between the two populations, as far as the Mexican army arrived to cordon off the area.

The radio station Tulancingo XENQ was who gave the scoop a few hours ago.

It must be said that authorities in the region assumed at first that an aircraft had fallen, however, to get where they realized that the extraterrestrial object left a hole 30 meters in diameter.

Huh. That’d be a hell of a thing…

 Posted by at 3:02 am

  5 Responses to “Meteorite wipes out Mexican bridge?”

  1. Not much in the news about it yet, although the crater size would make it a fairly impressive event. They’ll probably have pictures of the crater out today.
    It apparently caused some seismic and shockwave effects:

  2. Seems to be more of that happening lately. During the summer a German kid was hit by a meteor while walking home from school. Maybe the next Great Extinction is just beginning.

  3. Ranging shots. The alien invasion force will have us bracketed soon…

  4. The big crater down off Yucatan that killed the dinosaurs is named “The Devil’s Hoofprint” this new little crater needs a name also.
    I’m suggesting “The Chihuahua’s Bunghole”.
    About the German kid and the meteorite:

  5. I wonder if this is the bridge in question?


    Come on Google Maps, catch up and post a zoomed sat. photo already. 😉

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