Jul 122008

I just realized that it is 15 years and one month since “Jurassic Park” was released in theaters. I was in college at the time, with two years left to go on my aerospace engineering degree; when I’d first headed off to college, I’d had the insane notion that I was going to double major in Aero E and paleontology… I wanted to be the first guy to dig up a fossil on Mars. Calculus put an end to that plan; it was a kick in the nuts that added years to just getting the Aero E degree, and meant that I’d never even start on paleontology. But even so, when the movie came out I was nuts to go see it. To this day it remains one of my favorites; partially due to the subject matter, partially due to it being the first time that dinosaurs were shown that were not obvious cheap special effects; and partially due to the fact that I saw it with a very gorgeous young lady who I was extremely fond of.

Two sequels and fifteen years later, the movie and its special effects still more or less hold up and look good. It’s done better than me, that’s for damned sure.

 Posted by at 3:01 pm

  One Response to “Egad. I’m old.”

  1. “I’d had the insane notion that I was going to double major in Aero E and paleontology… I wanted to be the first guy to dig up a fossil on Mars.”

    Guess what one of my other hobbies is?
    Yup, paleontology.
    As far as field work goes, you didn’t miss much; heat, dust, bugs, snakes, and once even quicksand… which I wasn’t expecting to find in North Dakota for some reason…
    That movie really was something to see the first time around.
    Finally, someone doing dinosaurs convincingly.
    It will be interesting to see how Smaug pans out in the upcoming movie version of “The Hobbit”.
    The one in “Dragonslayer” is still my favorite dragon at the moment.

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