Feb 292020

There’s a lesson here:

Fallout from coronavirus outbreak triggers 25% decrease in China’s carbon emissions

In short, China has locked down whole regions, stopping aircraft (13,000 fewer flights per day), cars, factories, steel plants and powerplants. As a result, China’s carbon emissions dropped by 25%. This three week drop works out to the *annual* carbon output of New York state; for these three weeks, the *world* produced about 6% less carbon. If this keeps up, the global CO2 emissions will drop this year rather than increase.

There are in fact *several* lessons here. The first and biggest is that climate activists who berate the west or the United States in particular for CO2 emissions are barking up the wrong tree… they need to be going after China. Another is that the Green New Deal would have an economic impact substantially *greater* than a pandemic that causes nations to drop the authoritarian martial law banhammer.

I look forward with great interest to reading about the inevitable rise of EVEN MORE leftie whackadoodles who advocate for the extinction of mankind via pandemic as a way to “fix the planet.”

 Posted by at 1:09 am