Jul 232018

Dan Harmon of “Rick and Morty” deletes Twitter account after rape joke video resurfaces

Harmon is a far-left extremist, having claimed that 30% of the American public are Nazis. So him getting hoisted on his own petard… well, as I’ve previously and repeatedly pointed out, I’m not a fan of people having their careers trashed because of online outrage, especially over bad jokes, *especially* when it’s a summary execution. But in Harmons case… well, them’s the breaks, Bubbles. This is the world you wanted, Dan.

Here’s a good summary, with bits of Harmon’s politicking and bits from the video in question (which cuts off just before the naughty bits):

Again, it was an attempt at humor. But I’m really quite stumped by just how funny these left-wing specialists think pedophilia jokes are. I’ve made a whole lot of bad jokes in my time. Dark humor, gallows humor, offensive stuff… it’s all good. But pedophilia? Can’t say as I recall *ever* making a joke about that.


The video below says that 29% of the population are Nazis… and that they should be killed.


 Posted by at 7:29 pm