Apr 292009


It does for images of death what LOLcats did for cats.
And no, it’s not even *remotely* Safe For Work. But it is at least old, and hasn’t been updated in years.

 Posted by at 5:04 pm

  3 Responses to “Here’s an evil website…”

  1. There are days I miss Dan’s Gallery of the Grotesque and Ogrish.

  2. Much too horrific to be humorous, even if they may be bad guys.

  3. > Much too horrific to be humorous, even if they may be bad guys.

    It’s schedenfreudelicious!

    Few things funnier than a terrorist blowing himself to bits while working in his own workshop on a bomb, bringing his home down upon his scattered remains. Unless, of course, in the process he takes out a bunch of his like-minded buddies. Now that’s COMEDY GOLD, right there.

    Humans have managed to find humor in the macabre for as long as humans have had a sense of humor. Chances are that the first laugh a proto-human ever generated was Ogg laughing at Grogg as Grogg tripped while being chased by a lion.

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