Mar 032013

I don’t watch near as much TV as I once did, and most of the time it’s on, it’s solely as background noise. However, today I happened to see a listing for something I just had to watch: “Russian Neo-Nazis.”

Current TV, which Anti-Carbon-Dioxide-Warrior Al Gore sold to Al Jazeera (which in turn is owned by the oil emirate Qatar), is a largely laughable network. Most of the shows have truly abysmal ratings, and chances are good that a large fraction of the audience are actually right-wing bloggers looking for things to bitch about (uhhh…). Still, they have a documentary series titled “Vanguard” that is generally actually pretty interesting. One of the documentaries was the a fore-mentioned “Russian Neo-Nazis.”

There were two moments of spectacular cognitive dissonance. The first was just the title. After Israel, one would expect Russia to be just about the last place in the world you’d find an active neo-Nazi movement… but there it is. Neo-Nazis in Russia are merrily going about the business of beating – and killing – immigrants from central Asia. The documentary shows a celebration of Hitlers birthday… held in a public park in Moscow.


The topic is sufficiently weird on its own. But Current TV has a political bias it has to uphold, so they had to throw in some partisan political digs. But the dig that I caught was itself a spectacular example of either cognitive dissonance, or a political Big Lie.

About six minutes in, they introduce Nikolai Kuryanovich, former Liberal Democrat Party member, current national socialist member of the “Slavic Union” organization, and apparently linked to the National Socialist Organization. Hanging on his office wall? Portrait of Stalin. Also, a photoshop of his head on Stalins body. How is he described by the narrator? “Outspoken ultra-right-wing politician.”


[youtube CNQ1RHf2SgY]

[youtube Z7j0cIV1Lh8]

The dude is an advocate of big government, aligns himself with socialists, worships Stalin. And he’s somehow “ultra-right wing?”



 Posted by at 6:19 pm