Dec 082011

… to find that the ATF is using its own malfeasance in order to try to strip away civil rights from American citizens.

Documents: ATF used “Fast and Furious” to make the case for gun regulations

Who *didn’t* see this coming?

 Posted by at 1:13 am

  3 Responses to “I’m shocked. Shocked!”

  1. […] I’m shocked. Shocked! […]

  2. As I recall, some of the gun dealers were reluctant to sell arms to certain folks and were overridden.

    But who stands to gain in any bashing of sting operations? The DEA itsaelf might have a hand in money

    And yet the author of the book here clained on the radio a few nights back that the cartels were buying banks, including one with links to Mr. Issa

    From Red Eye Radio Dec 8 2011
    DEA agents laundering drug money now being investigated by Congress who have concerns this operation is similar to Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms’ “Fast and Furious”. But, Doug’s guest tonight, Robert Mazur (, says it’s for our safety.!/DougsRedEyeRadio

  3. Well, with a crisis never allowed to go to waste; these people are willing to make a crisis when a real one isn’t present.

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