Nov 052011

One of the upsides to the Occupy wall street movement has been to point out how things differ across the country. While the likes of Oakland or NYC may have mass infestations of wannabe communists… a week ago, this was the best they could pull together in Logan, Utah:

And Logan is a “university town.” Heh.

 Posted by at 8:34 am

  4 Responses to “Occupy Logan”

  1. How about Occupy Salt Lake?

    Since there’s so much capitalism there and it’s a growing city, then they must see fit to target it.

    • I was in Salt Lake a few weeks back and noticed a bunch of tents in one small central park. Might’ve been occupiers, but there didn’t seem to be much going on.

  2. Maybe the students were studying?

    Were any of their signs worth poking fun at? I couldn’t read them in the picture you posted. Other protests have had some funny signs.

    • > Were any of their signs worth poking fun at?

      Apart from focussing on the wrong problems in society, they were pretty bland. From left to right:
      Ensign Redshirt: “Give a hoot Don’t pollute” (not really sure of the relevance there)
      Scruffy:”Children of debt Inheritors of war End corporate fascism”
      Chick 1: “No More Bailouts”
      Chick 2: “You are the 99%”
      Chick 3: “99% is too big to fail!”


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