Apr 262018

Not long ago it was gonna dry up and blow away. Today:

Call for humanitarian relief in Cape Town after heavy rains

The article doesn’t say whether this was enough to fill the reservoirs, but it’s doubtful. Nor does the article say if judicious planners had installed some big-ass pumps in some of the lower lying regions to pump some of that spectacular floodwater up into the reservoirs.

 Posted by at 8:10 pm
Apr 252018

A question has popped up from time to time about that Orville model I’m working on for Fantastic Plastic: can it be lit internally? It’s a fair question since the Orville is a brightly lit ship. But with those relatively thin and long loops, making a resin kit hollow seemed like a nightmare, especially since it would have to be cast in very difficult transparent resin. But as the photos show, an alternate approach is possible. This is the result of a few minutes tinkering, a half-assed effort with a spare 3D printed engine loop and one of those really nice but really small Bandai Star Destroyer models.

Precisely zero points for guessing the system used, because, c’mon, it’s pretty obvious. But if you’re thinking “Photoshop,” no, that’s not it… this is the real lighting, simple flash-less camera phone photos, no trickery.

 Posted by at 3:09 pm
Apr 242018

For years leftist protestors have replaced “dialog” with “screaming like an idiot.” Such as:

I’ve often wondered what would happen if they were responded to in kind. Well, now I know. It ain’t pretty. But… it is kinda funny.

Honestly, it’s not a good look for either side. But it is funny in a “Look! Society is collapsing! Fnarf!” sort of way

 Posted by at 6:53 pm
Apr 242018

The video link I’d posted a few days ago with Fresno State professor Randa Jarrar inciting violence and terrorism got taken down. So I went looking for a replacement video, and in the process found the video below, which seems to be a complete recording of the “discussion” that was excerpted. I say “seems” because I haven’t watched the whole thing. In fact, as I type this the video is currently paused at 15 seconds into a one hour, fifteen minute vid. Why? Because holy crap, that’s why. I try to be a tolerant guy. I recognize that I’m weird in my own way, grating to many, likely very annoying to listen to. But the first *word* spoken in this video set off my cringe-response about as powerfully as it ever has been. Yeesh. I dare y’all to take a look. Let me know how far you get before you go stabbing at that “pause” or “stop” or “turn it off, turn it off!” button.

UPDATE: tried it again, made it abut a minute in. All I can think is that somewhere, Paul Lynde must be looking on, shaking his head and saying “tone it down.”


 Posted by at 4:23 pm
Apr 242018

Processed Rosetta imagery from 2016. The dots going “down” in the background are stars. The rest… some may be cosmic rays playing hell with the CCD imaging sensor, but note that there certainly seems to be preferential directionality to the streaks, indicating that the spacecraft was flying through a cloud of cometary bits.

 Posted by at 3:49 pm
Apr 232018

This video was recently posted by a woman listening to a repetitive explosive sound. It sounds very much like a large gun of some kind going off at a regular rate (a hail cannon or some such similarly useless device, perhaps). But what does sound strange is the sound *between* the booms, like the cannon is shooting some sort of whistling projectile. Ideas?

 Posted by at 10:38 am
Apr 232018

Ex-NFL player Jay Feely says photo of daughter, prom date and gun was “joke”

And so of course people are offended and Mr. Feely has been hectored into issuing an apology.

There is a real issue here, though. He’s posed with is pistol. It’s supposed to be a *shotgun.* Jeez, everybody knows this.


 Posted by at 10:12 am