Nov 232017

It turns out that women don’t want to date unattractive men. Shocking, I know.

Are looks more important than personality when choosing a man?

Physical attractiveness strongly influenced how women and their mothers saw the target men. The attractive and moderately attractive ones came up trumps. Men with the most desirable personality profiles were rated more favourably than their counterparts only when they were also at least moderately attractive. Even when unattractive men possessed the most desirable traits, the mothers and daughters did not view them as potential dating material.

“We conclude that a minimum level of physical attractiveness is a necessity for both women and their mothers,” says Fugére.


Of course, this is perfectly sensible. What people – taken in the larger bulk sense of the term – consider to be physically attractive *usually* correlates reasonably well with health and the ability to create, raise and sustain offspring in a world full of savages and cave lions and wolves and such.

 Posted by at 5:59 pm
Nov 212017

About 3/4 of an an hour ago I was in my driveway minding my own business when my west-facing two-car garage door started shaking violently, and for no readily apparent reason. No other “symptoms” were in evidence. I stood there like an idjit for a while, looking at the sky (no sign of interesting contrails), off to the west at the hill between me and ATK (no sign of smoke or bits blowing into the sky) and at the rest of the world (no sign of stuff falling over). Something like 15 to 30 seconds later, it happened again, the garage door shook like someone was physically banging on it. There *may* have been a slight swaying in the ground, but I wasn’t sure of that.

Earthquakes are nothing new, but rest assured that having sizable structures suddenly shaking by themselves is a little disconcerting.

So far the USGS website shows no earthquakes anywhere nearby. I called a neighbor and he reported a similar experience in his workshop, so at least it wasn’t just be going bugnuts. I wonder if it was something “funny” going on at ATK… a rocket test,a burnoff of propellant, a series of detonations. Hmmm.

 Posted by at 2:06 pm
Nov 202017

Gentlemen, behold:

She Said That A Powerful Congressman Harassed Her. Here’s Why You Didn’t Hear Her Story.

Michigan Rep. John Conyers, a Democrat and the longest-serving member of the House of Representatives, settled a wrongful dismissal complaint in 2015 with a former employee who alleged she was fired because she would not “succumb to [his] sexual advances.”

If people in government were held to the same standards as the rest of us… there’d be no people in government. Instead, it’s perfectly fine for a Senator to get likkered up, go driving and kill someone, then not only skip out on the whole “get arrested, tested, tried and imprisoned” thing, but then spend the next generation or two being consistently re-elected and determining the fate of the nation.

Accusations are just accusations… he said, she said, due process, etc. But in Conyers case, there was a settlement, so apparently there was some admission of guilt.

Infotainment and government both share the feature that the people in ’em end up with a whole lot of power, and it’s safe to assume that anyone who make a serious attempt to make a career in either is trying to accrue power. Conyers, for instance, has been in the House since NINETEEN FRICKEN SIXTY FIVE. His term in office is older than I am. Nobody spends that long in a position of power like this without being, or becoming, a power-mad monster.

More than some understanding of the awfulness of sexual harassment, I hope (beyond reason and rationality, I admit) that this current Outrage Theater will result in something like term limits for federal officeholders. If someone like John Conyers wants power over others, let him do it the honest way: form a damn cult.

 Posted by at 10:07 pm
Nov 202017

ESO Observations Show First Interstellar Asteroid is Like Nothing Seen Before

Asteroid 1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua) turns out to have been reddish – like a lot of outer solar system objects – and had a length-to-diameter ratio of about ten. Funky. Overall length of about 400 meters, no detectable gas or dust, indicating solid rock and/or metal. Tumble rate was once per 7.3 hours.

Irrational hypothesizing:

1: It’s Gungnir.

2: A starship, long dead.

3: A planet killer, badly targeted.


 Posted by at 6:04 pm
Nov 202017

The headline is more than a little misleading. “Mad Mike” here isn’t a rocket scientist; in fact, this actual-Flat-Earther states quite clearly that he doesn’t believe in science. Still, he spent a whole lot of money building himself a “skycycle”- like rocket vehicle with which to lob himself into the air.

If you have time to kill and want to chuckle sadly, take a look at this winners Facebook page. He’s not just any Flat Earther, he’s one of those belligerent ones. He thinks that somehow lobbing himself a short distance into the sky will “prove” the Flat Earth delusion to be true… where somehow decades of high altitude balloons, sounding rockets, orbital flights and missions to the moon and beyond somehow all seemed to miss it.

And if there was any lasting doubt that the news media is just not very good, here’s a collection of headlines that will make aerospace engineers – including former rocket engineers like myself – want to pull their hair out:

Self-Taught Rocket Scientist Mad Mike Hughes Plans to Launch Over Ghost Town

This barmy self-taught scientist called ‘Mad Mike’ is going to launch himself over California in a homemade rocket

Not only is there a whole lot of copying off each other – rather than, you know, actual journalismizing – there’s the repeated mis-use of the word “scientist.” Even disregarding the fact that he doesn’t believe in  science, there’s the basic fact that he’s not actually *doing* any science.

 Posted by at 11:12 am
Nov 192017

I’m beginning to become more and more of the opinion that it just might be a good idea to segregate boys from girls in public school, at least up until junior high or high school. That way there’d at least be the potential of teaching kids in ways that are actually appropriate to them, and, much as it’s become popular to believe otherwise, boys and girls *are* inherently different in may important ways.

Take the source (“Prager U”) for what it’s worth, but there re some interesting points raised here:

I’ve long held the view, and expressed it on this blog, that standardized education isn’t for everyone. I don’t believe that society is best off by forcing everyone to stay in the same classes all the way through 12th grade. Some students would simply be better off if they were allowed the leave school some years earlier and be sent into some sort of trade; if nothing else, the *other* students wouldn’t need to be subjected to their bullying, criminality and stupidery. But as the video points out, there are good cases to be made for separating male from female lesson plans. Years ago I wrote about how some of the books I was forced to read in school damn near turned me off reading forever, because they’re just the wrong damned kind of books for me. But I do recall that at the same time I was struggling to give the very slightest of damns about “Sense and Sensibility” and “Little Women” and “I remember Mama” and “Wuthering Heights,” a lot of the girls in the class seemingly couldn’t get enough of it. But did we read Heinlein? Wells? Verne? Sun Tzu? Rand? Lovecraft? Oh, hell no.

Some might argue that it’s important to cram the “classics” into kids in order to “expose them to a wide range of literature blah, blah, blah.” But if the stuff you expose them to is stuff that they’ll *hate,* stuff that they’ll get little to nothing out of, what good are you doing? Chances are good you’re doing *negative* work. Not only are those students getting nothing out of the assignment and thus wasting their time and the teachers, they are also probably so bored that they’re kicking up a fuss that’s ruining the experience for those students who *can* get something out of it. So if there is a simple way to at least get a *crude* semblance of optimization out of the process – like, say, segregating boys from girls and letting boys be aggressive energetic little shits while the girls are, well girls – then huzzah, everybody is better off.

One common refrain is that at some point in the edumacation process, boys become aggressive in class. Not in the beating the tar out of people sense, but in the “Oooh, oooh, call on me, teacher, I know the answer” sense that modern progressives liken to “mansplaining” and “manterrupting,” while girls are less aggressive in that way. Well… fine. Then wouldn’t it be better to separate them? Teach them in the ways that’s best for ’em?

 Posted by at 8:55 pm
Nov 192017

On one hand, it’s always fun to watch the fascists on the far left tear each other apart over matters of ideology. On the other hand, it’s a little disturbing when you consider the unfortunate amount of political power they wield, and how their disdain for due process might well transform society.

So, in this case, we’ve got an actress I’ve never heard of accusing a writer I’ve never heard of of raping her some years ago. But unusually, the writer has a friend in the form of Z-grade actress and political idjit Lena Dunham. Apparently Lena knows the writer well enough to think that the accusations don’t sound right. Unfortunately for Lena, she had the unmitigated gall to actually mention that publicly. So… how’d that work out for her?

Lena Dunham Is Trash, Issues Apology For Defending Friend Against Rape Accusations

In today’s “some white feminists ain’t sh*t” news, Lena Dunham has proven once again that she’s a hot flaming garbage barge of trash, after defending a male writer on her defunct HBO series Girls, when it came to accusations that he raped a 17-year-old actress.

If history has taught anything, it’s that the most vehement hate is directed not at the “other,” but at the heretic. If this situation was clearly something that would stay internal within the members of the regressive left… hey, great, knock yourselves out, kids. But the problem is that it will (and in fact long has) bleed out into the rest of society. Someone makes an accusation? the accused is automatically guilty. Someone defends the accused? That defender is also guilty.

UPDATE: It gets even better. By expressing doubt based on experience, now Lena Dunham is a racist.

Zinzi Clemmons: ‘It’s Time For Women of Color…to Divest From Lena Dunham’

I don’t know who the hell most of these people are, but it’s all kinds of entertaining to see them tearing each other apart. They are trying to tear down western civilization, but they seem to be having some trouble keeping it together.

 Posted by at 9:51 am