Jun 262008

One of the advantages of summer is that California tends to burst into flames, leading to some interesting Utah sunsets. Saw this while driving home from Ogden today. Went down to see about getting more large-format prints made; on that score the day was an unmitigated failure. I did talk to a very nice, terribly intriguing and extraordinarily lovely young lady who I failed utterly to make a positive impression on; even though I came out of that feeling like a stammering tard, that was by far the highlight of the day. Well, at least I got some pretty pictures out of the day…

img_8846a.jpg img_8871a.jpg img_8888a.jpg

 Posted by at 3:25 am
Jun 262008

The final set of renderings from Boeing ca. 1966. While all of these designs have their issues, they demonstrate some very definite cleverness as well. “Image7” I quite like, as it puts the most important items to recover -the avionics, the engines and the people – into compact pods at the back end of the launch vehicle. The CG might be an issue, with all the heavy stuff being so far aft; but it’s clearly a LOX/kerosene fueled vehicle (rather than hydrogen), so that’ll help. “Image8” shows a re-entry vehicle shaped like an early ICBM re-entry vehicle… but a vehicle that, once the rough part of entry is over, breaks apart to reveal a reasonably aerodynamic “airplane” within.

image6.jpg  image7.jpg  image8.jpg  image9.jpg  image16.jpg

 Posted by at 3:11 am
Jun 232008

Found several years back in the Boeing Historical Archives were reproductions of paintings of some very unconventional launch vehicle configurations. Dating from 1966, no further data was available, just the art. But it appears that at least the artists – and hopefully the actual design engineers – were for a brief time given free reign to design manned spacecraft that broke the traditional molds. Recoverability was clearly important, but not all designs were entirely recoverable, and some of the ways in which the vehicles were to be recovered were quite imaginative.

image10.jpg  image11.jpg  image12.jpg  image13.jpg  image15.jpg

More to come.

 Posted by at 1:23 am
Jun 222008

“The Happening,” sad to say, sucks. I say “sad” because I generally like M. Night Shyamalans work. But “The Happening” is massively flawed. How so? Well, on one hand it’s jam-packed with a “deep ecologists” hatred of humanity. On the other, the science just plain sucks.

Taking the first point: in the movie, an airborne toxin appears that causes people to off themselves in all manner of ways, interesting and mundane. Now, the general premise of some weirdness that causes people to go buggo and kill themselves en masse certainly could be interesting on a dramatic level… the idea is just jam packed with horror potential. Had the cause been aliens, Satan, Cthulhu or any of a host of other evils villains, this could have been a dandy movie. But instead, the source of the toxin is *trees.* They’re pissed off at mankind. The point is expounded on in unambiguous terms at the end of the movie that humans are just plain bad for Earth, and it’d be better for life if we were gone. There are some whackjobs in the fringes of the environmental movement who buy into this rubbish; but if the trees were really pissed, they’d attack in the Pacific Northwest or, better, the Amazon. Certainly not Central Park. Secondly, in the long term humans are the best thing terrestrial life has ever encountered. Sure, we make a mess of things. But without humans, Earthly life will die when Earth dies… be that a century from now when a state-sized asteroid plows into Earth, or billions of years from now when the Sun dies. But with humans, life has the chance of spreading thoughout the cosmos, from asteroid colonies to terraformed deadworlds. Bunnies and trees sure as hell ain’t gonna pull off that stunt on their own.
Let me put it this way: People being compelled to off themselves is supposed to be EVIL. So having the compeller be trees, whom we are supposed to see not as malign but harmless, puts a whole different spin on it than if it was, say, demons. In “The Happening,” the bad guys turn out to be all of humanity.


The second point: The science was just, well, stupid. Yes, some plants will emit toxic fumes that are targeted at specific threatening animal species. But the production of these chemicals is an evolutionary process that takes many generations; some industrious oak in a park is vastly unlikely to just stumble across a chemical that will cause humans – and only humans – to kill themselves. At best, it might start cranking out some generally nasty chemical that irritates (or in high enough concentration, kills) animals. If it’s really lucky, it’ll take out mammals, and not birds and insects. But something that specifically targets humans? And with many plant species picking up the hint and, in the words of the expert quoted at the end of the film, “evolving” to produce the same toxin *and* evolving actual strategies for taking down groups of humans?

Evolution does not work that way!


Science literacy is bad enough in the US… and then we have Hollywood cranking out nonsense that makes it even worse. Space travel in sci-fi is almost always dead wrong. But whether or not ships in space go “whoooosh” when they fly by is not a topic of political import. But Hollywood, which is full of people who regularly talk smack about Creationists, proceeds to produce nonsense that points out that they don’t understnad the most basic concepts underlying natural selection and Darwinian evolution either.

Beyond those issues, the movie has a number of other flaws. There are three main characters: Elliot (Mark Wahlberg), his wife Alma (Zooey Deschanel) and Elliots friend/co-worker Julian (John Leguizamo). First: Elliot is a high school science teacher who seems to be a woo-woo New Ager. Second: Julain dislikes Alma, for reasons which are never explained. Third: Alma is just odd. Fourth: Wahlberg needs acting lessons.

 Posted by at 6:21 pm
Jun 222008

I’m sure there’s a news article behind this. But who cares? The picture speaks for itself:

Remember, kids… this is what being a narcissistic druggie will do to you.

 Posted by at 5:32 pm
Jun 222008

Assured Crew Return Vehicle – eXperimental  was the original somewhat poorly considered acronym for what became the X-38 Crew Return Vehicle (although that was cancelled prior to manned flight). I am sure that more than a bit of uncomfortableness was produced when NASA-Johnson Space Center engineers explained that their wives didn’t actually hear ’em right when he said that “I’ll be at the office late tonight working on A CeRViX.”

Anyway, enjoy the drawings. Unlike most concepts, the ACRV-X actually resulted in hardware… but like most projects, the whole effort was shelved before practical use could be made of it.

xcrva.gif  xcrvb.gif  xcrvd.gif

 Posted by at 4:24 pm
Jun 222008

On this day in 1633, 375 years ago, Galilio Galilei was forced by the Inquisition to recant his heretical claims that the Earth moved around the Sun. Part of the problem tha  the Catholic Church had with Galileo was his scientific claims which went against religious doctrine, but a lot of their problem with him was that he was a cranky old loudmouth who went to a lot of trouble to annoy the hell out of people.

Sounds like my kinda guy.

 The Papal condemnation

Whereas you, Galileo, son of the late Vaincenzo Galilei, Florentine, aged seventy years, were in the year 1615 denounced to this Holy Office for holding as true the false doctrine taught by some that the Sun is the center of the world and immovable and that the Earth moves, and also with a diurnal motion; for having disciples to whom you taught the same doctrine; for holding correspondence with certain mathematicians of Germany concerning the same; for having printed certain letters, entitled “On the Sunspots,” wherein you developed the same doctrine as true; and for replying to the objections from the Holy Scriptures, which from time to time were urged against it, by glossing the said Scriptures according to your own meaning: and whereas there was thereupon produced the copy of a document in the form of a letter, purporting to be written by you to one formerly your disciple, and in this divers propositions are set forth, following the position of Copernicus, which are contrary to the true sense and authority of Holy Scripture:

Galileo recantation 

But whereas — after an injunction had been judicially intimated to me by this Holy Office, to the effect that I must altogether abandon the false opinion that the sun is the center of the world and immovable, and that the earth is not the center of the world, and moves, and that I must not hold, defend, or teach in any way whatsoever, verbally or in writing, the said false doctrine, and after it had been notified to me that the said doctrine was contrary to Holy Scripture — I wrote and printed a book in which I discuss this new doctrine already condemned, and adduce arguments of great cogency in its favor, without presenting any solution of these, and for this reason I have been pronounced by the Holy Office to be vehemently suspected of heresy, that is to say, of having held and believed that the Sun is the center of the world and immovable, and that the earth is not the center and moves:

It has been rumored that after he gave his official recantation, Galileo whispered “Eppur si muove” (“And yet it moves.”) Sadly, there’s no evidence of this, and  the quote was  probably invented years or even centuries later.

 Posted by at 11:24 am
Jun 222008

I have recently been hearing little but rumors of bad news out of Rocketplane, Inc., a company I worked for…. sorta (it’s a long, weird and ultimately unfortunate story). But then there’s this:



First Advantage, a company that organizes weddings, will start accepting applications for its “Space Wedding” service from July 1. The service will be offered in 2011 on “Rocket Plane XP” developed by America’s Rocketplane Inc.

The Space Wedding service offers a wedding in outer space about 100 kilometers above the Earth’s surface. The couple will be taken up aboard the chartered Rocket Plane XP. The premium plan, including original wedding dress, wedding party on the ground, accommodation and transportation, and live broadcasting on original websites from space, will cost 240 million yen.

According to First Advantage, two more guests can be invited in addition to the couple, a pilot and a priest. The flight will be about one-hour long, and a four-day training period will be necessary.

Now, either things aren’t as dire as I’d heard atRocketplane, OR… somebody didn’t get the memo. In any event, 240 million yen works out to about  $2.25 million, US. Given that this is for five passengers – the couple, two guests and a Space Priest, that’s about $450,000 each. That’s a notable increase over the $200,000 target price Rocketplane was advertising a few years back. Could be that the wedding organizer company tacks on a hefty fee.

 Posted by at 2:26 am
Jun 212008

The F-1 engines that powered the Saturn V were covered witha reflective insualtion “batting” to protect them from radiant heat from the neighboring rocketsand hot recirculated gas . However, the appearance of the insulation is always something of a mystery. PR photos and artwork of the F-1 engine and the Saturn V universally showed the F-1 bare, with no insulation in place. Photos of the Saturn V readied for launch do not show the F-1s at all, since they were submerged within the launch platform and couldn’t be seen. Films of the Saturn V in flight show the F-1 hazily at best due to camera jitter, atmospheric haze, bad focussing, the blinding glare from the exhaust, etc. Toys, models, posters, books, all showed this incorrect depiction of the F-1.

Nevertheless, there are a few halfway decent reference images. The drawing came from a report I found at the National Air and Space Museum archive more than a decade ago; the photos are all stills taken from NASA films, and included on Spacecraft Films’ excellent “The Mighty Saturns: Saturn V” DVD. The screenshots are reduced in size from the originals, so go get yourself a copy of the DVDs!


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 Posted by at 11:21 pm