Aug 012022

28 women file suit over ‘night of terror’ in Indiana jail, alleging incarcerated men bribed jail officer for keys​. Two women say they were raped

Short form: nearly 30 women in this jail claim that male prisoners bribed a guard to give them keys that gave them access to the womens part of the prison, and spent *hours* assaulting and raping all the women they could.

If this is true: the guard, who was fired and will stand trial in November, needs to become a permanent guest of the state. The male prisoners who were involved with this… we don’t need them, nor their contribution to the carbon footprint. Other prison guards seem to have been aware of what was going on and did nothing. They also need to be given the opportunity of spending a few years looking through those same bars but from the other side.

What the frak is wrong with people?

 Posted by at 11:28 pm
Aug 012022

This is not for me. Instead, I was contacted by Someone Some Of You Might Know (and whose work *all* of you should know), who is working on a project and needs a bit of help. Specifically, dimensioned, accurate, detailed diagrams of the Weber ejection seat used on the F-106:

Sadly, this is the best I seem to have on hand:

Anybody have anything they can share or point to?

 Posted by at 10:38 pm
Aug 012022

The most “BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” thing you’ll see today:

Elderly store owner opens fire on would-be robber armed with rifle in Norco

Justin Johnson, 22, of Inglewood, Jamar Williams, 27, of Los Angeles, and Davon Broadus, 24, of Las Vegas, were each taken into custody in the hospital parking lot and booked into the Robert Presley Detention Center for robbery and conspiracy. They are being held in lieu of $500,000 bail.

The primary suspect, a 23-year-old male, remains hospitalized in critical, but stable condition, and his identity has not been released at this time. He will be booked into a Riverside County jail upon his release from the hospital, authorities said.

Heh. Weird that the guy who served as a buckshot sponge wasn’t named.

Seriously: screw those guys. Best possible outcome would be if that “critical but stable condition” upgrades to “room temperature.” Then not only is that oxygen thief deleted from the timeline, but his three buddies now get sent up on felony murder, hopefully staying in prison long enough to no longer be a threat to the gene pool.

UPDATE: the store owner is an 80-year old guy. A guy who had a heart attack not long after this, so the criminals should be charged with *that,* too. On the raw security footage you can hear the criminal screaming something; I couldn’t originally make out what it was, but now that I know it’s “He shot my arm off,” I can hear it clear as day. You can see on the video that his arm is still there, so the criminal might be exaggerating. Or, with luck, he’s not, and now he’s down one limb.


 Posted by at 6:18 pm
Aug 012022

I don’t care who you are, this right here is *funny.*

If you think it’d be just neato-keen to get a tattoo in some foreign language, go right ahead. But is it really so much of a bother to put some actual thought into it first? I checked out a number of these, both Chinese and Japanese, on Google Translate, and the video seems to be generally correct in the wacky translations of the ones that are shown. Which means that if you want, say, “courage” tatted on your arm in Chinese, you could get 勇氣  (Yǒngqì) and feel *reasonably* confident that you won’t come off as too much of a fool. Heck, at least you could do your translation, print it out and show it to a Chinese speaker and see if they say it means what you think it does. Is it really *that* friggen’ hard?

I bet a lot of Chinese-speaking tattoo artists are tempted to slap “愚蠢的白人自由主義者” on their customers.


 Posted by at 9:01 am
Aug 012022

You’re at 30,000 feet in your C-17 when you have a sudden hankering to be at 5,000 feet. What you *could* do is nose over and power dive. That’s a great way to reach the ground lickety-split; but in all probability you’ll reach it in several parts as you will have ripped the wings off.

Or you could do this: nose over, and throw on your thrust reversers. You’ll still drop like a stone, but a stone with something of a parachute and a fair amount of controlability.

 Posted by at 8:58 am
Jul 312022

It has been a number of years since I’ve added much to the Air & Space Documents & Diagrams catalog ( On the other hand, ever since 2014 I have been sending about three documents and one large format diagram per month to Patrons and subscribers… so that’s a *lot* of stuff! But sometime in the near future I will finally add new items to the Catalog: Air *and* Space, Drawings *and* Documents. Included will be a wide variety of things… but for those interested in space, there will be two sets of SSTO design documents.

I have of late been dealing with a number of things… most relevant of which is finishing up the text of my third book. I hope to have it done in a matter of days. That will be when I’ll really get going on releasing the new Drawings & Documents. Patrons and Subscribers will be notified first… and will have the opportunity to get them at a discount. So if this is of interest, keep an eye on the APR blog, the catalog page linked above, or sign up for the APR Patreon/Monthly Historical Documents Program ( Patrons/subscribers can also get any or all of the “back issues” of monthly collections back to 2014.


PS: Covid does not help the writing process. Just a little heads up for those curious.

 Posted by at 11:36 pm
Jul 312022

Someone has been trying to sell a lithograph on ebay for a *long* time without apparent success… probably because they want $650 for it. Move that decimal place to the left, and I would stand a decent chance of buying it… but for $650, it has to be the *original* art. No way for a *small* lithograph.

The listing is:

1960s GENERAL DYNAMICS “Small ICBM” Concept Art Lithograph Print 8.5×11 RARE

It’s not from the 1960’s, but the 1980’s. It depicts a General Dynamics “Midgetman” Small ICBM concept launching from a mobile launcher; a concept the Soviets (and Chinese, and Norks) ran with, but the US never really got behind. The launcher seems very likely to be the artists fantasy; these vehicles were designed to withstand a reasonably nearby nuclear strike, and one of the ways they did that was by not having a huge single piece canopy.


 Posted by at 11:30 pm
Jul 312022

I’m sure we *all* can think of a lot of incidents that sure seem like they’d get more media traction. But here’s one that seems like it aught to be like catnip for the press… on July 29th, more than fifty shots were fired at a party in Albuquerque, New Mexico. With today’s media freakouts over Evil Guns, this should be a no-brainer. So… why the radio silence?


1) It sounds like there are multiple guns going off. Possibly a substantial number of people blazing away. This of course means it’s far more likely “gang related” than “lone mass shooter.”

2) Reportedly, with all those bullets flying, only one person killed and two injured (if THIS is the same incident… one dead, four injured). That’s *terrible* marksmanship. Again indicating more like gangs than a lone shooter.

3) Fully automatic weapons are fired. Legally owned Class Three automatic weapons are vanishingly rarely used in crimes. Far more likely, this was an illegally modified Glock. Hard to argue that you need more gun laws to ban something that’s already banned (but they’ll try, of course).

Can’t see diddly on the videos below, other than people panicking in the dark. Can’t see any of the shooters. So it might well be that the shooters are, somehow, in some way, inconvenient to report on.

If this is gang related, then the viewer at home will wonder something like “gosh, why don’t they do something about the gangs.” And we can’t have that.



 Posted by at 9:18 pm
Jul 312022

It’s common enough to point and laugh at crazy furriners carrying out government sponsored acts of terrorism against their own people based on arbitrary and generally insane rules and “laws.” Recently a lot of this laughter has been direction Britainland way, and rightly so. But we should remain vigilant lest the more fascistic of Americans, such as the Democrats, get it into their heads to do the same sort of nonsense here. Because, as we’ve seen from the House recently voting to pass a blatantly and admittedly unConstitutional bill banning the transfer of items in common use, they are more than happy to abuse power.

Moment army veteran is arrested ‘for causing anxiety’ after retweeting meme of swastika made out of Pride flags as force is condemned by its own crime commissioner for the ‘proportionality and necessity’ of its response

I do wonder how many of those police officers actually believe they’re doing the right thing, how many don’t care, and how many are actively opposed to this nonsense. This situation is, of course, monumentally stupid. The dude posted this image:


Which somehow caused someone “anxiety.” Why the police should give a rat’s ass that someone has anxiety, I’ve no idea. How they determine that the anxiety caused by a meme is worse/more legally actionable than the anxiety caused by, say, foreign rape gangs or BLM riots or historic statues being torn down or lockdowns or unsolved burglaries, assaults and murders while the police chase down people who post memes, I’ve no idea.

 Posted by at 6:44 pm