Sep 302023

These rumors sound good. Too good, in fact…


Rumor: Christopher Nolan Directing Next James Bond?

Not just that Nolan will direct the next two or three Bond movies, but that they will be based on the original Ian Flemming novels, set in the original time periods, and will be faithful to the source material. This would be directly opposed to the modern studio system of making crap For The Modern Audience, with character race and gender swapped, with the good guys turned into bad guys, beauty made ugly.

Again, just rumors. Thus very likely not gonna happen. But if it does, it’ll be remarkable.


 Posted by at 1:40 am
Sep 282023

Astute blog readers will have noticed a slight dip in blogging activity of late. Why is this?

1: Some personal/family/veterinary issues.

2: Twitter, now that it’s no longer controlled by whackaloons, has become a more useful platform, and has taken a lot of the load.

3: I now have cyanotype blueprints regularly, commercially available. Check them out HERE.

4: Annnnd… I have a contract for Book Five, and I’ve been working on that. Book Five is similar in concept to “US Supersonic Bomber Projects Volumes 1 and 2;” it’s a stand-alone volume, but will, if it sells well, result in Book Six.

So, been a little busy.

 Posted by at 5:28 am
Sep 242023

Pennsylvania State Police trooper charged with strangulation, official oppression

According to a criminal complaint, Davis obtained an involuntary commitment under the Mental Health Procedure Act for a woman with whom he had a relationship.

There. Right there. That’s enough to go “Hold up, wait a minute, something ain’t right.” But even better, he found her out in the wild, tackled her and rolled her around on the rocks. Weird enough, but he’s substantially larger than her. In the video she *seems* reasonable enough under the circumstances. Of course the video starts with the action already in progress; perhaps she was going bugnuts prior to this. But what seems to be an ex boyfriend cop hunting down a woman out with another man, is a story that doesn’t sit right from the get-go

Some of the comentariat are complaining that the cameraman – possibly the new boyfriend – isn’t physically intervening. I get the impulse to do so… but I also understand that documenting the event is in all likelihood the best approach. Are you going to fight off the cop? Maybe, but then *other* cops will come hunt you down. Assuming the first guy doesn’t plug you or arrest you. Stand back, film, and see justice done in the end. Not as manly, not as satisfying… but a lot smarter.

Note that states that have laws against “high capacity” magazines and “assault” rifles typically have set-asides for off duty cops.

 Posted by at 8:34 pm
Sep 232023

Do you want your very own genuine space suit from “2001: A Space Odyssey?” Sure, we all do. Got at least eighty grand to start bidding on it? Sure, we all don’t. But at least you can look at the pictures and dream.

Astronaut Space Suit (6) Piece Ensemble from 2001: A Space Odyssey (MGM, 1968)




 Posted by at 10:09 pm
Sep 232023

Well before the BBC fell into ruin and self-parody, it had a moment of undeniable awesomeness. Nicolas Winton was a British banker who rescued nearly 700 mostly Jewish children from the Nazis just before the outbreak of WWII, getting them to new lives in Britain. Afterwards, he did little to nothing to glorify himself or his deeds; it only really came out in 1988 when his wife found an old notebook with the names and passed them on to a Holocaust researcher. There followed a couple TV programs culminating in an episode of “That’s Life” where, unbeknownst to Winton, the *entire* audience was filled with the children and descendants of children he’d saved.

That’s how you fricken’ do it.

And now there’s to be a movie about Winton starring Anthony Hopkins.


 Posted by at 12:36 pm
Sep 232023

Still needs to go to the USSC, but it’s another step in the right direction:

US judge strikes down California ban on high-capacity gun magazines

California’s ban on standard capacity magazines was struck down not on some technicality, but because it’s blazingly unconstitutional.

Ruling here:


Woe to the victim who runs out of ammunition before armed attackers do. The police will mark the ground with chalk, count the number of shell casings, and file the report.

 Posted by at 10:17 am
Sep 192023

This YouTuber has a *lot* of incredibly mundane videos that are surprisingly interesting. They are largely videos shot in public places over the years… stores, malls, etc. on average days and remarkable days.

For instance, shopping at a mall in 1984 is a fundamentally different experience than any mall I’ve seen in over a decade: there are a lot of people there.

And then there are the videos shot on unusual days:

And then there are the videos that presage what we’re going to get to live through again:




 Posted by at 12:23 pm