Search Results : shuttle

Dec 232011

An “F-1 Glideback” booster… basically a winged Saturn V S-Ic first stage. Every major American aerospace corporation studied variants of this basic idea. Most used delta wings and a single vertical stabilizer, but a wide range of configurations was put forward. This particular design does not seem to have turbojet engines, which would make it very difficult for the booster to make it back to the launch site.

More on F-1 Flyback boosters can be found in issue V1N2 of Aerospace Project Review.

 Posted by at 8:18 pm
Dec 162011

NASA Shuts Doors, Pulls Plug on Shuttle Discovery

NASA powered down the space shuttle Discovery for a final time Friday (Dec. 16), more than 28 years after the agency’s retired fleet leader first came alive. The vehicle was “unplugged” inside Orbiter Processing Facility-1 (OPF-1) at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.


I has a sad.

Hopefully the February launch of a SpaceX Dragon to the ISS will make things a little less hopeless-looking.

 Posted by at 10:40 pm
Dec 072011

An informational poster from Rockwell International showing the configuration of the Space Shuttle dating from, I believe, February 1983. Provides geometric data as well as coloration, mission profile and subcontractor data.

You can download a 9 megabyte ZIP file with 300 DPI scans of both front and back of this poster. The 1/200 scale drawings are particularly nice. The link to the high-rez is HERE.

 Posted by at 6:17 pm