Nov 102022

I’ve seen a number of YouTubers react to “2001.” A common thread is a general dull-wittedness… confused by what they’re seeing, and unable or unwilling to try to think it through, certainly unable to come up with intelligent suppositions. These two guys, however, seem to get it. Well… as much as *anyone* can “get it” without reading the novelization. After the events of Tuesday, this is perhaps a tiny morsel of hope that there might be some remaining shreds of intelligence among Gen Z.


 Posted by at 12:37 pm
Nov 092022

A guy who was known as a anti-gun-violence activist attacked a woman in public in broad daylight and got shot by the police for his troubles. That’s straightforward enough… but this headline is a little grammatically *off*.


Man Killed by Officer Known for Anti-Gun Violence Campaign

See, it wasn’t the police officer known for “anti-gun violence campaign,” but the actual criminal. He had previously spent time in prison for murder, so this particular end to his story isn’t exactly shocking. but at least he didn’t die a hypocrite: he attacked a woman with a knife, not a gun. Gotta have standards, I suppose.


A better headline:

Knife-wielding man fatally shot by police was activist who created ‘no-shoot zones’

Something else to note here: the police officer shot him *14* times and he was still somewhat functional. He did an complete mag dump and reloaded. So anyone saying that “you don’t need more than ten rounds” is silly. Not only because “professionals” often use well over that number, but use that just on one guy. Imagine being set upon by three or four antagonists in a chaotic situation


 Posted by at 2:50 pm
Nov 092022

Disgraced former Senator Al Franken worrying that if the Republicans take over the House and/or Senate, not only will the Democrats plans not be allowed to pass, but there might actually be investigations of the many valid criminal accusations that have been made against his side of the aisle.

While that outcome would be great, there are two things that argue against it coming to pass:

1: Republicans have been noodle-spined weenies for *years,* more interested in “bipartisanship” than in actually doing their jobs.

2: Uncle Fester seems to be winning in Pennsylvania. If someone *that* clearly wrong for the job can even come close, never mind win, that says that something is really, REALLY wrong… either with election integrity or with the electorate. And thus the Dems ever losing their grip on power again seems less and less likely.



 Posted by at 10:00 am
Nov 082022

The worlds of Design Engineers and Machinists are very different… but they have to meet up at some point, or things don’t get done. I saw a lot of the sort of problems described here back when I was in aerospace; similarly, the worlds of Engineers and Draftsmen were well separated, which was an issue that I found to be insane. When I worked at United Tech in California as a design engineer, people – including my managers –  thought I was some sort of whacko because I, a Design Engineer, actually wanted access to a CAD program so I could draw up the stuff I was designing “That’s what the draftsmen are for!” Insanity.



That “Men Have Two Types of Fantasies” at the end? Also true.


 Posted by at 7:37 pm
Nov 072022

So the latest news freakout over Elon Musk buying twitter is that he is banning people impersonating him:


Furious Elon Musk Pledges to Ban Anyone Who Changes Their Display Name to “Elon Musk”

Twitter bans comedian Kathy Griffin for impersonating Elon Musk

And so on. Lots of lefties are screeching that this means Musk is opposed to free speech.


Here’s the thing, though. The accounts getting banned are “Blue Checks.” You will see a little blue check mark next to some Twitter accounts; these accounts have been verified through some process to be actually who they say they are. This might be a corporate account like Ford or Lockheed; this might be the President of the United States; this might be a journalist or an actor. For most people it doesn’t really matter. But if you’re making Big Money on Twitter and you want to make sure that people know that they can trust that You are in fact You, I guess that little blue check mark is important.

Great, whatever.

But the moment you take your blue check account and change the name to someone else’s – like, say, “Elon Musk” –  and then start making posts impersonating that other person, you are committing fraud. The blue check is supposed to say that You are You, not You are Some Other Person.

So, it’s simple. If you want to have a parody account, great, go right ahead. Just don’t use your already established “blue check” to try to fool people into thinking you are someone else. I’m not sure how this was even supposed to be controversial.


And there is another issue with the “blue check verification.” It is supposed to be proof that you are who you say you are, and it is supposed to be an impartial procedure. But there are accusations that the verification was refused sometimes unless you paid someone a bribe. And the bribes were reportedly not small. For a celebrity, fifteen grand might be chump change; but for journalists or “lesser” notables, it was a lot of money. But it would have been worth the price for that little blue check mark. It might even have been *necessary* in some fields, like journalism. In some respects, it’s like a drivers license… needed to do your job, open and available to everyone on a supposedly even playing field. So finding that *anyone* can be verified for a mere eight buck after you blew fifteen large? Yeah, that’s gotta grate.


 Posted by at 6:21 pm
Nov 072022

The model AGM-86 Air Launch Cruise Missile began life as a decoy missile, sort of an updated “Quail.” it was decided that the decoy could carry a nuclear warhead, and thus provide a lot more service; this began its development as a cruise missile. As originally envisaged, it had to fit in the some bays that could hold the AGM-69 SRAM missile; this made sense in a lot of ways but strictly limited its capabilities due to the short length. Efforts to increase the range of the missile included adding a droppable belly tank and stretching the fuselage for more internal fuel volume. The latter route was chose, along with making the nose much blunter and more voluminous.Both the external tank and the fuselage stretch meant that it could not long fit in internal SRAM bays, a tradeoff that was deemed worthwhile.

The illustration below dates from mid 1976 at the latest.

The full rez scan has been uploaded to the 2022-11 APR Extras folder on Dropbox for $4 and up APR Patrons/subscribers.


 Posted by at 6:17 am
Nov 052022

I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to Queen Elizerbeth of Britainland’s funeral a while back, so I don’t know if this was the approach that was selected… but it should have been.


Hi there just been working on trying to reduce wait times to view the Queen’s coffin at Westminster, let me know what you think I don’t see anyone else working on this #fyp #queenelizabeth #queen #westminster #london #uk

♬ original sound – _richardparry_


 Posted by at 7:15 pm