A bit short of a week ago I posted artwork of a “Boeing Advanced Fighter.” This led to the re-discovery of the actual model number 987-350 (I knew it some time back, but my brain is full I guess). And that led to the below CAD diagram, coming in just under the wire for a forthcoming book. The 987-350 was a tactical supercruiser; armament is unfortunately left a bit vague in the available documentation. The artwork depicts it with four folding-fin AGM-69 SRAM missiles; another diagram depicts it with two larger-diameter missiles of similar length. All were to be semi-submerged for low drag.
The original “Scooby Doo” show was important and useful because while every episode had some supernatural badguy – ghosts and monsters and such – at the end it always turned out that the actual badguy was just some actual human, no supernatural elements required. Just villainy and petty evil. it taught kids – maybe, if they paid attention – the value of skepticism when it came to supernatural threats. Since then, whenever I’ve checked in on the franchise there seem to be *actual* ghost pirates and pirate ghosts. Bah.
The video below is a bit of satire based on the idea that the Scooby gang, instead of pursuing such minor evils as someone trying to take over a theme park, went after Commies in the 1950’s. I could get behind that, because as much as Hollywood likes to pretend that Commies weren’t real or weren’t a threat… Commies were, unlike the “fascists” that modern day fanatics are constantly screaming about, actual threats and caused the US and its allies no end of lives and treasure. So having the Scooby gang sniffing them out might have made things a hell of a lot better. Imagine if Scooby had gotten hold of Klaus Fuchs before he shipped Mannhattan Project data to Stalin. Or if he simply followed the likes of AOC around and barked “Commie!” at her nonstop.
The video kinds craps on its own premise by having the Scooby gang feel bad for having investigated Commies.
Uuuuuuuugh. The levels of cringe here are *astonishing.*
This is the sort of nonsensical prattle you’d expect to find alongside discussion of star signs, reiki, aromatherapy and an incorrect usage of “namaste.” Soon Atlantis and the Anunnaki will make an appearance.
Researching a forthcoming book, I requested a book through the interlibrary loan system. I was a little sad to see that it has only been checked out three times in the last fifty+ years, with me being the third. The first time was in 1970, which didn’t surprise me a whole lot. But what’s weird is that the second time was only a few months ago.
The policies that the British government have enacted over recent years of allowing the mass invasion of Britain are, it seems, finally getting the British citizens mad enough to, maybe, do something about it. Britain seems to have a number of problems, including but not limited to:
1) Their National Health Service provide free health care to everyone… including the “migrants.” But the “migrants” aren’t funding new hospitals or more doctors; they’re just consuming the available resources.
2) The “migrants” aren’t building new housing; they’re simply being *given* housing. Houses, apartments, hotel rooms are disappearing from the market and being filled with, mostly, military age males from antagonistic nations.
3) The utilities, from electricity to natural gas to the water and sewers were built assuming the British population… not the British population PLUS an occupying foreign force.
The answer is obvious: first, prevent new “migrants” from landing; second, mass deportations. None of this is likely to occur. Why is the British government doing this to the British people? Fark if I know. The only explanations that seem to make any sort of sense sound a whole lot like conspiracy theories. But reality is what it is.
Here’s a thought… take a few hundred thousand of the military age migrant, give each of them an AK-47 and two magazines, and drop them off in Luhansk. Wacky hijinks ensue.
Alex Stein took his show on the road to mock armed Antifa LARPER whackos to their faces. The one thing I wish he’d done is zoom in on their firearms and try to obtain serial numbers. Not because there’d be anything to do with that data, really, but the effort of obtaining it would likely freak out these little weirdos.
Confronting Armed Antifa at Drag Queen Story Time in Denton, Texas
With all the freaking out about whether AI will replace human endeavor… rarely is it asked “Do we suck? Should the machines take over?” A case can be made.
the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.
Yeah. By that basic definition… humans often really kinda suck at art. Now, it’s no moral failing to be bad at art, or bad at *anything.* But when bad art is upheld as something good, when laziness is rewarded, incompetence championed, and art that just plain denigrates what should be lauded… yeah, *that* is not good.
The National Reconnaissance Office is starting a series on the history of the Manned Orbiting Laboratory, a small space lab that was designed in the early/mid 1960s for the Air Force. Officially just a basic space lab, in reality it was an advanced (for the time) spy satellite. So far there is only Part One on the NRO website, and there’s not much to it… but we’ll see how it goes.