Search Results : shuttle

Apr 242010

From original APR print issue V4N2 comes this 11 page article on the Martin “Spacemaster,” a concept for a two-stage Space Shuttle. The Spacemaster was unique in that the baseline booster was a dual-fuselage “catamaran” vehicles. Numerous diagrams of several versions of the Spacemaster. Download for only $2.00.

Given the troubles of late with PayPal ordering buttons on blog postings, order it (and all the other currently available APR articles) here:


 Posted by at 12:14 pm
Mar 092010

I got my computer back yesterday. With the hard drive clean and unspoiled, unsullied by things like “data” and “programs,” I’ve been dumping a lot of stuff back onto it, including drivers and whatnot. This process includes a lot of tests to make sure things are back up and running… such as making sure the scanner works again. My scanner has an adapter for slides and negatives; for giggles I tried it with some microfilm and microfiche that I have. Results were… variable. For example, here’s an example of a scan from microfilm, a diagram of the WWII German BMW 109-028 turboprop. This was a project for a very large engine appropriate for large aircraft such as bombers. Apart from some scratches due to the film itself being scratched up, it’s not too bad.


On the other hand, scanning microfiche was not as successful. The fiche images are smaller than the film images, and I guess the scanner just doesn’t have the resolving power to really get this stuff. For being approximately 11X17, this portion of a foldout drawing of a North American Aviation Space Shuttle fyback booster is a bit blurry.


 Posted by at 8:42 am
Mar 072010

Here is a high-quality blueprint of the Lockheed LS-200-5 space shuttle concept from 1970, Lockheed Missiles & Space Company drawing SKS 100023. This shows an inboard profile and a rear view of the one-and-a-half stage shuttle concept also known as the “Star Clipper.”

The blueprint is a high-resolution, high-quality print from a restored digital file, measuring 9.5 inches high by 36 inches wide. It will look great framed and hanging on a wall. Shipped rolled in a tube.




 Posted by at 11:41 am
Mar 012010

When the Juno V passed from Army hands to NASA, the intent to make the first stage recoverable also came along. The design got a lot more detail, and the recovery systems stayed in place… at least for a while.

This painting shows the eight braking rockets around the tail, used for sudden decelleration just before splashdown:


A display model of a Saturn C1 also showing the braking rockets:


And here are some inboard drawings and section views of the Saturn C-1 first stage showign the “Recovery Gear” (parachutes)  tucked neatly in the forward end, and eight “Recruit”braking rockets near the tail.



Later designs – well into the Saturn Ib era –  changed the recovery systems drastically.  Rigid-keeled Rogallo wings, parafoils, even hot air balloons were studied, with ocean splashdowns, runway gliding landings, and my personal favorite, being snagged by a ship and lowered onto the deck (this being one of the ballon-borne concepts). I’m hardly dogmatic about what system should have been employed… but I do know that *some* system should have been employed. Early recovery tests with the Saturn Ib would have informed the Shuttle program… either making it better, or making it redundant. Numerous design concepts were put forward for Saturn I’s with Titan III solid rocket boosters (see the MLV-SAT-IB-11.5 series and the Saturn Ib Improvement Study) ; coupling a recoverable Saturn Ib first stage with recoverable Titan III SRMs would have produced either a seriously awesome launch system… or a seriously flawed one. Either would have been good. Instead, we plowed right ahead into the Space Shuttle program… while a seriously awesome piece of equipment, it’s a seriously flawed concept and program. And soon we won’t even have that. Had the Shuttle flaws been noticed by, say, 1970, chances are far better that a better launcher would have resulted than the chances of a good launcher emerging now.

 Posted by at 9:17 pm
Feb 252010

Today ATK test fired the very last of the Shuttle booster rockets ever to be static tested. A few more Shuttle launches, then…. pfffft. End of the line. Unless some policy change occurs to keep the booster line open for some Shuttle derived vehicle – an unlikely proposition at this point – the day of the Reusable Solid Rocket Motor seems to be done. ATK-Promontory will likely turn into something of a ghost town. Hopefully that’ll help with the night-lighting situation out here, and permit better astrophotography.

Anyway, I and a bagrillion other people turned up for the show. The lighting for this test was *terrible,* there was a great deal of haze and overcast. Up until half an hour or so before the test, the test stand and rocket couldn’t even be seen due to fog. So, they ain’t the best pics, but they’re what I’ve got.









 Posted by at 5:55 pm
Feb 232010

Sadly, most available large-format diagrams are multi-generational black-and-white copies of the originals. The originals, up until the era of CAD and plotters, were typically hand drawn, ink on vellum. Finding one of these is a rarity. The next generation of drawings would have been the actual “blueprint,” with blue backgrounds and white-ish lines. These are cyanotype copies of the original vellum drawings, basically the photocopies of their day. And to my mind, more aesthetically pleasing than even the original drawings. So when I came into possession of the actual cyanotype B-29 and Minuteman blueprints, I made sure to have ’em scanned full size, full color. I figured the expense would be worth it since they’d sell well (oops).

Some of the other drawings I have are only available in grayscale. It has been my practice when preparing diagrams such as these for sale to go in and completely clean them, turning them into black-lines-on-white-background diagrams. Serviceable, but just not as satisfying to me as actual blueprints. So something else I’ve been tinkering with is “digitally reverse engineering” grayscale diagrams back into cyanotype blueprints. I have met with, I think, some success. Take for example the inboard profile of the Lockheed LS-200 space shuttle, previously posted here. With some work, I turned it into this:


Neat, eh? Thne “flaws” that I’d normally spend many hours cleaning out of the diagram now become assets, adding to the character of the image. In fact, when the same process is applied to a “pristine” diagram, the results aren’t as satisfying, sach as with the XFV-12 diagram:


Some random noise added to the mix helps a bit, but not quite enough, such as with the V-2 nozzle diagram:


Some drawings are in such bad shape that I’m honestly not sure if they are an improvement or not, such as the V-2 cutaway drawing:


Some produce rather odd “luminous” artifacts like with the B-45 diagram:

Some, though, show considerable promise, such as this Boeing 733-197 SST diagram:


And this Boeing 2707 SST:


And this North American F-107:


And this North American A2J diagram:


One forthcoming drawing set shows early Apollo hardware utilizing the Saturn C-3, requiring on-orbit assembly and refueling. The drawings are not originally in color, but they are of a quality that they can be turned into blueprints. So not the question is… is it something worth doing? If there’s sufficient interest, I’d do the color versions separately from the B&W, as well as go back to some of the earlier releases and make color versions of them as well.



Speak up, people!

 Posted by at 7:08 pm
Feb 232010

An article after my own heart…

Three films that would make Einstein blush

Film characters disappear into thin air, travel through time, and know how to fly. They’re all scientific impossibilities, but since they take place on the silver screen, we suspend our disbelief and go along for the ride.

But one scientist has had enough and is calling on filmmakers to temper their creativity by obeying the rules of science.

At a recent meeting of American scientists, physicist Professor Sidney Perkowitz suggested a new rule: every film should be allowed just one major suspension of belief for the sake of the story.

In other words, films shouldn’t repeatedly violate scientific laws. And they definitely should avoid internal inconsistencies – breaking scientific rules established in earlier scenes.

Hear hear.

The article lists “The Core” as the worst “science” film, and I can’t argue. It’s bad on a level that “Battlefield Earth” had to work really hard to attain. TheSpace Shuttle off course by hundreds of miles, and nobody notices. The Earth’s core stops spinning (go ahead and work out the angular momentum of a ball of nickel-iron “the size of Mars” rotating once a day). An electromagnetic pulse casues pacemakers to malfunction… killing their owners *instantly.* A slight wobble in the Earth’s magnetic field causes birds to go *insane.* A “hole” in the magnetosphereallows “microwaves from the sun” though like a fricken’ phaser blast, melting the steel of the Golden Gate Bridge in seconds. The idea that you can restart a ball of nickel-iron “the size of Mars” rotating by setting off a few dozen megatons of nukes next to it. That “unobtanium” will turn heat into electricity. That you can blast a ten-foot diameter tunnel into solid rock, a hundred feet deep, using lasers and *not* evaporate the observers standing just a few dozen feet away. Thin “spacesuits” that allow people to wander around in 9000 degree temperatures at millions of atmospheres pressure.


 Posted by at 3:09 pm
Feb 142010

I’ve somewhat re-worked the Introduction (previously touched on HERE). Here I blather forth on what the purpose of the book is, how it’s supposed to work and be used, and what the general “philosophy” of the book is. Keep in mind, this is still in the Draft stage. I tend to blather on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on for an excessive length until I do a few editting passes.
I’m not going to post the whole book online (I gots ta get paid), but a few bits here and there to get the idea across. Feel free to tell yer friends, forums, groups, whoever you think might be interested. If’n you’re very interested in seeing this book get published… buy my stuff or donate. I’m in the “starving artist” phase of authorship here.


Introduction: Why is it important to “design” spaceships for science fiction?

It is generally not necessary for an author to design the spacecraft in their fiction to any great level of detail. In non-science-fiction fiction, when someone gets into a car, truck, boat or airplane, rarely does the author spend more than a fraction of a sentence describing the vehicle or how it is used. Only when the design, use or maneuvering of the vehicle is an important plot element does the author spend any time on it. This is a perfectly valid approach for spacecraft in science fiction – if the design isn’t really important, you don’t need to describe it in any detail. There are, however, three good reasons to design your Spaceship to a certain level of detail, even if you don’t reveal that detail in the book.

Reason 1: Pragmatism

There is a trap that authors and especially makers of TV/movie science fiction can fall into: how things work on a spaceship. Very few authors of conventional fiction would describe a Volkswagen Jetta as having a thousand horsepower, or casually mention that the Boeing 747 is currently cruising at one hundred thousand feet and traveling at ten thousand miles per hour. These are simply wrong, and the readers will know it… and will know that the author should have known it. It indicates that the author is either lazy or crazy; either does not know the basics of the subject, or does and is ignoring it. Such examples as these rarely occur in conventional fiction; but yet they occur with unnerving regularity in science fiction. For those readers or viewers who catch the errors, it is jolting, and can ruin an otherwise worthy tale.

The trap is that many things that many of the things that occur in science fiction have never been done before, or at least have not been done often, and thus the author may think that that their imagination can run riot and any description will do fine. The problem is that the universe runs by a set of rules, and, for the most part we know what those rules are. Most science fiction readers are reasonably well versed in the rules of physics, and will spot the most glaring errors. Some things are impossible, and we have a good idea what those things are.

A number of books, TV shows and movies will be referenced in this book, as examples of both what to do and what not to do. However, one source that should be utilized and kept in mind at all times is the TV show “Mystery Science Theater 3000.” This show, originally on public television, later on Comedy Central, and finally on the Sci Fi channel, was based on the simple yet largely effective premise that exceedingly bad and unwatchable movies could be made entertaining by making fun of them. Over the course of nearly 200 two-hour episodes, Joel and the bots, and later Mike and the bots (“who was better, Joel or Mike” is an argument precisely as relevant to this book as the argument “who was better, Kirk or Picard”) managed to heckle and berate movies and old serials. While these dubious masterpieces tended to make easy targets for derision by having bad acting, bad dialogue, bad plots and bad special effects, bad science was also properly berated (while, of course, the whole notion of a dogbone-shaped space station built by a mad scientist and his idiot assistant and crewed by a goofball and a few homemade robots seems to have been glossed over). On college campuses across America, science and engineering students watched taped episodes and heckled right along with Crow and Tom Servo, and then did the same thing when they see a new movie in the theaters or on TV.

Nobody likes to be heckled. When some needless gaff or blatant oversight comes along, rest assured that there will be someone in the audience who will point it out and laugh loudly. A work that is ridiculed is less likely to sell, and is less likely to be followed up. It can damage reputations, and can lead to a shorter, less lucrative career than otherwise might have been the case. It’s not just the author or screenwriter who will catch hell for unnecessary screwups… it’s also the editor, the publisher, the director, the producer, the film studio. If you cause someone else embarrassment, or even harassment from the angry fanboys, they will remember that and may punish you for it the next time you go to them for a payday.

Reason 2: Craftsmanship

Take pride in what you do! Know that you didn’t just slap something together, but spent the little extra time that was required to do it right. Just as members of the public generally don’t want to have much of anything to do with something that was just slapped together (except to point and laugh), you won’t want to have much to do with it either. When it comes to spacecraft, even terribly advanced spacecraft, you don’t have to just make things up… the knowledge of how to do just about anything physically possible exists, and plausible shortcuts are possible for those not known to be physically possible.

Reason 3: Consistency

If you have designed your spacecraft to the point where you have nailed down what its capabilities and characteristics are, then you can write your tale with little fear that your spaceship will be a fundamentally different beast at the end than it was at the beginning.
What This Book Can Do For You

This book will show how to design and use your Spaceship to a level of detail adequate to avoid the usual pitfalls of most science fiction. To do this, the technology levels are divided into the following types:
1) Now
2) Real Soon
3) On the Horizon
4) Beyond The Horizon
5) Magic

The “Now” class of spaceship is what can actually be built today, with equipment more or less off the shelf, or new designs that make no noticeable advancements on existing equipment. This would include such things as conventional staged, expendable launch vehicles (from small to very large), to space capsules, small spaceplanes, Shuttle-type vehicles, basic inter-orbit tugs, lunar landers and the like. All would be powered by such propulsion systems as chemically fueled rockets – liquid, solid and hybrid; some use of low thrust systems like ion engines and resistojets. These technologies, used wisely, allow for the early commercialization of near-Earth space and the limited manned exploration of the Moon, Mars and some nearby asteroids. Most importantly, these are the technologies that will be well understood by a sizable fraction of the audience, and they will notice errors. There is no good excuse for getting these wrong.

The “Real Soon” class of spaceship would include the use of technologies that have received considerable ground testing, but have not been used. These are devices and technologies that the engineers behind them are virtually certain will work, but will require development. Such spaceships would include fully reusable two stage to orbit launchers, early single stage to orbit vehicles, solar sails, Mars landers, and nuclear thermal rockets such as the NERVA. There are a few materials of note in the “Real Soon” category that would be of interest, such as high temperature ceramics and aerogels. The “Real Soon” designs would, somewhat arbitrarily, encompass those available beginning around 2020-2040, and are the sort of technologies that would allow for true commercialization of near-Earth space (including the Moon and, possibly, near-Earth asteroids) and the manned reconnaissance of the inner solar system. These technologies, like the “Now” level technologies, will be well understood by much of the audience.

The “On The Horizon” designs would include the use of technologies that have received only very preliminary testing, and are largely “vaporware.” This class would include such things as airbreathing single stage to orbit vehicles, nuclear pulse vehicles, gas-core nuclear vehicles, laser-propelled launchers, early fusion and antimatter drives. These technologies, which may become available around 2040-2070, would allow for the low-cost commercialization of near-Earth space (including the Moon), tourism to Mars, and the manned exploration and exploitation of the entire solar system, with early missions to the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt.

The “Beyond The Horizon” vehicles would be where things start to get really interesting. These would include the use of technologies that scientists have only the barest preliminary theories of, and engineers are currently very uncertain as to how to even contemplate their use. However, it is in this area where the first interstellar propulsion systems become available. Pure antimatter “photon” drives, Bussard ramjets, advanced pure fusion drives and the like. “Beyond the horizon” technologies have the potential of making the entire solar system accessible as the steam engine made the world accessible. These technologies may become available in the second half of the 21st Century and beyond.

“Magic” technologies are those for which even a theoretical basis is almost totally lacking, or which current theory does not support. Warp drive, hyperdrive, jump drives, wormholes, time travel, gravity generators, zero-point energy generators all fall into this category. They have the potential of making the entire universe accessible. However, with the highly hypothetical nature of these technologies, putting even a vague handwavy date on them is not reasonable. They may be impossible; they may equally be demonstrated within a few years.

The many technologies in this book will be given their own separate sections. In each section there will be a general description, which will include all data and equations required for a basic understanding of the technology. Additionally, there will be a description of how the technology can be used and what it can do; a description of what the thing – and its effects – would look like; and examples from both the real world and fiction, if any. If the existing fictional treatment got it wrong (yes, I’m looking at you, Orion propulsion system from Deep Impact), that will be discussed so that you don’t get it wrong in the same way.

Plausible BS-Ability

Many of the “Beyond The Horizon” and “Magic” technologies are understood today only vaguely, and thus can only be described vaguely, if the author wants to stay within the bounds of the currently known and understood. However, if the author is positing a world of technology vastly beyond the current state of the art, the people who live within that fictional world will accept it, and presumably somebody there will understand it. Thus, it won’t be magic to the scientists and technicians who live with it. But just as a plasma screen TV today is a common household item manufactured in the tens of millions, for most people who actually live with and use them the technology might just as well be magic. Even so, in daily life you’ll find few people actually yammering on about plasma screen TV’s actually being magic. People simply accept that the technology works, and don’t bother with understanding it. And this is an important thing to keep in mind when describing Magic-level future spacecraft: the technology won’t be described in detail by those using it. They’ll generally just use it. When describing some fantastic warp drive, consider not describing it in any detail. Unless it’s vital to the story, just use it. Used properly, the audience will also accept it via willing suspension of disbelief. Han Solo never explained the Millenium Falcon’s hyperdrive. Captain Kirk never explained the artificial gravity on the Enterprise. Commander Sheridan never explained the details of jump point construction. This was because these details were not needed to tell the story.

Sometimes, however, the technology is the story. In a case where a Magic-level society encounters a far lower tech-level society and there is an exchange of technology (think, for example, of the mythology surrounding “crashed UFO’s on Air Force bases”), a detailed description of the technology, physics and operation of a machine may be attempted. If the description is from the point of view of the low-tech-level, there will be a lot of shrugging and guesswork. If the technology is being described by the high-tech level users, then the description, if it goes into any detail, may quickly pass beyond what the current understanding of such technologies is. At that point, it is up to the author to create the plausible out of thin air. The most important things to keep in mind here:

1) Keep it self-consistent. It is an irritating commonplace in science fiction, especially in the “space opera” sub-genre, for technologies to constantly morph in capabilities. Something that in Chapter One served as an anti-gravity system is now in Chapter Seventeen a machine to manufacture cookies.
2) While you’re describing the unknown, minimize describing it as the impossible. Faster than light travel may or may not be possible… but it won’t be achieved by, say, thrusting ahead real hard to 99% lightspeed and then yelling real loud. The known laws of physics may be circumvented, but outright bashing them over the head with a sledge hammer is simply lazy. Learn the relevant physics… and respect it.
3) Technobabble may be required. New words may need to be invented, and that’s perfectly fine. A sci-fi story written in the 1960’s that had 21st century people babbling on about dot-coms, Googling, plasmas, DVDs, Segways, iPods, hybrids, Facebook, blogs and so on would perhaps have sounded odd, but it would have been remarkably prescient. People twenty years from now will use words and phrases that would mean nothing to us today… and they’ll hardly ever stop to explain what the words mean. Still, don’t go overboard, and for Bog’s sake, try to avoid stale, overused technobabble. One can only hear of the need to employ an inverse tachyon beam to reverse the polarity of the detrion particle field generator to overload the electro-quantum structure of the secondary gyrodyne relays in the propulsion field matrix just so many times before the urge to bash the TV with a Lousiville Slugger becomes overpowering.

 Posted by at 2:07 am
Feb 112010

I’ve been digging out the old files for the book project previously described HERE. By far the largest part of the book was/is going to be on propulsion systems. Now, this may be due to the fact that propulsion systems for spacecraft were my schtick, professionally; but I like to think that it’s actually because compared to the propulsion system, everything else (navigation, life support, power, etc.) is pretty secondary. Think of it this way… if tomorrow Microsoft announced that they had developed a perfect closed-system ecology perfect for long duration spaceflight, the general response would be a collective yawn. But if someone tomorrow announced that they figured out how to make a practical and affordable warp drive that could send you to the stars at ten times the speed of light, people around the world would start slapping together starships the day after. To hell with closed ecologies… just pack an assload of canned Spam.
<> Anyway, one of the files I’ve got is the outline of the propulsion system section. My idea was to break all technologies into several technological “eras,” as described in the book’s Introduction:

This book will show how to design and use your Spaceship to a level of detail adequate to avoid the usual pitfalls of most science fiction. To do this, the technology levels are divided into the following types:
1) Now
2) Real Soon
3) On the Horizon
4) Beyond The Horizon
5) Magic

The “Now” class of spaceship is what can actually be built today, with equipment more or less off the shelf, or new designs that make no noticeable advancements on existing equipment. This would include such things as conventional staged, expendable launch vehicles (from small to very large), to space capsules, small spaceplanes, Shuttle-type vehicles, basic inter-orbit tugs, lunar landers and the like. All would be powered by such propulsion systems as chemically fueled rockets – liquid, solid and hybrid; some use of low thrust systems like ion engines and resistojets. These technologies, used wisely, allow for the early commercialization of near-Earth space and the limited manned exploration of the Moon, Mars and some nearby asteroids.

The “Real Soon” class of spaceship would include the use of technologies that have received considerable ground testing, but have not been used. These are devices and technologies that the engineers behind them are virtually certain will work, but will require development. Such spaceships would include fully reusable two stage to orbit launchers, early single stage to orbit vehicles, solar sails, Mars landers, and nuclear thermal rockets such as the NERVA. There are a few materials of note in the “Real Soon” category that would be of interest, such as high temperature ceramics and aerogels. The “Real Soon” designs would, somewhat arbitrarily, encompass those available beginning around 2010-2030, and are the sort of technologies that would allow for true commercialization of near-Earth space (including the Moon and, possibly, near-Earth asteroids) and the manned reconnaissance of the inner solar system.

The “On The Horizon” designs would include the use of technologies that have received only very preliminary testing, and are largely “vaporware.” This class would include such things as airbreathing single stage to orbit vehicles, nuclear pulse vehicles, gas-core nuclear vehicles, laser-propelled launchers, early fusion and antimatter drives. These technologies, which may become available around 2030-2060, would allow for the low-cost commercialization of near-Earth space (including the Moon), tourism to Mars, and the manned exploration and exploitation of the entire solar system, with early missions to the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt.

The “Beyond The Horizon” vehicles would be where things start to get really interesting. These would include the use of technologies that scientists have only the barest preliminary theories of, and engineers are currently very uncertain as to how to even contemplate their use. However, it is in this area where the first interstellar propulsion systems become available. Pure antimatter “photon” drives, Bussard ramjets, advanced pure fusion drives and the like. “Beyond the horizon” technologies have the potential of making the entire solar system accessible as the steam engine made the world accessible. These technologies may become available in the second half of the 21st Century and beyond.

“Magic” technologies are those for which even a theoretical basis is almost totally lacking, or which current theory does not support. Warp drive, hyperdrive, jump drives, wormholes, time travel, gravity generators, zero-point energy generators all fall into this category. They have the potential of making the entire universe accessible. However, with the highly hypothetical nature of these technologies, putting even a vague handwavy date on them is not reasonable. They may be impossible; they may equally be demonstrated within a few years.

So, here’s the general outline of what the propulsion system was expected to look like:


Spaceship Physics 101

The rocket equation – Read it, Learn it, Live it

Rocket engine design basics

Basic Rocketry

Thrust Vectoring

Jet tabs
Jet Steering
Secondary Liquid Injectant
Rotating Asymmetric Nozzle Extension
Supersonic Splitline
Differential Throttling

Relativistic Travel & Effects

Types of propulsion:

Available Now:

Siege Engines

Steam Rockets

Compressed Gas


Chemical Rockets

Solid rockets

Liquid rockets


Liquid engine design features
Shock diamonds

Hybrid Rockets


Pressurant vs. pumps

Electrical Propulsion Systems

Ion engines
Hall Effect Thrusters




Available Real Soon:

Advanced Chemical Rockets

Expansion-deflection nozzles
Aerospike nozzles
Plug cluster
Dual bell

Goddard’s Turbo-Prop Rocket

Rotationally Augmented Thrusters

Nuclear Thermal Rockets

Nuclear ramjet

Solar Sails

Solar Photon Thruster

Laser /Microwave Sails

Solar Thermal engines


Rotary Slings



Pulley Drives

On The Horizon systems:


Ducted Rockets and Ejector Ramjets

Liquid Air Cycle Engines

Pulse detonation engines

Gas core nuclear

Nuclear/MHD “Torch”


Nuclear lightbulb

Nuclear pulse (Orion)

Nuclear Pulse (Medusa)

Nuclear Pulse (Helios)

Laser Launch




Mass Drivers

Antimatter: Fuel of the Future.

An Antimatter Primer

Antimatter Steam Rocket

Antimatter ramjets

Antimatter turbojets

Anti-Proton Initiated Fusion

Muon Catalyzed Fusion

Pellet Stream Propulsion

Sail Beam

Light Gas Balloon Tunnels

Hydrogen Balloon Ramjet Tunnels

Advanced Artillery

Scramjet Guns
Light Gas Guns
Compressed Gas
Combustion Driven Piston
Falling piston
Underwater gun
Thermal Bed Gun
Nuclear Reactor Gun
Nuclear Bomb Gun
Electric Discharge Gun

Beyond The Horizon:

Launch Loop

Matter/Antimatter Photon Rocket

Bussard Ramjet

Catalytic Ramjet

Ram Augmented Interstellar Rocket

Exotic Chemicals

Metastable Helium
Monatomic Hydrogen
N20 (Nitrogen-Twenty Buckysphere)


Alcubierre Warp Drive

Krasnikov Tunnel

Quantum Teleportation

Vacuum Point Energy systems


Artificial Gravity

Inertialess Drives: General

Inertialess Drive: Negative Matter

Inertialess Drives: Dean Drive and others (i.e. BS)

Forwards’ Spin Drive

If I’ve missed anything, and I almost certainly have, feel free to drop a note.

 Posted by at 1:53 am
Feb 102010

The DoD does, and seems to want to see the US retain some of that capability.

DOD Studying Rocket Motor Sustainment

The Pentagon is participating in an interagency integrated team convened to explore how best to sustain the rocket motor industrial base — a mandate made all the more urgent given NASA’s planned cancellation of the Constellation program, according to Brett Lambert, the Defense Dept.’s industrial policy director.

Each of NASA’s Ares V launchers would have required six RS-68 engines, which are common to the U.S. Air Force’s Delta IV Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV). Already, Air Force officials are seeing an uptick in the per-unit price of each EELV because procurement has slowed to keep pace with delayed satellite programs.

This trend is only getting worse with the NASA decision, according to Gary Payton, deputy under secretary of the Air Force for space. “We share an industrial base with NASA — on solids, liquids, range infrastructure and a workforce. So, with the cancellation of the Constellation program… we have got a lot of work to do with NASA to figure out how to maintain a minimum industrial base on liquid rocket engines and solid rocket motors,” Payton told reporters Feb. 4 during a luncheon roundtable.

The end of Constellation/Ares sees the end of ATK-Thiokol as a going concern. Say waht you will about ATK (and I can say rather a lot, little of it complementary), but it’s not like the US is stacked to the rafters with companies that can build large, ICBM-sized solid rocket motors.  United Tech/CSD folded half a decade ago. ATK may fold within a year (for all intents, anyway… it’ll probably retain some smaller contracts, and play rocket-hobby-shop).

On the liquid rocket front, things are a bit more confusing. With the dropoff in need for Delta IV’s, far fewer RS-68’sa re being built. With the end of the Shuttle, SSME’s day will be done. On the other hand, the SpaceX Merlin will, hopefully, continue to loft the Falcon rockets, and Xcor will hopefully continue to crank out reliable small rocket engines for the commercial market.

The commercial spacecraft and propulsion industries are America’s great hope. And Obama’s proposed budget theoretically helps cater to them. But for entepreneurs to thrive ina  market commanded by Marxists… I dunno. I got a bad feeling about this, Chewie…

 Posted by at 1:32 am