Sep 222020

‘Defund the police’ activist Alyssa Milano calls 911 sparking massive police presence in her quiet California neighborhood claiming an armed an gunman was on her property – but it was really a teen shooting at squirrels with an air gun

Amazing how quickly the “ACAB” goobers are to call the cops when the slightest little thing triggers them.

 Posted by at 5:46 pm
Sep 212020

Well, damn.

Michael Lonsdale, actor who played Bond villain in ‘Moonraker,’ dies at 87

Ron Cobb, Designer of the ‘Alien’ Ship and the ‘Back to the Future’ DeLorean, Dies at 83

Ron Cobb’s design work was *fantastic.* He designed the world of “Conan the Barbarian,” including the swords. He did a first pass at the “Back To The Future” LeLorean. He designed the Nostromo and the Narcissus and the Dark Star and the Marsliner and the “Raiders of the Lost Ark” Flying Wing and the Gunstar and the Starcar and the Whispercraft and the laser and spaceplane in “Real Genius,” all with diagrams that would have fit well at an aerospace company.

 Posted by at 4:59 pm
Sep 212020

Replace the jokester here with the Chinese Communist Party or perhaps even some forty-year-old KGB program that long ago escaped its leash and has been roaming the wild influencing weak-brained leftists for decades… and I think it just might be stone-cold sober reality:

Alternatively: actual modern Russians. But less some devious Russian government operation, and more the Russian equivalent of 4chan, trolling the US left just for teh lulz.

 Posted by at 1:03 pm
Sep 202020

And here we start to see the potential of “deep fake” technology to try to correct the massive errors of Kurtzmann era Trek, with Shatner, Nimoy, Kelley and Montalban stuck back into their roles in the NuTrek movies. The Nimoy-replacements seem to be the most successful.

The potential here is not in reworking the NuTrek movies and STD to replace the new actors with the old. No, the potential here is to make brand new *real* Star Trek set anywhere from TOS to the movie era and beyond, using canonical designs of technology and aliens and whatnot… and use Deep Fake tech to replace modern actors who place legacy characters. The possibility is close to existing to create Year Four episodes of TOS. *Should* they do so? Well… maybe. If the rights can be correctly incorporated to do proper Trek – as Deep Space Nine and Enterprise both showed would look perfectly fantastic despite being more than fifty years out of date – and if the writers and producers can be somehow persuaded to do proper Trek, rather than the hideous WokeTrek nonsense that’s been foisted upon us, then… yes. I could get behind a Year Four series.


 Posted by at 1:46 pm
Sep 202020

BLM/Antifa is now taking to assaulting gays and Mexicans because of course they are.

Videos: BLM Trespassed A Private Property Last Night And Attacked A Gay Mexican Veteran And His Boyfriend

Anybody know what the laws are regarding megaphones in private neighborhoods? Is it legally assault if someone starts blatting their nonsense through a bullhorn right in your ear?

 Posted by at 10:59 am
Sep 192020

With the recent news of the possible discovery of the signs of possible life in the upper atmosphere of Venus, there is renewed interest in some quarters in the idea of atmospheric probes to sample the air and clouds directly. The most practical way to do this in something resembling a long term is with a balloon. With Venus’ carbon dioxide atmosphere, something usually useless as a lifting gas like nitrogen or oxygen could be used, but hydrogen or helium would work even better there than above Earth.

Such probes have been proposed for a *long* time. Here is art of Martin Marietta design for a Venus balloon from more than fifty years ago.

Martin studied a Buoyant Venus Station as far back as 1967. Included in the study were the instruments to be carried, including “drop sondes,” expendable instrument packages that would be dropped from the station to radio back data from lower down:

 Posted by at 11:37 pm
Sep 182020

After a dull run-up to the election, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has died. This is almost certainly far too close to the election to permit Trump to select and ram through a new Justice; the Dems would certainly do everything in their power to squash any such nomination process. If Trump makes a nomination prior to the election and the process gets underway, the Dems will certainly maneuver things to push off the certification until after the election. if Trump wins, they might just give up in dismay and allow the process to continue; if Harris wins, they will certainly go apoplectic in their efforts to kill the process prior to the inauguration.

Consequently: the selection of a Justice to replace the far left extremist (notably, she came down on the wrong side of history in the Heller decision) Ginsberg will be a top priority for the parties.

 Posted by at 7:25 pm