Dec 242020

A relative of mine entered quarantine a couple days ago with symptoms of the Commie Cough; confirmation is at least a day or three away. But *of* *course,* today their PC decided to act up. The monitor shows, apparently, nothing but a solid blue screen, no text. The extent of my suggestions was “turn it off and back on,” which was repeated several times and always results in that blue screen. Anybody got any ideas? “Take it to a repair place” is, sadly, off the table for at least several days, possibly several weeks.

 Posted by at 2:42 pm
Dec 242020

In 1985, Rockwell International considered the possibility that there might be profit in ICBMs. In particular, small ICBMs (“Midgetman”), road-mobile with a single warhead. Sadly, the SICBM did not come to be. Nor did any other ICBM. The current ICBM that the USAF fields is the Minuteman, merely an updated version of the same missile first fielded nearly *sixty* years ago. The Peacekeeper ICBM was deployed the year after Rockwell produced this document… and the Peacekeeper was withdrawn twenty years later with no replacement in sight


 Posted by at 12:55 am
Dec 242020

Or at the very least a  temporary backing off from bad news:

ATF Withdraws Pistol Brace “Guidance”

Don’t expect this to last. They’ll try again soon enough; hell, in a month Uncle Sniffy the Gropey Manchurian may well start tossing out executive orders mandating the same thing the ATF wanted to do anyway. And if January 6 goes the way I kinda expect it will, then all that’ll stand between the Feds and the citizens will be a shaky Supreme Court… which may well get packed anyway.

 Posted by at 12:48 am
Dec 232020

In 1985, Rockwell International considered the possibility that there might be profit in long-term “storage sheds” for satellites. These would provide physical protection for the satellites against radiation, micrometeoroids, lasers and the like; the satellites within would be kept in reserve for the day when other satellites are disabled, such as by enemy action. Presumably these cocoons would provide communications and power as well.

 Posted by at 5:19 pm
Dec 222020

Well, looks like *somebody* had some free time…

Analysis and Qualitative Effects of Large Breasts on Aerodynamic Performance and Wake of a “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid” Character


A computational fluid dynamics methodology is used to study the salient flow features around the breasts of a human figure and to describe the aerodynamic differences imparted by their geometric presence. Two models are proposed for examination: a 3-dimensional reference based on a character design with a significantly buxom figure and a modification of this design where the breast size is reduced significantly. The two models are tested at speeds ranging from 1 to 30 m⋅s^-1 using Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes (RANS). Drag, lift, and skin friction forces, along with turbulence kinetic energy (TKE), are investigated and compared between the different models. The present results are expected to provide useful information on the validity of the statement, “Flat is Justice” in terms of an aerodynamic standpoint. In addition to this, the results can offer worthwhile data investigating the anthropometrical presence of large breasts on sport aerodynamics.



Don’t say I never gave ya nuthin’.

 Posted by at 7:20 pm
Dec 222020

Because the government *clearly* doesn’t take this seriously.

Congress unveils $2.3 trillion government spending and virus relief package

$2.3 trillion split evenly among 331 million people would be stimulus checks in the amount of nearly seven grand. But what actually in the 5,593 page bill? If you’ve got a *lot* of free time, go ahead and read it. Congress sure as hell didn’t read it before they voted on it. Some people are trying to struggle through it, and they are finding some *amazing* things:

Your government at work.





 Posted by at 4:16 pm
Dec 222020

John Burk/Ross’ videos are usually a hoot. But this one is special.

At about the 2 minute mark he responds to the question “How many of your friends and family are you willing to sacrifice on your altar of “freedom”?”


“How many people have to die before I’m willing to sacrifice my, or somebody else’s, liberty just so you can feel safe? All of them. Your kids, your grandparents, your brother, your sister, your cousin that you’re having sexual relations with… every single one of them. Does that offend you? Good. Because I don’t care.”

Given that the Commie Cough seems to have maybe struck my family (will find out in a few days), the subject is of great import to me. And tyranny remains of great import to me. This pandemic will end. But tyranny could last far longer and cause much greater pain. No plague in the last five hundred years compares to the plague of democide in the last century.

 Posted by at 3:21 pm
Dec 212020

So, picking up after a *slight* delay

In 1985, Rockwell International considered the possibility that there might be profit in an orbital radar system that looks back at Earth. Such a system would have both civilian and defense applications… air traffic control and spotting sea ice were possibilities for the civilian sector, and spotting cruise missiles, fighters, bombers and surface vessels for the military. In reality a system like this would probably be far more interesting to the military.

 Posted by at 5:14 pm