Dec 282020

So a guy buys a Legal Thing. But he made the mistake of living in California. And he decided to obey the bizarre California law regarding that Legal Thing and register that Legal Thing with the state. What does the state do? Send a platoon of police with a warrant to tear his house apart looking for that Legal Thing. And when they find that Legal thing? They look at it, decide that it is indeed a Legal Thing, give it back and leave.


So… when the Gropey Manchurian takes over and tells everyone that they have to register their Legal Things with the government… will it actually be a good idea to do so, knowing what the government is likely to do  now that they know you have that Legal Thing?

 Posted by at 5:33 pm
Dec 282020

Paramount Reportedly Wants Next Terminator Film To Be Rated PG-13

There is no “Terminator7” as yet, no plot, director, producers, anything, just Paramount noodling over the idea. But IMO, they should do one of two things:

1: Give it up. At least until 2029.

2: Do something different.

“Dark Fate” was so *aggressively* bad that the whole franchise has a stain on it now, like finding out that your favorite politician visited Epstein Island, kicks puppies and talks in theaters. But what I would like to see, were I given the reigns and a hundred million to make a movie: I’d ditch everything post “Terminator,” even unto ignoring T2 (*note), and go straight to the Future War against Skynet. Not early in the war like “Salvation,” but the *end* of the war. I’d want two movies: the first shows the battle up to the climax. The second one shows the world *after* victory. No Terminators or Skynet, no war against the machines, just humanity picking up the pieces. A fight among survivors about just how; some want to live like Amish, some want to use Skynets tech to rebuild the cities, restore the land, live out among the stars. Perhaps have true AI, but not of the “destroy all humans” variety. End showing a few generations down the line with humans and AI getting along, colonizing Pluto, say.

What do you want to bet we’ll instead get time travelling robots and lots of CGI splosions.


*Note: alternative: assume T2 happened, but obviously Cyberdyne backed up their data elsewhere. The raid on the complex didn’t change the future; Judgement Day still happens, catching the Connors a little off guard, but still prepped for action.

 Posted by at 11:21 am
Dec 282020

This seems Constitutionally dubious:

A California Plan to Chase Away the Rich, Then Keep Stalking Them

California’s Legislature is considering a wealth tax on residents, part-year residents, and any person who spends more than 60 days inside the state’s borders in a single year. Even those who move out of state would continue to be subject to the tax for a decade … Assembly Bill 2088 proposes calculating the wealth tax based on current world-wide net worth each Dec. 31. For part-year and temporary residents, the tax would be proportionate based on their number of days in California. The annual tax would be on current net worth and therefore would include wealth earned, inherited or obtained through gifts or estates long before and long after leaving the state.

“Non-residents” who spend more than 60 days in California could be residents of Montana… or of France. Good luck taxing *them.* People who attend college in California would be on the hook annually for ten years after the graduate and flee the state. Someone who spends more than two  months in a California hospital would have that benighted state pursuing them for years after.

According to the text of the bill, this would be a 0.4% tax on wealth (*ALL* wealth, not just wealth held in California) over $30,000,000. This would seem to be the sort of thing that would automatically make it so far beyond most folks as to be considered safely inoffensive,. But the fact is, once a government finds a new way to tax the really, really rich, it will then tax the regularly rich. The the almost-rich. Then the non-rich. Wherever there’s a nickle to grasp, a government – especially one as venal as the California government – will find a way to grasp at it.

What I look forward to: some scion of a Russian oligarch comes to America and spends three months sleazing around LA. Papa moneybags keels over two years later, leaving a hundred million to the kid who now lives full time in Moscow. The state of California then sends a bill for $400,000 to the guy every year for the next eight years. How do you think that would work out?


 Posted by at 1:02 am
Dec 272020

In the long, long ago (i.e. December 2019, before the ChiComs and their stooges stomped the planetary economy into the dirt), Warner Brothers released a trailer for “Wonder Woman 1984.” The trailer was, IMO, freakin’ awesome. Behold the 1980’s in glorious ExtraColor:

I praised the trailer back then for its use of a modernized version of New Orders “Blue Monday.” I stand by that.

And today I managed to squeeze in time between research, reading, writing and other tasks to actually watch the movie.

I would’ve been better served to have taken a nap. The movie was a solid lump of meh. It’s 80’s-ness is to be seriously questions; there is a scene at the beginning set in a shopping mall, but after that the only indication that it’s not set *today* is the lack of smart phones (there are, however, quite a plethora of building-sized flat screen TV’s on display in major city centers… something I can’t say as I recall being all that common prit near 40 years ago).  And there is a distinct lack of writing, characterization and, importantly, giveadamn. Hell, there’s not even an arc for the villains. There are two… and they both simply walk away at the end.

This guy pretty well sums it up:

Something I’d been expecting was a lot of Orange Man Bad. But apart from a superficial similarity in hair-appearance, it just wasn’t there. The Maxwell Lord character just didn’t have anything in common with Trump.


 Posted by at 9:05 pm
Dec 272020

The Nashville bombing is likely the result of whackadoodlism, rather than religion or politics (let’s put aside for a moment the fact that most politics and religion are fundamentally whackadoodlism… they’re just *commonly* *accepted* whackadoodlism). But even nutjobs need to have some sort of reason why they target this place rather than that. And the link below suggests why the AT&T facility might have been targeted:

Photos After The Explosion Reveal That The Bombing Target The AT&T Building In Nashville Is Reinforced NSA Style Building

Gee whiz, an important communications hub was built rugged, designed to withstand the likes of tornadoes and Russian nuclear strikes? Why on earth would AT&friggenT *possibly* be considered, oh, I dunno, some sort of important national communications asset? Must be a conspiracy! Booga Booga!

The article then wonders why the AT&T facility had a warning sign mounted outside listing “flammability,” “health” and “instability – reactivity” concerns. The author ponders explanations like: “Potential secret chemical? Maybe quantum computing-related?

Somehow, “loaded with lithium ion backup batteries and diesel generators” apparently didn’t occur to said author.


There are lots of good reasons why a major communications corporation would ruggedize their facilities, especially the ones so clearly easily accessed by the public. People cranking out looney theories about normal communications buildings being NSA facilities, or remote airfields being UFO landing grounds, or nuclear power plants being stargate terminals, or abandoned WalMarts being concentration camps are just as nutty *and* bad for society as those who crank out conspiracy theories about a wage gap, or white privilege, or faked moon landings, or Russian collusion, or the CIA created AIDS, or the Proud Boys being white supremacists, or Holocaust-was-a-hoax BS, or Creationist claptrap, or Flat Eartherism, or 2+4=4 being anything other than flat reality.

 Posted by at 3:54 pm
Dec 272020

Anthony Quinn Warner Named as Nashville Bombing Person of Interest

“FBI agents spent the days at another location today besides searching the home of Anthony Warner, pursuing tips that he was paranoid about 5g spying on Americans.” Since the pandemic hit, conspiracy theories have raged that 5G cell phone towers spread COVID-19…


Well, I guess the good news here if this is accurate is that this means that it was not political in any rational or traditional sense. Not pro/anti-Trump, not BLM, not Antifa, not commies or Jihadis, just good old fashioned whackadoodlery.

 Posted by at 1:02 am