Feb 092021

Here’s a problem that just a few years ago would have been inconceivable. Now it’s conceivable. And hilarious.

Also hilarious: the legal notice that recording that hearing was illegal. Snerk.


 Posted by at 4:44 pm
Feb 082021

One of the most important points that is commonly raised about the January 6 weirdness at the Capitol is that a police officer was murdered, bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher by a Trump supporter.

Yeah, about that, CNN has some relevant info:

According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.

Basically, Officer Sicknick fell ill later that day and died the next. The cause, at least publicly, remains unknown… as does the identity of the Capitol police officer who summarily executed Ashli Babbit for trespassing. In contrast, the police officers who were involved with the death of George Floyd were identified publicly and fired inside of a day. The investigative journalism world would seem to have some opportunities here for breaking a few stories.

 Posted by at 8:21 am
Feb 082021

Winter has finally grown cold enough that the garage has dropped substantially below freezing, but bottled water is still liquid. Water can remain liquid far below its freezing point if it is pure enough; by not having a nucleation point for the freezing process to start on, undisturbed water can get to something like 40 below before it will freeze. But if supercooled water is agitated, the process can begin. Behold the utter excitement of life in my garage:

Yeah, yeah, vertical video. Learn to live with disappointment, it’s not like going landscape would have bought this anything.


 Posted by at 7:50 am
Feb 082021

A few days ago well after midnight I noticed unusual lighting conditions outside. Turns out some distance down the block someone had a medical emergency of some kind; in response an ambulance, a fire truck and at least three police SUVs showed up. The cameraphone photo made the resulting illumination look more festive than was intended, but interesting nonetheless.

 Posted by at 1:43 am
Feb 072021

A little while back, one of President Bidens first actions was to overturn a Trump ban on turning the American electrical grid over to the control of the Chinese Communist Party. Clearly only right-wing nutjobs would be opposed to China digging deeply into vital American infrastructure. Chinese construction quality, customer service and ethics are world renowned and should not be questioned. Here’s an example of what we can look forward to from our future ChiGreenCom power systems:


Communist crap is to be avoided at all costs. Communist *control* is to be actively resisted.  The ChiComs have nothing to offer. Their lackeys – paid and otherwise – have nothing to offer. You want quality? Go with good old American craftsmanship.

 Posted by at 7:13 pm
Feb 072021

So, what would be Hell for Emperor Palpatine? What would be an appropriate eternal torment for the evil galactic dictator who blew up planets on a whim?


Palpatine in Hell

In the final film, everyone straight up said that the “Holdo Maneuver” was so unlikely to succeed, it wasn’t even worth attempting. Why would Holdo try something that was basically impossible? Because she wasn’t. Holdo was trying to run away and leave everyone to die, and was so spectacularly incompetent at it, she inadvertently pulled off the most spectacular military maneuver in the history of the universe. If you need evidence that God hates us all, then look no further.


To properly understand what hell is like, imagine being forced to look at Holdo sneering at you like this… forever.

 Posted by at 10:13 am
Feb 052021

This Bbc article is missing some important details.

Piers Corbyn arrested over vaccine ‘Auschwitz leaflet’

Piers Corbyn has been arrested over leaflets comparing the UK’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout to Auschwitz. …

He was then arrested on suspicion of malicious communications and public nuisance.

The article says that he distributed leaflets, but it doesn’t actually say what he did that was a crime.

 Posted by at 6:38 pm