Apr 132021

Well, here’s a story I didn’t expect today, but here we are:

Steak-umm’s Twitter Account Feuds With Neil deGrasse Tyson Over Science: ‘Log Off Bro’

First, NdT tweeted:

The good thing about Science is that it’s true, whether or not you believe in it.

but then the Twitter account for Steak-Umm replied with:

log off bro


the irony of neil’s tweet is that by framing science itself as “true” he’s influencing people to be more skeptical of it in a time of unprecedented misinformation. science is an ever refining process to find truth, not a dogma. no matter his intent, this message isn’t helpful


And you know… they’re not wrong. Science is a *process,* not a pile of facts. The process has been shown to work, and work well; no “other way of knowing,” no supernatural or religious or intuitive revelation has proven to be *anywhere* near as useful when it comes to discovering how the world really is. But the findings of science are *always* up for revision and change as new data comes in. How far away is Betelgeuse? How old is the universe? What causes and cures such-and-such disease? When did the last mammoth die? These are questions with hard factual real answers… but we often don’t know them with precision or accuracy; science is forever adjusting.

 Posted by at 7:28 pm
Apr 132021

VICE takes the modern left-leaning medias adoration of communism to a whole new level by photoshopping smiles onto the faces of photos of Khmer Rouge democide victims. Because… reasons? Making communism *fun* I guess?

Cambodia Outraged After Vice Publishes Manipulated Photos of Khmer Rouge Genocide Victims


 Posted by at 3:45 pm
Apr 122021

More mayhem in the area of Minneapolis.


Minnesota cop mistakenly fired gun instead of Taser, chief says

That’s… just how? Cops typically wear their sidearms and their Tasers on opposite sides. Pistols are heavy chunks of metal; Tasers are lightweight bits of plastic and wire. Pistols have grips as big – or bigger – than the length of your palm; Tasers generally have really short grips. Just how do you draw and shoot the wrong thing?


Standard sort of pistol:

How THE FRAK do you mistake the one for the other???



OK, so a cop shoots someone. What’s the thing to do? Why… abandon all pretense of a judicial system:

Brooklyn Center city manager fired after call for due process for police officer

The city manager said: “All employees working for the city of Brooklyn Center are entitled to due process with respect to discipline… This employee will receive due process and that’s really all that I can say today.”

To which the mayor responded with:

So not only was the cop involved insta-sacked, so was the city manager for suggesting that maybe they put some actual thought into the decision. WHY was the city manager sacked?

During a virtual workshop after the meeting, Council Member Kris Lawrence-Anderson said she voted to fire Boganey out of fear of potential reprisals from protestors if she did not

Ah. Fear of terrorism. And how did that attempt to curry favor with terrorists work out?

Violent Protests Break Out After Deadly Police Shooting in Minnesota

Nike, Foot Locker and More Retailers Looted Amid Unrest Following Fatal Police Shooting of Daunte Wright


The levels of stupid here are astounding. But by all means, let’s Defund The Police. I’m sure that by reducing funds to hire the best and best trained, and reducing funding to train the cops ya got and any new ones… why, surely you’ll end up with a spectacularly well-trained, competent and professional force.


 Posted by at 9:27 pm
Apr 122021

The Chrysler Turbine Car sounds a little different from your average automobile, due to having a turboshaft engine.

Jay Leno owns one and did a piece on it about a decade ago. He makes a good and rather depressing point: in 1964 when Chrysler made over a hundred of these, much of the rest of the world barely had internal combustion engined automobiles, while Americans were tooling around in jet cars. The US was “The Jetsons,” while much of the rest of the world was “The Flintstones.” And while it not a bad thing that in the nearly sixty years since the rest of the world has advanced, what *is* bad is that the United States has, in many ways, gone *backwards.* Americans should today be getting around not just in jet cars, but jet cars getting 50 miles per gallon on the highway… and probably 30 miles per gallon *in* *the* *air* as they drive or fly to the spaceport to cat the 12:15 to Space Station V.  Instead, we got The Great Society, Facebook and Twitter.

 Posted by at 1:25 pm
Apr 122021


David Hogg Quits Good Pillow Project Designed to Rival Mike Lindell’s MyPillow

Well, he’s probably made a good deal of money from all the donations. Now that the hard work of actually making a successful company is at hand… time to move on to something else, I guess.

Extra awesomeness:

Trump-Supporting Attorney Says He Trademarked ‘Good Pillow’ Before David Hogg, William LeGate

It seems the super-geniuses behind “Good Pillow” announced their venture before securing the rights to the name. Whoopsie! The guy who actually filed the trademark on the name “Good Pillow” says he wants to actually produce pillows… with a pro-gun message. Seems to me the best way to accomplish that would be to go into business with MyPillow, simply have them make a separate line of pillows printed with images of AR-16 Scary Black Rifles With Shoulder Things That Go Up.


Oh, and an update on just how lucrative the Socialism and Race Hustling grifts can be:

BLM co-founder spent $3.2 million on four homes since 2016

For a Marxist, she’s a pretty savvy capitalist investor. Two of the properties she bought for $1.1 million are now worth $1.52 million. 400 grand ain’t chump change. If she was a good Marxist, she’d turn over her various compounds to the local poor people.

 Posted by at 2:23 am
Apr 112021

French lawmakers approve a ban on short domestic flights


If your flight within France could be covered by a train in 2.5 hours or less, the French government apparently just banned it (some wanted to ban flights that trains could cover in 4 hours). The purpose of this is to reduce carbon emissions. I suspect  one obvious result of this will be an increase in *private* flights… corporate jets, air taxis, that sort of thing. If this *really* messes with flights, then that will drive up both road traffic (increasing CO2) and increasing demand for trains, perhaps driving up construction of train lines (increasing CO2 as well as messing with public and private property along the routes).

From this news article it’s unclear if that 2.5 hours is what the route *actually* takes, or what the theoretical is. Those could differ wildly. And from the article it’s not clear how precisely the “routes” are defined, since airplanes and trains don’t launch out of the same stations. I could easily see a lot of legal wrangling over the details… City A and City B might both have train stations and airports, but the airlines could argue that “the trains don’t stop at the airport, therefore it’s a different route.”

If the airlines are serious about keeping their shorter routes, there is an obvious solution: screw with the trains. Slow them down, either through mechanical tinkering or software manipulation/hacking. Illegal? Sure.  But so should be Green New Deal-style regulations.

 Posted by at 3:46 pm