Apr 272021

My publisher has gone public with Book One, entitled

Boeing B-47 Stratojet and B-52 Stratofortress; Origins & Evolution


It is being published by Mortons out of Britain, is scheduled for release at the end of September, and is going to be around 250 to 280 pages (I’m still furiously working away at it). As those who have seen my work may assume, it will be loaded to the gills with diagrams, in this case covering the competitors to the B-47 and B-52, the original concepts, how the designs evolved and many of the proposed and built derivatives. You can pre-order at the link above. I’m getting confirmation on availability in the States… Amazon and Barnes & Noble and other sources. Will report back on that, but it does look like both outlets will carry it.

I will post more details – including glimpses of diagrams and some of the color art created for the book by Rob Parthoens – in the coming days. Feel free to ask questions.


Note: Book Two has not yet gone public. But Book Two should be published *first* since it is finished and edited; I’ve seen and approved the layout. All it’s missing right now is cover art, which is in process.


And…behold! An Amazon link, listing it as available in late November/early December. Just in time for Chrisnukkwanzayulmass! Note though that the “150 page” length listed there is incorrect… came from the original placeholder text.

 Posted by at 8:51 am
Apr 262021


Supreme Court to take up major Second Amendment concealed handgun case

In short, New York state effectively makes it illegal to carry firearms outside of the home, openly or concealed. This clearly violates the “right to keep AND BEAR arms” part of the Constitution. This *might* be a step towards national reciprocity. If a Utah drivers license is good in New York, then a concealed carry license should be as well. Especially when you consider that CC license holders from probably every state that has concealed carry licenses are less law-breaking than the general population of New York.

Time to get on the right side of history:

 Posted by at 11:14 pm
Apr 252021

Something Huge and Invisible Is Making Nearby Stars Vanish, Scientists Propose

If I’m reading this right, and if it’s written right, it appears that the Hyades star cluster, some 153 light years away, has a few “tails” of stars and gas. But one of the tails seems to have had a number of stars yoinked out of it by something that is not visible. It seems that some scientists think it might be a mass of dark matter massing about 10 million times the sun.

It seems odd to me that there might be a ten million solar mass *anything* only a few hundred light years away…

 Posted by at 11:27 pm
Apr 252021

I wrote this around about the time I moved from Utah. It’s not a story exactly… no real plot or characters or any of that. It’s written as a report describing an artifact and what could be done with it. It is an attempt to meld a Certain Well Known Sci-Fi Franchise with a level of cosmic horror… but since this is a first draft, I’m dubious that it came off right. Probably needs a *lot* of editing, perhaps far more than would be worth doing. As originally planned it would have had a fair number of illustrations, but I only got partway through that when work stopped on it due to Actual Book Project 1. Still, I thought it might be of interest.  There’s no charge for downloading and reading it, but if you like it – especially if you’d like to see it finished – consider hitting the Tip Jar.


Let me know in the comments what you think, positive or negative. Feel free to point others here who you think might be interested.


Fiction TipJar


 Posted by at 7:59 pm
Apr 252021

At least according to the UN.

At least 4 EU & Western democracies voted to elect Iran to UN women’s rights commission

The democracies who may have voted in the April 20, 2021 secret ballot for Iran’s misogynistic regime include Australia, Austria, Canada, Finland, France, Latvia, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

 Posted by at 3:28 pm
Apr 242021

It is legal for you to build your own firearm from scratch (assuming you live in a civilized region that recognizes your basic human rights). Where things get tricky is if you try to *sell* your home-made firearm. If you don’t have proper Federal licensing… you can get in a *lot* of trouble.

But there seems to be a loophole: government “buy back” events. They will buy any piece of junk gun for a relative pittance, no questions asked. They will then (probably) check the firearm to see if it was used in a crime, and if not, they will then (probably) destroy that firearm, no matter how rare, valuable or historically significant it is (unless, gasp, someone in the chain recognizes its value and absconds with it).

“Buy backs” are of course dubious for any of a number of reasons. The guns they get are typically either junk that couldn’t function to be used in a  crime, or grand-dad’s old war relic that hasn’t seen the light of day in years and isn’t likely to be used in a crime either. And of course there’s the existential issue with buy-backs: how do you buy back something you didn’t own in the first place?

Here’s the fun part: you can make a functional crappy zip gun or slam-fire shotgun for a few bucks in scrap and labor. And these buy-back morons will buy them for substantially more than they cost you to make. And it’s all legal, apparently. Gentlemen, behold – the 1776 Boomstick, the profit-making venture of the future:

Florida Man Sells Homemade ‘1776 Boom Sticks’ At Gun Buyback, City Runs Out Of Cash In 30 Minutes

The gentleman selling the “Boom Stick 1776” shotguns told me he called the City rep before the event, and asked if they would purchase a single-shot shotgun – because the flier said they were buying semi-automatic firearms. Allegedly, he was told they would pay $125 for single-shot shotguns. So he attended the event.

At the checkpoint, he did have to demonstrate that they were functional (they were), and he was sent to the payment line, guns in hand.

Maybe ten bucks worth of junk, twenty bucks worth of labor, for $375 in sales. SPECTACULAR.

Would it be illegal or unethical to petition your local city or county to hold a buyback, while you have prepared a stock of slamfire shotguns for the specific purpose of selling at ten times their cost? I dunno, maybe… but it would be *appropriate,* and got-dam hilarious if you pulled it off.


Side note: take a look on that cops face. It is the weary look of a man who knows that he’s getting played, and knows that there’s nothing he can do about it, and who knows that there are *far* better things for him to be doing with his time.

 Posted by at 7:52 pm
Apr 232021

What an *adorable* Nazi killing machine…

Gotta wonder what kind of market there might be for these things. Almost certainly rather pricey, especially with shipping… but it’s a safe bet that everyone reading this blog knows at least one person who’d be willing to buy a subscale tank for, say, the price of a new car. Especially if it is actually made out of good steel and is reasonably bulletproof.

Yoink the fake cannon off it, add a more powerful engine and the drive train that made the “Ripsaw” so friggen’ fast, and you have something that would be a blast to go tearing up and down the streets in. Just the thing to serve as an about-town runabout for Minneapolis or Portland.

 Posted by at 11:27 pm