Jul 142021

As a followup to THIS STORY:

Gay Men’s Choir That Sang ‘We’re Coming for Your Children’ Rushes to Cover After Pedophilia Accusations

It seems to be as-yet unconfirmed, but it also looks like four of them have a history of being a bit handsy with the kiddies.

Seems to me that a background check would make sense. It would be a bad look to have some sort of “creepy uncle” front and center when you’re singing a “satirical” song about “coming for your children.”


Picture unrelated.

 Posted by at 6:07 pm
Jul 142021

The National Museum of the USAF has recently posted some interesting videos of their XB-70. Something the museum seems to be doing is filming their exhibits using drones; the angles aren’t always the best, but they do provide angles rarely seen before.







 Posted by at 4:43 pm
Jul 142021

One of those videos that doesn;t tell you when, where, who, anything. Looks like a traffic stop; a guy is being arrested and decides that his best approach is to run into traffic. Discovers some little-known aspects of physics in the process, and *seems* little the worse for wear afterwards.

I feel bad for the car driver, though.

If anyone can point to further details on this, I’d appreciate it.

 Posted by at 12:35 pm
Jul 132021


Mural Honoring George Floyd in Toledo, Ohio Destroyed by Lightning Strike

Thor seems displeased with people celebrating a man who, during the commission of an armed robbery, held a pregnant woman against her will by pointing a firearm at her unborn child.


 Posted by at 11:38 pm
Jul 132021

Two-thirds of the court, anyway:

Handgun sale ban to under 21-year-olds is unconstitutional, appeals court says

If you are 18, the United States Federal Freakin’ Government can come along and draft your ass and put a gun in your hands and drop you behind enemy lines… but there are those in the government who think that a 20-year-old should not be allowed to have a pistol of their own.

A 19-year-old, to these people, is not responsible enough to own a small firearm… but, sure, put a 16-year-old behind a two-ton chunk of metal capable of a hundred miles an hour.

If an 18-year-old is not old enough to handle their full Constitutional rights… why are they allowed to vote?

Anyway… the 4th US Circuit Court Of Appeals ruled two to one that the Constitution applies to 18-year-olds. Of the three judges, one was appointed by Trump, one by Dubya, and one by Obama. Guess which one thinks that the Constitution is just a set of vague guidelines, not rules restraining government power?

 Posted by at 6:50 pm
Jul 132021


Jan. 6 riot suspect ‘fully constructed’ Capitol Lego model

The FBI seized a fully constructed Lego set of the U.S. Capitol and a notebook with local militia information in it from an alleged January 6 rioter, a court document revealed. Robert Morss, of Glenshaw, Pennsylvania was arrested by FBI-Pittsburgh on federal charges after investigators identified him from various photos and videos taken during the riot. On June 16, he was indicted on nine charges tied to the deadly insurrection.

So this guy had a Lego model of the Capitol. Which is… what?  Lego models are not exactly what you’d call “detailed and accurate.” And as for “deadly,” the only person to die due to violent actions that day was killed by a Capitol guard shooting her in the neck.

But wait! There’s more!

Capitol Lego set seized from rioter still in box, not assembled

The US Capitol Lego set that federal authorities claimed to have recovered from an alleged rioter “fully constructed” was actually not assembled at all, according to new court papers.

Well, that changes *everything.*

 Posted by at 1:04 am
Jul 112021

At the same time that Certain People want the citizenry to set their horizons low and small and accept Tiny Homes, high-density urban housing and public transport… I want me one of these. I’d prefer if it was out in the mountains, but if someone wanted to give me this out out in the middle of No and Where, I’d take it.

Finally enough shelf space!

 Posted by at 3:19 pm
Jul 112021

They say they’re going to fly passengers to space today. Livestream:

UPDATE 1: Stephen Colbert is hosting. It’s cringe. *Really* cringe. Oh-God-Make-It-Stop cringe. But the aircraft seems to be in flight anyway…

UPDATE 2: Successful launch, they’ve reached apogee. The rather chipper talking head is not as cringeworthy as Colbert, but she’s still cringey in a “Dear Leader” sort of way.

UPDATE 3: Landed safely. This would be the best space story of the year… if this was 2015 or so. As it is, “SpaceX launches it’s bajillionth re-flight of a Falcon 9 booster” or “SpaceX sends yet more people to the ISS” kinda has “a few people got a few minutes of microgravity” beat.

 Posted by at 9:45 am
Jul 102021

In this case, a punch. And seemingly a well deserved one: a whackadoodle was being arrested for acting like a violent jackass in a WalMart and decided that the way to avoid a “resisting arrest” charge was to *bite* the officer… who then clocked her upside the head and seeming knocked some calm into her. So, of course, the outrage ensues.

DARPA *Really* needs to get on the ball and develop that “phaser with a wide-angle stun setting.”


 Posted by at 11:39 pm