Sep 032021

See, this is just whackadoodle:

Security guard who shot man 3 times acted in self defense because the victim wasnā€™t wearing a COVID mask, lawyer says

What’s more, the “security guard” is all kinds of special who should probably not have been out in society in the first place:

Holmes, who is barred from possessing a weapon because he is a four-time convicted felon and registered child sex offender, was working as an armed security guard at the store

Ummm… what. The article does not detail what his four felony convictions are. But four felony convictions and being a sex offender, never mind a child sex offender, starts to sound like the sort of description that would be best applied to someone who has been put away for life or sent to the off-world dilithium mines. Not to someone paid to provide security for a liquor store, and certainly not for someone doing so with a gun. A gun, it should be pointed out, that he was legally barred from owning or wielding or even touching. This being not only Illinois but *Chicago,* it’s probably technically illegal for him to even look longingly at a gun. So… yet another gun control policy win.

But wait! There’s more!

Holmes, who defense attorney Jonathan Feldman said ā€œhas a big heart and is a kind-hearted man,ā€ shot the man again, then paced around and shot him a third time before running away

Yeah. And Mike Brown was a “gentle giant.” From the limited information available on the shooter, it seems safe to suggest that he was one minor frustration from plugging someone anyway. But I think at the same time the shooting victim here might have a case for suing the media for ramping up fear about masking.

 Posted by at 4:37 pm
Sep 032021

A topic for discussion: government mask mandates.

It certainly appears that the Commie Cough is on an upward trend again after having been seemingly knocked down by the Trump-era “Project Warp Speed” vaccines. I have no problem wearing a mask in a store or a doctors office, even though I’ve had the vaccine. Being told to by the management of a store doesn’t bother me, any more than “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Business” bothers me. But the government poking its nose into this does start to bother me. Of course the nonsense being done in Australia is clearly far over the line of what a free people should tolerate.

I am, I believe, a practical-minded middle of the road libertrian-ish minarchist. The government should do what it is Constitutionally mandated to do… and nothing more. Not even “for the public good” or “for the children.” If such things are that important, then the Constitution can and should be changed. If you can’t drum up the support to change the Constitution, then it’s not that important. The jobs of laws that restrict a persons behavior should not be to protect that person from themselves (and thus I’m opposed to laws against doing stupid dangerous stuff), but to protect other people from someone’s behavior. And thus a mask mandate… I can see it. If there is a reasonable risk that *you* coughing could infect other people, then *you* masking up makes sense.

But since there is a vaccine… are those vaccinated a risk to others if they are unmasked?

Even if masks are a good enough idea that mandating them in an emergency makes sense, what we’re seeing is the use of such “emergency” powers for long-term power grabs. I honestly can’t see any direct benefit to a tyrannical regime in making everyone mask up; it does not practically hinder the people, but it does make it more difficult to identify individuals for specific oppression. On the other hand, masks are likely not the end goal, but a wedge in the door: get people used to this little intrusion. Then one more little thing. Then another. And soon enough, we’re Australia, and interstate travel ans ceased and the economy is in free fall, and the only hope for the poor beleaguered citizens is Super Government swooping to the rescue with all new payouts. Conspiratorial? Maybe. Unlikely? Probably not. See: Australia.

So, after all that blather, simple, question: government mask mandate, yes or no?

 Posted by at 12:12 am
Sep 022021

Via Instapundit:

Australia Traded Away Too Much Liberty

And the government of South Australia, one of the countryā€™s six states, developed and is now testing an app as Orwellian as any in the free world to enforce its quarantine rules. People in South Australia will be forced to download an app that combines facial recognition and geolocation. The state will text them at random times, and thereafter they will have 15 minutes to take a picture of their face in the location where they are supposed to be. Should they fail, the local police department will be sent to follow up in person. ā€œWe donā€™t tell them how often or when, on a random basis they have to reply within 15 minutes,ā€

Note that the “people” referred to in the first sentence are those under home quarantine. But that’s not just people confirmed to have the virus (and oddly, “the virus” doesn’t include hepatitis or HIV) , it’s apparently anyone who has traveled beyond the borders of not just Australia, but the state of South Australia.

You know the authoritarians are salivating over theĀ  possibilities of instituting such nonsense here in the US. I live on the border of two states; tens of thousands of people cross that border every day for work and school and shopping. Imagine if every crossing involved “papers please” and quarantines.


And so long as we’re on the topic of the Commie Cough, behold the Biden Bump:





 Posted by at 7:01 pm
Sep 022021

Well, this looks bonkers:

This is from the feller what who done brung us “Independence Day,” “The Day After Tomorrow,” “2012,” “Stargate,” etc., so the apparent determination to learn the laws of physics just to do the other thing is in full effect here.

And yes, I’ll be there day one.

This apparently has nothing to do with McDevitt’s “Moonfall,” which is a shame because I seem to remember it being pretty good.

 Posted by at 6:42 pm
Sep 012021

The 1970’s saw a lot of airlines and airline manufacturers going to great lengths to economize, thanks in no small part to the spike in fuel prices and general economic downturn caused by the OPEC oil embargo. Some of this economizing came in the form of new “air bus” concepts to jam as many people as possible into mid-sized jetliners. Wide-bodied configurations were popular for that. McDonnell-Douglas proposed a new airliner in the mid-70’s that was derived from their long-range high capacity DC-10. The fuselage was cut short and stubby; the third turbofan at the base of the vertical tail was deleted. The wings and tail surfaces were all-new. This made it slightly more economical on a passenger-mile basis than the trijet, but also made it inappropriate for trans-oceanic flight since airlines were not yet ready to accept twin-jets for such routes. Intercontinental flight in twinjets would have to wait for the 777. McDonnell-Douglas figured that up to 278 passengers could be wedged into the available space… and that even more seats could be installed in the below-deck cargo bay.




The full rez scan of the two-page article about this design has been made available at 300 DPI to all $4/month patrons/subscribers in the 2021-09 APR Extras folder at Dropbox. If you would like to help fund the acquisition and preservation of such things, along with getting high quality scans for yourself, please consider signing on either for the APR Patreon or the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program.

 Posted by at 7:03 pm
Sep 012021

Social Justice Warriors in the west can only *dream* of having such power:

China erases billionaire actress Zhao Wei from history

Ms. Wei appears to be a lot like Oprah Winfrey… took the profits from an acting gig, became a businesswoman, became a successful business woman, became an *insanely* successful business woman. But then she made the sort of Social Blunders that would get a western celebrity cancelled… but the ChiComs are *really* thorough.


 Posted by at 4:37 pm