Jun 142023

Where the case is made that fandoms are composed not of people laser-focused on a single mono-topic, but who are *generally* nerdy, conversant in a range of fandoms, some related, some not, but all somewhat similar in having canon and lore and the like. The point being that when franchises and IPs are taken over by people who are *not* nerdy, they cannot relate to the fans, and end up making a mess of the product. They have fundamentally different worldviews.


 Posted by at 6:03 am
Jun 122023

The story goes: an Amazon driver delivered a package. Nobody was home, but the automated doorbell made some sort of innocuous announcement. The driver, who was wearing headphones, misheard what the robot said, decided that the robot did a racism, reported that as such to Amazon… and then the homeowner had his Amazon account locked. This included “smart home” devices, locking out some of the functionality of his house.



This  story, if true, argues for several things:

1) Don’t have “smart” features that can be turned off by someone else on a whim

2) Perhaps companies should be prohibited from having this sort of authority

3) “Someone said something racist/sexist/offensive” should at the very least be accompanied by verifiable documentation of the incident before *anything* is done. False accusations should be met with punishments similar to but exceeding those that an accurate accusation would have resulted in.

 Posted by at 9:54 pm
Jun 102023

Even with a specially made setup and at close range, it’s difficult. This should drive home the difficulty and impressiveness of hit-to-kill interceptors that take out incoming warheads or missile from tens of *miles* away at closing velocities far greater than those of mere bullets.

Also: bullets don’t as a rule fuse together; rather, they explode in a shower of flattened lead fragments.

 Posted by at 7:20 pm
Jun 102023

Biden and ATF just created 29 million felons

Obviously they’re not going to try to arrest everyone who still has a small piece of plastic and metal that was perfectly legal when they bought or made it. They’ll go after a select tiny number, and do so very publicly, hoping to instill fear… and to instill a subconscious realization that we’re living in an anarcho-tyranny. The result of *that* will be a general erosion of respect for the rule of law and an increased acceptance of generalized criminality. That doesn’t seem like such a great thing to me, but then, I’m not in charge.

 Posted by at 12:11 pm
Jun 082023

The Constitution has of course been amended numerous times before. But amendment that curtail existing right have been few and haven’t gone well.


Governor Newsom Proposes Historic 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution to End America’s Gun Violence Crisis

The 28th Amendment will permanently enshrine four broadly supported gun safety principles into the U.S. Constitution:

      • Raising the federal minimum age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21;
      • Mandating universal background checks to prevent truly dangerous people from purchasing a gun that could be used in a crime;
      • Instituting a reasonable waiting period for all gun purchases; and
      • Barring civilian purchase of assault weapons that serve no other purpose than to kill as many people as possible in a short amount of time – weapons of war our nation’s founders never foresaw.


Translation: deletion of the 2nd Amendment. The 1st Amendment will be “amended” shortly after, I suspect.

Of course, Newsom knows that this is going nowhere. An amendment must be ratified by three-fourths of the states; the map below suggests that that is unlikely at best. But these sort of announcements are always good; it’s useful to be reminded from time to time that some of our “leaders” are evil.

If Governor Newsom *actually* cared about gun crime victims, instead of making millions more citizens into criminals, he’d actually demand enforcement of existing laws, and would ensure that those arrested for any and all violent crimes would actually see justice. But that’s not what he’s doing.

 Posted by at 11:35 pm
Jun 082023


UK no longer able to manufacture large-calibre gun barrels, BAE Systems admits

Britain is doomed. Lack of manufacturing, wholly uncontrolled mass invasion… “Britain” will soon be relegated to the chapter of the history book filled with nations that no longer exist. But while the Soviet Union or Austro-Hungarian Empire went away, the *people* remained, as did their language and much of their culture. But England specifically and Britain as a whole? Their own government is working to erase their existence. It’s remarkable.

 Posted by at 9:26 pm
Jun 072023

The cord was cut from a guitar cord; it looks just about right. The keyboard has an incomplete set of cast urethane keys. As can be seen, these aren’t simply glued to the surfaces, but poke through. My own replica will have them slightly sprung, but someone with more enthusiasm for electronics than me will be able to use this as the basis for an actual functional keyboard & computer. There will be a fair bit of internal volume for such things.


 Posted by at 8:56 pm