Oct 042021

In the 1970’s the CIA wanted to field recon drones that would be visually indistinguishable from birds (at least from a distance), under Project Aquiline. While Aquiline was *apparently* not successful, other bird-shaped drone have been developed over the years, with some crashed and captured examples shown to the press. Thanks to modern tech, the average citizen is now able to have a drone that would be just as good as Aquiline, at least from the design standpoint.

 Posted by at 4:38 pm
Oct 032021

Razorfist rants about the importance of “pulp” heroes, using as examples The Shadow, Zorro, Doc Savage, The Rocketeer, Solomon Kane, Philip Marlowe.


There are considerable differences between these characters. The likes of Philip Marlowe and Zorro exist in “real” worlds, devoid of magic and the supernatural or whiz-bang sci-fi technology; Solomon Kane and The Shadow are surrounded by otherworldly forces and abilities. But they share important features: in worlds of gray morality, these are Men (with a capital M) with strong, unshakable morals. They are neither monsters nor pacifists, but are willing and able to throw down with the villains they come across or indeed hunt down. They do not compromise or mollycoddle, but instead lay a severe beatdown on those who would do harm to innocents.

Imagine a Pulp Hero confronting Antifa and similar culture-wreckers. *THAT* is the movie I want to see.

 Posted by at 12:55 pm
Oct 032021

Murders are spiking. Police should be part of the solution.

I’m glad these geniuses are here to tell us these things.

Last year, the US’s murder rate spiked by almost 30 percent. So far in 2021, murders are up nearly 10 percent in major cities. The 2020 increase alone is the largest percentage increase ever recorded in America — and a reversal from overall declines in murder rates since the 1990s.’

Gosh I wonder why that might be.

There remains one solution to the problem of violent crime that would doubtless be highly effective:

Small issue being that stargates to penal colonies on distant worlds remain firmly fictional. But if distant worlds are unattainable, it certainly seems that a penal colony in, say, Nunavut should be achievable.

 Posted by at 12:16 am
Oct 012021


You know how in the movies when there has been an earthquake or a flood or a kaiju outbreak, the National Guard or the cops show up and someone issues an order to shoot looters on sight? Yeah, in the US that ain’t gonna happen unless things have *really* broken down. Such an order would be *monumentally* illegal.

Still and all, though…

A pity more of them don’t end like this one:

I understand the argument that it’s not worth it for a lowly employee to try to stop a criminal in order to save a billion dollar corporation some money. But if the corporation loses money, said employee will be out on his ass, getting no pay whatsoever. And what’s more, the message given to the criminal is that criminality is acceptable. This will incentivize *more* criminality, inevitably leading to crimes against individuals, their properties and bodies. It would of course be best for society if the looters here are found and thrown into the same speedy justice system that has seen some of the January 6 folks imprisoned for *months* in solitary without trial. The home addresses of these looters should be published; if that leads to their homes being robbed while they’re in the hoosegow… well, we sure wouldn’t want that to happen.

Of course, the politicians and activists who promoted policies that decriminalized theft and defunded the cops should be remembered.

 Posted by at 8:19 pm
Oct 012021

Speedbump and Buttons are pals. But Banshee *hates* Buttons. So even on those nights when it gets cold and cats form themselves into a fuzzy high volume to surface area lump, getting all three together just doesn’t happen.

 Posted by at 5:28 pm
Oct 012021

A 1964 Boeing design for an orbital HL-10 derivative, to be used for space station logistics. This would be launched atop a Saturn Ib. Cargo would be carried up int he adapter, which would be expended; passengers would go up and down within the body of the spaceplane. A heat shield would cover the canopy until after re-entry.

 Posted by at 5:24 pm