Oct 102021

A bit from a cutscene from “Red Alert 3” has George Takei laying it out. it’s a very short video from years ago, yet there’s a lot here that seems terribly relevant to current situations. I can see Winnie The Xi saying this to the decrepit nincompoop current occupying space in the White House.

 Posted by at 3:08 pm
Oct 092021

“Blackadder” was a British sitcom from the 1980s starring Rowan Atkinson. Each of its four seasons was set in a different time period…  the late 1400’s, the late 1500’s, the early 1800’s and finally during World War One. Much the same cast of actors played much the same characters, simply being descendants of the characters from prior seasons. I found it to be entertaining as all getout.

The final episode of the final season was meant to be the very last. But there was a problem: as originally filmed, the climax of the episode was *terrible.* The characters, all soldiers in the British army in the trenches of WWI, are ordered to go over the top and charge, stupidly, into German machine gun fire. This of course leads to them all getting cut down. But as actually filmed, that scene was *awful.* To call the acting half-assed is an insult to asses everywhere; the directing sucks; the cinematography stinks. But when they got a look at the footage it was too late to go back and try to film it again. So the editors set about trying to salvage *something* from it. And by taking a less-is-more approach, they ended up turning just a few seconds of video from utter garbage into something truly remarkable. In my opinion, it ranks up there with “The Iron Giant” and his “Superman” moment.

First, watch how the episode played out in the end:


Then behold how it could have been just terrible, but was rescued:

 Posted by at 1:15 pm
Oct 092021

If I’m reading this correctly, morons in Britain are blocking public roads and demanding that the government spent untold sums of taxpayer money to insulate houses.

Jackholes who think that the best way to protest is to block roads should be hauled off to the hoosegow… or simply declared outlaw, meaning that motorists could just motor right on through them. These sort of people are too stupid to be allowed to breed and contaminate the already screwed up gene pool.

Alternate approach:




 Posted by at 2:18 am
Oct 082021

California students will have to take ethnic studies to get a diploma

The state’s ethnic studies framework, approved in March, promotes “a social consciousness” and will address “institutionalized systems of advantage” and forms of bigotry including anti-Blackness, xenophobia and anti-Semitism.

That sounds *spectacular.*

 Posted by at 7:16 pm