Oct 152021

Well, a couple of them, anyway. It’s interesting to listen to the reactions as well as to the dishonesty and outright lunacy from the gun grabbers. The notion was floated that the NRA was responsible for increased gun laws in the 1960’s due to black folks getting guns; the fact that it was largely Democrat politicians passing those gun laws was somehow overlooked. Similarly, the laughably false notion was raised that the crime wave that black folks today need to worry about is white supremacists… and that, somehow, gun-grabbing laws are *still* the right approach.

Note that some in the audience laugh when one of the hosts announced that she recently purchased a pistol.

 Posted by at 10:03 am
Oct 142021

Because of course I did, I’ve googled my own book to see where it might be available in the US for reasonable prices. I’ve not purchased from these sources, so YMMV. The prices and availability are as I type this, so they might vary.

Casemate Publishers: $12.99, but currently out of stock.

Book Despository: $17.01, free delivery worldwide.

World of Books: $14.39, but currently out of stock.

Books A Million: $16.84 (one copy)



 Posted by at 11:38 pm
Oct 142021

And here comes the next King of Englandland to remind us all of how vitally important it is to keep idiots away from the reins of power. Granted, the US is currently saddled with Sniffy Joe, but he will be yeeted from the White House soon enough, either via election, resignation or 25th.

Prince William: Saving Earth should come before space tourism

Speaking about the current space race and the drive to promote space tourism, William said: “We need some of the world’s greatest brains and minds fixed on trying to repair this planet, not trying to find the next place to go and live. … I think that ultimately is what sold it for me – that really is quite crucial to be focusing on this [planet] rather than giving up and heading out into space to try and think of solutions for the future.”

Brits, you voted for this goober’s administration. Time to vote him and his ilk out.

Someone needs to remake this commercial with Washington blasting off in a Starship. Or an Orion (the *real* Orion, not that silly capsule).

 Posted by at 12:16 pm
Oct 142021

Norway attack: What we know about bow and arrow killings

A Danish convert to A Certain Religion Of Peace killed five seemingly random people with a bow and arrows in Kongsberg, Norway. Police managed to arrest him without him blowing himself up with his bow.

I suppose the Norwegians will now go and make bows and arrows illegal.

And from Britain:

Claudia Webbe: MP guilty of threatening and harassing woman

A Minister of Parliament has been found guilty of threatening an acid attack on another woman. It might be noted that “acid attacks” are something that were essentially unknown in Britain a generation and more before, but now, for some reason, are reasonably common. Why did Webbe think this was a good idea? No man can say.

 Posted by at 8:06 am
Oct 142021

You might have noticed that the price of my SR-71 book on Amazon is highly variable. It was originally something like $13 direct from Amazon; it’s now something like $27 from secondary sellers on Amazon. This is due to Amazons supply having sold out. I’ve been informed that another shipment has been sent to Amazons supplier, so the direct Amazon price should return to normal in three weeks or so. Just in time for Christmas, so when that price returns to normal don’t waste a second and promptly order a few hundred copies.

It remains available direct from the publisher for £8.99  which is about the price it should be on Amazon… but shipping from Britain to the US is kinda steep.


 Posted by at 3:57 am
Oct 132021

The Dutch national airline KLM equipped their long range Arctic-crossing airliners with some interesting stuff. In 1958 they began stocking their DC-7’s and DC-8’s with Armalite AR-10 semi-auto “sporter” rifles for use against polar bears in the event the plane was forced down onto the ice. The AR-10, as I’m sure I don’t need to explain, was a design that preceded the AR-15/M-16, and was chambered in 7.62X51mm NATO. This is a reasonably substantial round that hits a lot harder than the littler BB’s that the 5.56mm AR-15 shoots… but it shoots fewer of them due to the rounds being larger and heavier. However, when you’re faced with a polar bear or two rather than hordes of Commies, a smaller number of bigger bullets is the way to go.

KLM’s Arctic AR-10

Article includes a link to a KLM publicity photo showing a stewardess training with an AR-10. Note that the trigger guard for this particular rifle was designed to flip down to make it easier to handle while wearing mittens; it’s not folded down here, so she’s going to have a big of trouble pulling that trigger when the snowtroopers and the Wampas storm Echo Base.

 Posted by at 3:33 pm