Jul 082022

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been shot:

UPDATE: Not just “shot” but”assassinated.”

Shinzo Abe in Serious Condition After Being Shot

One hopes the security around members of the Supreme Court is on the ball.



Japan ex-PM Abe assassinated while making election campaign speech

Attacker apparently used homemade gun – NHK

Huh. Abe was apparently shot *twice* with a homemade gun… so it clearly wasn’t an average zip gun.

 Posted by at 1:27 am
Jul 072022

Oh yeah. This is always a great sign.

If you know, you know.

 Posted by at 11:27 pm
Jul 072022

First up, there’s this insanity:

Adults Who Still Drink Milk: Are You Okay?

Unless you’re a hungry baby, drinking milk on its own is unsettling behaviour.’

The British author tries to argue that milk is inappropriate for adults. The author only succeeds in demonstrating that she’s some kind of deviant perv. And as it turns out, the author looks pretty much like you’d expect she would. She seems about one face tat away from grabbing a rifle and going to a rooftop near a parade.

And then there’s this, also out of Britain:

Supermarkets put security tags on cheese blocks as stores tackle shoplifting amid soaring food costs



Ummm… are you ok, Britain? Things seem kinda wrong over yonder.


 Posted by at 11:12 pm
Jul 072022

The planetary geopolitical situation seems to be sliding towards that “hell in a handbasket” phase. If things get really bad, international commerce could grind to a halt. Economically that is of course bad… but if you are in a place that imports a lot of your food, or imports the fertilizer and tools and fuel and whatnot you need to grow your food, things could get *really* bad. This sort of thing has happened before, of course. The usual result was regional famine. But now… thanks to modern agriculture and transport, there are vast numbers of people living where food will suddenly vanish. This, one would immediately think, would lead to *astonishing* local famines. But now, as well as having far more people we have far more transport systems. So those starving millions, or indeed billions, will try to leave for greener pastures. But in a planetary collapse situation, greener pastures won’t be able to support all that many people. Having millions of starving migrants swarming your borders means not only less food for your own people, it’ll mean less food *in* *total,* as the refugees, if they come in large enough numbers, will set upon the fields like locusts, and not only consume what’s there, they’ll trash the ability to grow more.

The obvious answer: walls, guns and a bit of a policy shift where it comes to open doors.


EDIT: Hmmm. Weirdly, the video was privated. Oh well….

According to this, Britain (and a fair chunk of the rest of Europe) is kinda up the creek. Right now they are insanely allowing a million “migrants” a year to come in, set up shop and start drawing off the dole and demanding yet more. If things go bad, it would behoove the Brits to not only stop immigration, but to encourage – as aggressively and energetically as necessary – that a few million recent immigrants explore career opportunities in other lands. other lands that won’t have them either.

And then… the Chinese will probably slap together biological warfare systems: insects, bacteria, virus, whatever, that trashes all the rice that doesn’t have a particular gene sequence that Chinese rice just happens to have. It would probably be a really good idea for the CIA and every other intelligence service on the planet to sneak out a lot of samples of Chinese rice and Russian wheat and keep a constant surveillance on any sudden change in their DNA.

 Posted by at 9:21 pm
Jul 072022


Biden Sold a Million Barrels From US Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China-Owned Gas Giant

At a time when gasoline is intensely expensive, selling gas to a foreign adversary seems a little weird. but then, there’s this “huh” detail…

Biden’s Energy Department in April announced the sale of 950,000 Strategic Petroleum Reserve barrels to Unipec, the trading arm of the China Petrochemical Corporation. That company, which is commonly known as Sinopec, is wholly owned by the Chinese government. …  Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, is tied to Sinopec. In 2015, a private equity firm he cofounded bought a $1.7 billion stake in Sinopec Marketing. Sinopec went on to enter negotiations to purchase Gazprom in March, one month after the Biden administration sanctioned the Russian gas giant.



I kinda wonder who this would have gone over had it been Trumps kid…

 Posted by at 8:41 pm
Jul 072022

The future is now!

Drone carrying 11 guns found stuck in tree near Canada-U.S. border along St. Clair River

According to THIS ARTICLE, a drone of this kind runs around $20,000. That’s a lot. But the payload is 11 handguns… purchased in the US for perhaps $200 each, sold in Canada for up to $3000 each, the profit would be about $30,800 per run: you could simply throw the drone away each time in still rake in substantial cash profit. Fly it two or three times – a job of a few hours – and you’ve got yourself a decent yearly salary right there.

Illegal? Sure. Wrong? Ummm… Given what current Canadian dictator Justin Trudeau has said about Canadians not having the right to defend themselves, delivering them the *means* of self defense is not wrong. Sadly, of course, these gun are highly unlikely to be going to average Canadians, but more likely gang members, “migrants” and other members of the criminal element… but the potential still stands for simple robotics to be useful for delivering the means of self defense to regular people. Further afield, drone deliveries could be used to drop off ammo (bullets, grenades, rockets, etc.) to Ukrainian defense forces. There, of course, care would have to be taken to make sure that that drone delivering weapons to you won’t be using those weapons *on* you. Similarly, the use of drones along the US-Canadian border would have to be done with care; I would not be surprised if authoritarian, anti-human-rights types like “Fang Fang Swalwell” wouldn’t sabotage the effort by swapping out good guns for compromised weapons, or even weapons that have poison or polonium dusted onto them.

 Posted by at 9:29 am
Jul 062022

Two days after a looney bugman decided to shoot up an Independence Day parade, someone went and kerploded the Georgia Guidestones. If you don’t know what those were…  well, read up on ’em and marvel at the weirdness.

The Georgia Guidestones demolished after explosion ‘destroyed’ portion, GBI says

The lesson to be drawn:


And of course…


Not related apart from “what THE HELL is this noise?” The downfall of new York City continues apace as an old man (ah, crap, he’s younger’n *me*) is sent to jail because he defended himself against a violent assault:

Wild video shows NYC bodega worker allegedly stabbing man to death

New York City: not even once.

 Posted by at 7:09 pm