Oct 212022

Drone footage reveals The Line megacity under construction in Saudi Arabia

“The Line” is a planned 170-kilometer long dystopian nightmare. It will cost Saudi Arabia a *vast* amount of money and will almost certainly fail; those who invest in it will lose their shirts, those who move in will come to regret it. It’s a way to punish rich morons… including the Saudi monarchy.

The Saudis *could* use their trillions in wealth to  build a space program and colonize the universe, cementing their culture as the permanently dominant form of humanity until the heat death of the universe. Instead… this.


 Posted by at 6:43 pm
Oct 212022

Three magazine advertisements from 1960, depicting the East German Type 152 jetliner (which would have been a *fantastic* jetliner in the late 1940’s), the Convair F-106 and the Fiat G91 T jet trainer.


The full-rez scans of these ads have been uploaded into the 2022-10 APR Extras folder on Dropbox, available to all $4 and up APR Patrons/Subscribers. If you would like to help fund the acquisition and preservation of such things, please consider signing on either for the APR Patreon or the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program.



 Posted by at 1:29 pm
Oct 202022

Stacey Abrams, failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate trying again, has an interesting solution to the economic crisis: kill the children. They cost money, you see. If you didn’t have your kids, you could better afford gas and food and rent and such. Says so at about 4:23:



This is the person that the knavish dullards behind “Star Trek Discovery” chose to portray as the President of Earth. Ironic given that she is basically advocating for human – or at least Western – extinction. It seems more likely to me by far that she is working for outside forces – whether China, Klingons or the Chaos Gods – to depopulate at least the United States, to clear it out with minimal fuss so it can be colonized by someone else.



 Posted by at 7:33 pm
Oct 202022

So some European protestors – never mind what they’re protesting or why, because it hardly matters – decided that the thing to do was glue themselves to the floor of a VW dealership in Germany. The dealerships response? Close the doors, turn off the lights, turn off the furnace.

That’s a good response. I imagine their maintenance and cleaning staff will be able to clean up the inevitable yellow and brown stains and freshen the air. Keep the doors locked. Don’t let anyone in to provide the protestors food or drink or solvents; let them peel themselves up and seek their own medical attention.




 Posted by at 6:05 pm
Oct 202022

Seems unlikely, but…

Deranged Putin has ALREADY tried to detonate nuclear bomb but was scuppered in last-minute ‘sabotage’, insider claims

The article seems distinctly lean on actual details and evidence. Claim is made that *two* attempts to test nuclear weapons – including an underwater test in the Barents Sea –  were aborted due to emergencies of some kind, actually caused by people somewhere in the chain realizing that the whole idea was nuts. How the quoted “expert” would know this is unclear.

I can see Putin deciding to set off nukes as a show of force. I can see his own people sabotaging the effort, because they don’t want their families to be evaporated. But while such events are plausible, I’d need evidence before I believed they actually happened. And the thing is, incidents like this will almost certainly never have adequate evidence… until an actual bomb actually goes off.

In any event, I’m glad that some time back I got me a functional radiation detector.

 Posted by at 12:59 pm
Oct 192022

Ronald Reagan chats with a Nazi in “Desperate Journey:”


The dialog from IMDB:


 Posted by at 2:36 pm