Oct 242021

In a world with people making fools of themselves and the rest of humanity on the ChiCom Tik Tok platform while at the same time raking in vast piles of cash, clearly the cool and hip thing to do would be to subscribe to the Unwanted Blog. There are no particular goodies associated with the various subscription levels, apart from the warm fuzzy feeling I’m sure you’ll get knowing that you’re supporting a goofy aerospace nerd and his cats. Plus the bonus knowledge that every dollar subscribed is one dollar less that would be needed out of an Unwanted Blog Only Fans account, and that’s something the world *really* doesn’t need. Trust me, it doesn’t bear thinkin’ about.

The drop-down menu provides for a range of monthly automatic payments.

 Posted by at 10:23 pm
Oct 242021

Odd there are no ducts.

Most of the short video clips on their channel have music rather than audio of the flight, but a couple do seem to include the original audio. Difficult to tell how tamped down the volume is, however. It does seem like it’d be a fun little vehicle. It’s small enough that it might be truck-transportable, which – if the range and duration are adequate, claimed to have  a 20 minute flight time – could make it handy for search and rescue operations in forests and swamps and especially mountains and canyons and such. it is capable of being flown unmanned, which indicates that (again, assuming it has the endurance for it) it could be used to rescue reasonably intact individuals from the tops of burning buildings or out of canyons or off boats and the like.

It’s delivered as a half-built kit for a mere $92,000. The production run for 2022 is said to be sold out.


 Posted by at 4:20 pm
Oct 232021

“Boop on the snoot” is not the phrase I would have immediately dreamed up to describe “getting shot in the face with 12 gauge 00 buckshot,” but, hey, it’s catchy. Like the guy’s face. See, it caught buckshot.

What I don’t get are all the civilians milling about when the cops pour in, shouting “everybody get down.” And they just stand there like pillocks.


 Posted by at 1:51 pm
Oct 222021

Next time someone trots out “diversity is our strength” with regards to multiculturalism, keep in mind the history of truly multicultural societies such as India, Lebanon and Yugoslavia. The way to maintain peace and stability in a multicultural society is with totalitarianism, so it is safe – and wise – to assume that anyone who is promoting multiculturalism is also promoting their ability to bash you over the back of the head whenever they feel like it.

Anyone who argues against immigrants assimilating into the cultures they’ve willingly immigrated into is arguing for genocide.

 Posted by at 7:07 pm
Oct 222021

Below is a somewhat rambling video by a YouTuber who focuses on comic books. He makes, eventually, what I think is an interesting point. He realized that a *lot* of British authors seem fascinated with magic and wizards and sorcerers and the like, putting magic into stories in somewhat the way Americans might put guns into a story. The YouTubers hypothesis is that this is because magic is to the British “creation myth” like what guns are to the American “creation myth.” Of course, America’s creation is hardly mythical, since records keeping was fairly reliable at the time… but guns were as important tot he Revolution as Merlin was to Arthur. There are, as he also points out, distinctly American “myths” such as Paul Bunyan and Johnny Appleseed… and as he also points out, nobody much cares. Paul Bunyan chopping down trees hardly stacks up with that time George Washington routed the entire British army with a small number of Dodge Chargers.

Of course, with changes in British educational/government policies, British “creation myths” and other cultural tales will be largely unknown to British children within  decade, if not sooner.

 Posted by at 1:25 pm
Oct 222021

The job of an actor is to look pretty and say words scripted for them. When they say their *own* words… you get crap like this;

‘What a fool’: fellow actors criticise William Shatner’s space flight

Appearing on The Jonathan Ross Show on ITV, Collins said: “It’s amazing isn’t it? What a fool. Who wants to do that? No, absolutely not. Did you see Bill Shatner?

“He was in the air and they were turning him upside down. Let’s take care of this planet first before we start going off.”

Asked if he would visit space, fellow show guest [Brian] Cox replied: “No, absolutely not. I think it’s ridiculous. I remember watching [Sir Richard] Branson and Bezos going up for their 11 minutes or whatever …

“No, we do not need more spaceships. We’ve got enough crap flying around up there. We do not need any more.”

Shut up, morons.

I have zero respect for people who rake in outsized buckets of cash for playing pretend, then get pissy that other people are spending *their* buckets of cash on things they don’t like. *Especially* when those things promote the general welfare of mankind.

 Posted by at 10:56 am