Jan 282021

SpaceX is politically troublesome for certain groups. You’ve got your SLS fans, terrified that Starship/Superheavy will make the SLS and all its pork go away. You’ve got people terrified of the idea of capitalism, American exceptionalism, western civilization spreading out to the planets. You’ve got your crackpots who dislike western science and engineering rigor, thinking that such things are tools of the cishet white patriarchy or some such foolishness. Take your pick of villains, they’re opposed to SpaceX. As evidence, behold:

Justice Department investigating Elon Musk’s SpaceX following complaint of hiring discrimination

Who are SpaceX being accused of discriminating against? Non-US citizens. A US company that makes rockets and launches Defense Department payloads would rather employ Americans? How is this even remotely controversial?

“The charge alleges that on or about March 10, 2020, during the Charging Party’s interview for the position of Technology Strategy Associate, SpaceX made inquiries about his citizenship status and ultimately failed to hire him for the position because he is not a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident,” DOJ attorney Lisa Sandoval wrote in a court document filed Thursday.

Ina  rational world, this would be laughable. How is it even possible that non-citizens can demand employment at *any* US company, much less one vital to the continued existence of the United States as a going concern?

UPDATE: Elon lays it out. Several years ago.


 Posted by at 11:59 pm
Jan 282021

Sigh. It’s sad to think that in many ways the 1970’s were more forward thinking than today. Solar Power Satellites the size of Manhattan, space colonies the size of small states. Today… apart from SpaceX, about the most you can hope for is ever more social media. Until, of course, you get deplatformed.

Below is a piece of NASA-Ames art depicting the interior of an Island 3 colony. The full size version is downloadable HERE. This was intended to be a cylinder 5 miles or so in diameter by 20 long, rotating along the long axis to generate “gravity.” In this design, fully one third of the “land area” was given over to windows that would bring in sunlight via mirrors. Other notions included mounting strips of very powerful artificial light on the “ground” facing up to light the other side (this was the Babylon 5 approach), mounting strips of artificial light along the central axis pointing outwards, having external parabolic mirror beam sunlight through the central axis and reflected or diffused outwards. In order for an island 3 habitat like this to be dynamically stable, you’d need two of them, side by side, rigidly linked at the  hubs. This would counter the torque and prevent the cylinders from converting rotation around the long axis into end-over-end tumbling, which is the natural response of something like this (experiment: try to spin a pencils around the long axis. You will inevitably end up with it tumbling)

The NASA art below shows an exterior view of a complete colony.The habitats would need to be pretty close to the same mass, but otherwise their interiors could be very different… one could replicate, say, farmland and meadows and such with small towns scattered about; the other could have forests and large cities. One could be in winter, the other in summer. The full-rez is downloadable HERE.

There is a ring of “cans” around the end of each habitat. These are the agricultural units for the habitat; each independently spin around their own axis, generating the level of artificial G appropriate to grow wheat or corn or weed or hay or whatever is needed. Being smaller in radius, Coriolis effects would be substantially more noticeable; but as plants don’t care, and the job of agriculture will probably be done by robots, it doesn’t matter much. Each farm would be pretty well closed off from the others, so if some sort of blight were to pop up, chances are good it could be contained.


A few years ago I had a notion for a book – half technical descriptions, half manifesto/screed – about megaprojects. A description of not only what mankind could do given time and energy, but what mankind *should* do in time. As with a lot of things, this books got squashed by the realization that its already been done (gosh, thanks Isaac Arthur), but I still kinda want to 3D CAD model one of these things. I’ve not thought about that book in some years… got a hundred pages into it, I think. Shrug.

 Posted by at 12:06 am
Jan 272021

It seems Reddit has gone and mucked up a bunch of short-trading crapitalists:

Exchanges Ban Trades, Biden Administration ‘Monitoring Situation’ After Reddit Drives Wall Street Hedgefunds to Brink of Bankruptcy in Gamestop Short

I’m about as pro-capitalism as a reasonable man can get, but short-trading always seemed like the sort of thing that could be reasonably banned. You are betting on a business to fail, thus it is in your interests to do things that might make that happen. So if someone else uses the system that’s already in place to mess with short traders and causes their businesses to fail… well, I’m not going to shed many tears.

After all, it’s generally considered at least poor form to bet against yourself in a sporting contest, as that gives you incentive to throw the match.

 Posted by at 8:03 pm
Jan 272021

Lots of YouTubers have “reaction videos,” where they react – usually with their face on screen – to some music video or movie or something. This is me – audio only, because as we’ve seen in the comments sections, there are some weirdos in the world – reacting to a moment of pure awfulness from Keiko O’Brien on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. My commentary is witty and eloquent and pithy and not at all NSFW. Well, except for the bit that is.

 Posted by at 10:39 am
Jan 262021

October 2020:

“I have this strange notion, we are a democracy … if you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.”

So, legislating by executive order is something dictators do.

In completely unrelated news that in no way could ever possibly reflect poorly on anyone…

Here are the executive orders Biden has signed so far

In his first six days in office, Biden issued 33 executive orders, actions, proclamations, memoranda and agency directives, primarily focused on addressing the Covid-19 pandemic and undoing former President Donald Trump’s actions.

Of those 33, apparently 21 are Executive Orders. Trump was the previous reigning champ with four EOs in his first week in office. Behold the majesty of democracy in action as President Baizuo spends a surprising amount of time trying to figure out what to do with his pen:

All sales are final.

 Posted by at 10:29 pm
Jan 262021

Babylon 5 showed up on HBOMax today. I took a look at a few bits and pieces… “Severed Dreams” and “Sleeping In Light” to be precise – and can confirm that it looks great. It’s back to the original aspect ratio; it looks like some sort of processing was done to it so that it looks better than DVD quality, though clearly not super-duper upscaling. If anyone knows how long it’ll be on HBOMax, let me know. it would be nice if it’ll be there for a few years, but it’s hard to tell.

Now, consider this. A plot point in Season One is the election for Earth Alliance President. In the end, Luis Santiago wins the vote as President, and brings along Vice President Clark. By the end of Season One, Santiago is dead in an explosion of the transport vessel Earthforce One, and Clark is President. Clark does such a piss-poor job – screws with the economy, institutes departments devoted to deplatforming/depersoning people and squashing the views of those who disagree, gets the government into bed with badguys, creates a surveillance state that will punish you for wrongthink (literally, what with the Psi Corps), mandates political/ideological tests – that humanity splits apart and a civil war breaks out. On one side, Big Government, with all the power; on the other side, the people who just want to be left alone with their freedoms and their guns and their low taxes. Hijinks ensue, many die. Turns out Clark, under the influence of shadowy manipulators from far away, set up Santiagos assassination with a bomb.

One wonders if President Biden has a scheduled stop at a transfer station near a place called Io…

 Posted by at 7:40 pm