Nov 252019

In 1985, Rockwell considered the possibility of making a business of returning commercial cargoes from orbit. This is a tricky proposition: almost *nothing* in space is worth more returned back to the ground. Humans, of course, and highly hypothetical products made in zero-g… drugs, crystals, electronics. but none of those actually panned out: zero-g and/or high vacuum might produce some small benefit for various chemical processes, but terrestrial manufacture is so much easier and cheaper that nothing has so far come from on-orbit production

The description mentions a “ballistic cargo carrier,” but the piece is illustrated with a lifting body. This appears to be the same vehicle mentioned previously as a “hypervelocity research vehicle.” I don’t know if this means Rockwell gave thought to using the HRV as a cargo return system (if so, it would be an inefficient way to go) or if the HRV diagram was simply conveniently at hand. A ballistic capsule would probably be by far the best way to go for returning payloads that are relatively insensitive to g-forces. Cheaper, smaller, lighter and, importantly, cheaper than a lifting body.

Next up: Space Station Lifeboats.

 Posted by at 3:21 pm
Nov 242019

It’s video clips like this that can light up an otherwise gloomy day.


I *suppose* the guy int he SUV is probably going to get in trouble for driving forward over the objections of the Masked Fascist. But I remain of the opinion that blocking streets, trapping people in their cars, is a form of false imprisonment or kidnapping, and should be dealt with as such. You want to protest The Man? Knock yourself out. You want to imprison Just Some Guy? Naw. Just naw.


 Posted by at 6:17 pm
Nov 242019


Koalas ‘Functionally Extinct’ After Australia Bushfires Destroy 80% Of Their Habitat

Functional extinction is when a population becomes so limited that they no longer play a significant role in their ecosystem and the population becomes no longer viable. While some individuals could produce, the limited number of koalas makes the long-term viability of the species unlikely and highly susceptible to disease.


Australian critters always seemed to me like they were living on borrowed time. The critters from “The Old World” have spent a hundred million years competing against a wide range of other beasts, gaining superiority in arms, armor, tactics and disease resistance.  Thus Old World rats and pigs and cats and dogs and snakes and rabbits and humans have done a fantastic job of ravaging Pacific islands. Australia is, compared to Africa/Eurasia, just a big island.  Worse, it’s a big island that, at least for koalas, it a whole lot of lifeless sand with only a fairly limited range for koalas. Set that range on fire and send in the rats and dogs, and cute little koalas are as doomed as a village of Ewoks sent up against *competent* Stormtroopers.

Koalas have the bad luck of being dependent upon eucalyptus leaves. This is bad because eucalyptus leaves are basically filled with oil. They don’t just burn, they burn with a vengeance. I’ve seen videos of eucalyptus trees virtually *detonating* when surrounded by wildfires.

Now, as to blame: in this case, the finger points directly at the anti-nuclear activists. Imagine a world in which not only had the US not abandoned nukes, but Australia and New Zealand and the like had adopted rational nuclear polices and were now obtaining the bulk of their electrical power from breeder reactors and thorium reactors. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere would be far lower, the temperature would be lower, fires would likely be less dangerous. Better, with a few extra terawatts of power on tap, Australia could at this very moment be well along in a plan to scoop out the middle of the continent and turn it into a new sea. This would open up vast tracts of desert to bloom and greatly expand the range of critters like koalas. But instead… damn dirty Soviet-backed hippies won the day and doomed koalas to functional extinction.

 Posted by at 10:54 am
Nov 222019

Some people are of the opinion that civilized folk shouldn’t celebrate or take pleasure int he death of others, no matter how evil. I am not one of those people. You want to celebrate the deaths of bin laden or Hitler or Stalin or Castro or Che, you go right ahead.

Here’s one to add to the list:

Noel Ignatiev, scholar who called for abolishing whiteness, dies at 78

This genocidal Marxist schmuck lent a false gloss of academic favor to racist nonsense, in no small part contributing to the whackadoodle state of race relations today.

Unsurprisingly, the usual suspects are singing his praises:

Al Jazeera: Abolishing whiteness has never been more urgent

Slate: Noel Ignatiev Understood White Privilege and White Supremacy—and How to Destroy Them

“Among the lessons we should learn from Ignatiev’s life and work is that the abolition of the white race is not the matter of the self-satisfaction of white liberals but of the unfinished struggle for human emancipation, which awaits the new kinds of organizations that can aim to reach it.”

To all those who agree with that sentiment: eat me.

 Posted by at 5:07 pm
Nov 212019

Whenever the subject of some white celebrity, politician or just some random schmoe getting in hot water for using the “N-word” comes up, someone always asks, “well, why do you want to say the word, anyway?” There is a simple reason why there is the urge to say this word, a word which will torpedo careers and ruin lives. It’s the same urge to push that red, candy-like button. That same urge to eat the apple you’ve been told not to eat. The urge every cat has to push everything off of every other thing. The urge to do what you know you’re not supposed to (or at least, what those who hold power over you tell you to not do) is a universal urge. Everyone, to one degree or another, just wants to watch the world burn, to sit back and laugh as chaos unfolds and entropy builds.

And thus, this:

Text Messages Show How Syracuse University Students Are Too Scared To Go To Classes After A Series Of Racist Incidents

Some people received a “white supremacist manifesto” (apparently a copy of the Christchurch Mosque shooter manifesto) on their phones. There was a swastika in the snow, some sort of racist graffiti. As a result, some people have lost their minds to panic, demanding that the university shut down. Numerous students – somehow I suspect not a lot of STEM students, but who knows – are quoted as being afraid for their lives, not sleeping, crying a lot.


To people who like to sow chaos – and that’s just about everybody – these sort of reactions are *gold.* Those of you old enough to remember 9-11: remember how people who were afraid of anthrax attacks or terrorists popping up out of the bushes were mocked? Well, these people were panicking as a result of three thousand of their fellows being murdered in a single event. Here, these true snowflakes are exhibiting just as much panic over… snow swastis? Group texts?

I’m sorry (not sorry) but their fear is not worthy of respect. Their panic-mongering is worthy solely of mockery.


 Posted by at 2:38 pm
Nov 212019

In 1985, Rockwell wondered about whether there was a business case for space-based telepresence. At the time, the technology was relatively new, clunky, primitive; today it would be vastly superior and would only hardly ever attain self awareness and decide to overthrow its human masters. But nearly 40 years ago, the systems would doubtless have been slow, unwieldy and difficult to use effectively and reliably.

Up next: a spaceplane for cargo return! Stay tuned! Tell your friends! Invest now! The APR Monthly Historical Documents Program helps keep this sort of thing coming.


 Posted by at 9:14 am
Nov 202019


Watching Millenials/Gen Zers ripping on Boomers? Meh. We were doing that before you brats were born. Didn’t get us nuthin’.

Foamy here is right: the things that the more militant Millenials are cheesed off at the Boomers for are the things that the Boomers actually shared with the Millenials, and actually got: the friggen’ hippies gained political power and began enacting their utopian policies, and now that the check is coming due for decades of Boomer socialism and nanny statism it’s falling on Millenial socialists to pay it.

 Posted by at 11:40 pm
Nov 202019

Utah is a beautiful state, but it’s a bit lacking in the “critters” department. My cats have been dumbfounded and astonished by the change in environment. Here’s Buttons looking down on some fish, a thing he’s never seen before…

That there is a “ho-le-shee-it” look if there ever was one.

 Posted by at 9:06 pm