Jun 282019

A second – and last – batch of Eaglemoss Star Trek ships has gone up on eBay. I’m preparing a bunch of books, many of aerospace interest, that will be posted soon. I’d planned on having half a dozen or so of them ready to go tonight but… shrug.


Eaglemoss Star Trek Starship #139 Vaadwaur Assault Ship & magazine, new

Eaglemoss Star Trek Starship #103 Vidiian Warship & magazine, new, bagged

Eaglemoss Star Trek Starship #94 Suliban Cell Ship ship and magazine, new

Eaglemoss Star Trek Starship #96 Orion Scout Ship & magazine, new, still bagged

Eaglemoss Star Trek Starship #45 Malon Export Vessel Ship & magazine, new

Eaglemoss Star Trek Starship #134 Vulcan Survey Ship & magazine, new, bagged

Eaglemoss Star Trek Starship #41 Klingon Raptor ship & magazine, new, bagged

Eaglemoss Star Trek Starship #18 Bajoran Solar-Sailor ship & magazine, ne

Eaglemoss Star Trek Starship #51 Hirogen Warship & magazine, new, still bagged

Eaglemoss Star Trek Starship #49 ECS Fortunate ship and magazine, new

I made an attempt to add Earth-type humor to each of the listings.



 Posted by at 10:34 pm
Jun 282019

Dictionaries need occasional updating due to new words and phrases being added to the language, or due to existing words and phrases acquiring new uses. And so:

Accurate Dictionary

Among the many entries:

Anti-nuclear movement – One of the most successful Soviet active measures projects, which managed to advance Russian economic and geopolitical interests by convincing gullible western ignoramuses that the cleanest source of energy ever invented is bad.

Celibacy, clerical – The secret sauce that helped create the modern world and helped rationalism, humanism and democracy, as well as high median IQs to flourish in Europe by systematically removing the crazies, gullibles, schizophrenics, hysterics, lunatics, fanatics and morons from the gene pool for hundreds of years.

Communism1. The only thing in history actually worse than Hitler. 2. Fascism minus food.

Elon Musk – A time-travelling artificial intelligence installed in a barely convincing simulacrum of a human body. Tasked with returning this timeline to the correct trajectory, from which it strayed in the late 1960s.

Harassment (sexual) – Flirting attempts by ugly, short, fat or poor men.

Hate speech 1. Facts 2. Anything outside the communist memeplex. 3. (rarely) Hate speech.

Marginalized group – A group with preferential access to education and employment opportunities, benefitting from nonstop hagiographic media coverage and government programmes for its exclusive benefit, and legally exempt from all criticism, in contrast to Privileged groups, whose situation is the opposite. (See also Privilege)

Nordic model – A complex web of public and private institutions built on the rule of law, strong private property rights and free enterprise followed by modest and increasingly unpopular redistribution, with all Scandinavian countries except Norway ranking above the United States on the Index of Economic Freedom. This gets called “socialism” by American idiots on both the extreme left and right, who don’t know what socialism is, but who either totally love or hate capitalism, because they don’t know what that is, either. (See also Capitalism, Socialism)

Other ways of knowing – A colossal Motte and Bailey, in which the banal observation that science is subject to occassional human biases and cultural prejudices is used to justify rankest relativism, and placing indigenous musings about angry mountain spirits on equal footing with meteorology, astrology with astronomy, gender theory with biology.

Privilege1. Meritocracy, but with disapproving spin. 2. Apparently something coal miners have and tenured professors don’t.

Simulation hypothesis – Creationism for nerds. Likely, though.

Socialism1. The proposition that abuses of power will be solved by making opportunities to commit them much bigger. 2. The promotion of principal-agent problems and cronyism to the main organizing principle of society. 3. The proposition that the problem of collusion of economic and political power will be solved by making economic and political power identical. 4. A system for the maximisation of hierarchical privilege, institutional capture and elite unaccountability.


Also check out this Twitter:

SJW-English Dictionary

anti- . . . 2. supporting, being the embodiment of: anti-racism, anti-fascism, anti-sexism

ally: A person who has the irresistible urge to constantly prove their loyalty towards those above them in the intersectional hierarchy.

triggered:  A sudden, strong negative reaction to seeing, hearing or otherwise experiencing something upsetting, such as other people’s opinions, other people’s rights, or other people’s existence. See also: safe space, socialism.

 Posted by at 8:26 am
Jun 282019

Marshae Jones is a 27 year old woman in Alabama. She was five months pregnant when she was shot in the belly by one Ebony Jemison; as a result of the gunshot, Jones miscarried. In Alabama, a fetus is legally protected as a human being with human rights, and so the killer has been brought up on manslaughter charges.

Here’s the thing: *Jones* has been brought up on charges. The woman who was shot, who lost her baby, has been charged (although it seems the charges have since been dropped).

The pro-abortion folks are obviously up in arms about this, screaming about how this is evidence that the laws in Alabama will oppress mothers who want to abort their children. But here’s the thing: the grand jury found that Jones initiated the fight, and that Jemison shot in self defense. Nobody in their right mind would hold someone liable if they truly shot an attacker in self defense. It’s just that the attacker in this case was pregnant, and the prosecutors have decided that Jones, who clearly knew she was pregnant, should have known better than to endanger her child in that fashion.

It’s something of a rare occurence, I would imagine.

But let’s say things were a bit different. Maybe the incident occurs nine months later, and instead of Jones being five months pregnant, she’s got a five-month-old baby strapped to her. And in that condition sh decides to attack another woman, the other woman pulls out a gun to defend herself, and the shot hits and kills the baby. Would the mother still be legally responsible in that case? Is a baby real life plot armor that allows someone to attack someone else and use the kid as a bullet sponge and escape responsibility for the death of the kid? Would this be a way to expand abortion to, say, the 30th trimester? Strap your kid to your torso, attack someone and hope they fight back in a  fashion that takes out the kid but leaves you un- or minimally-harmed? Does a pregnant woman legally require a different standard of restraint from someone she’s attacking? You may, of course, shoot an attacker all you like. Nobody in their right mind would argue otherwise. But how about if one of your bullets goes astray, perhaps because your attacker is whacking you with a crowbar, and the bullet goes into a window three blocks away and kills a kid *there?* I would expect the law would come down on the attacker. but I equally imagine the *lawsuit* would come down on the defender for being negligent or careless or some such while they were being pummeled.

“Hmmm” all around.

 Posted by at 12:33 am
Jun 272019

What looks like an unhappy expression on Banshees face is exactly that. I’ve known a lot of expressive cats; Buttons lets you know very quickly and very loudly that he’s a happy guy. But Banshee is also expressive… but she’s almost always unhappy. It’s actually pretty hilarious how easily ticked off she is. If she sees another cat or hears another cat, she starts pissing and moaning. The other cats used to be afraid of her, she’d screech and holler so much; but they have long since grown used to her and mostly just ignore her. Around nightfall, Speedbump and banshee chase each other around… pretty sure it’s play. But sometimes fingers chase her around, and there ain’t no mistaking that for play. Fingers is sick of Banshees nonsense, and will chase her down and lay a whoopin’ on her.

She’s real friendly with me; she just hates other cats with the occasional exception of Speedbump. I bet she would have liked Raedthinn… but he would have disdained her with the power of a million disdainful stars.

 Posted by at 8:03 pm
Jun 272019

NASA has announced that the next planetary mission will be a flying drone probe for Titan. This should prove interesting, thought it would b best if instead of sending one helicopter, they put the things into mass production and sent a *lot* of them to Titan. Given how much cheaper Falcon 9 Heavy is than the likes of Delta IV, to say nothing of the *possibility* of BFR/starship. Imagine sending a *fleet* of these things to Titan in one shot…

Also good news: it’s nuclear powered. So instead of slapping down into the methane mud and promptly running out of battery life, it could potentially function for *years.* Even if it’s just sitting on a hilltop motionless, if it has a decent camera angle on the surroundings it could provide years of interesting observations.

 Posted by at 3:31 pm