May 282019

And I mean that in the best possible sense.

HBO is four episodes into a five-episode miniseries entitled “Chernobyl” based on, you guessed it, the nuclear accident. I’ve seen the first three episodes and it is, in my opinion, something of a horror masterpiece. Acting, writing, visuals, even the score conspire to make for an engaging story of what happens when socialist bureaucrats are put in charge of badly designed nuclear reactors and then have to try to clean up the inevitable mess. Incompetence leading to CYA on an industrial scale… but followed by selfless heroism by people high and low. “I’ll do it myself.”

In many ways this comes across as one of the better Lovecraftian horror stories I’ve seen on screen. There is a monster that threatens millions, something that is impersonal and vast and invisible and largely incomprehensible. It kills in horrifying ways (that the makeup people went to town on) that you can barely hope to defend against, and once you’ve met it there’s nothing anyone can do for you except watch as you basically fall apart. There is a sense of doom that hangs over especially the first two episodes that is just monumentally well done. In this it is aided by the score, barely music, composed by the impressively named Hildur Guðnadóttir. The score is composed of sounds from a Lithuanian nuclear powerplant and is just plain creepifyin’, subtle and mechanical, like the sound of machines in slow agony.

I suspect ol’ HPL would have loved to have seen this, and would have nodded along to a lot of it. One line in particular, “You are dealing with something that has never occurred on this planet before,” seems like something that would be at home in a tale of Cthulhu. There are individual scenes that are just plain disturbing… a plant worker looking directly into the exposed open, burning core, like looking into the mouth of Hell. Bureaucrats yelling at people that they did not see what they know they saw. “It’s not three Roentgen. It’s fifteen thousand.” A Geiger counter starting off going nuts… and only going faster until it’s an almost solid tone. A nuclear physicist trying to explain to Soviet apparatchiks why finding graphite *outside* of the reactor building is a Very Bad Thing. Cerenkov radiation visible *outside* of a containment vessel.

I would say that this exceeds, at least so far, “The Terror” in terms of effective horror. Which is interesting because Jared Harris is an important character in both stories.


 Posted by at 8:12 pm
May 282019

Few things in life are more fall-down hilarious than watching someone knowingly commit a crime right on camera and get promptly nabbed for it and realize that they’ve just screwed their own selves over.

Clearly there was a massive failure in the educational system somewhere. This person was:

1) Unaware that taking someone else’s stuff was theft and a crime

2) Unaware that other people have the right to have differing opinons

3) Unaware that other people have the right to express those opinions in public

4) Unaware that when she sees an opinion she disagrees with, she can simply walk away.

Maybe a few days in jail will help edumacate her in the law.

 Posted by at 11:48 am
May 282019

Eric Swalwell, the Democrat Presidential nomination hopeful who thinks it would be a good idea to nuke his fellow citizens if they disagree with him on their right to keep their rights, explains in this brief clip just why he should never be President:

Here he is confronted with a Clown-World-level-stupid question: “Why should another White Guy be President?” And instead of answering it like a sane person, with something along the lines of “wow, what an incredibly racist *and* sexist question,” or with “that’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard all day,” he instead accepts that the proposition “White Guys shouldn’t be President” has merit and grovels to be accepted.

So on the one hand, anyone who’s not a hard-core “progressive” identitarian is likely to be turned off by Douche Nukem’s weak-willed self-hating bigotry. On the other hand, he points out that whenever the issue comes up of a topic that does not specifically deal with his tiny little sector of intersectionality, he’ll “hand the mic” to someone else… which means the obvious question becomes “so why do we need you?”


And let’s face it: THIS is the face of the type of person he’s desperately pandering to at warp speed:

Good luck with that. That’s not the face of a woman swooning over how woke you are, Mr. Swalwell; that’s the face of someone who despises you for being a white male. She looks like she’s about two seconds from going after you with a shard of broken glass.

 Posted by at 11:15 am
May 282019

So, Gillette, the company that thought it was a neato-keen idea to insult every man on the planet as part of a marketing strategy, has excreted another head-scratcher of an ad. This time, it’s a father teaching his daughter how to shave his face. Yeah, that’s right, it’s the Cause Du Jour, transgenderism. I couldn’t actually find the plain, unaltered or un-commented-upon version of the video (largely because… meh, why bother), but this  “annotated” version gets the idea across.

A lot of people on the political right are terribly offended by transgenderism. I’m befuddled by it… partly by whatever quirk of genetics or wiring that causes the brain to not match up with the body, partly by how it has rather suddenly become so fargin’ trendy. As a small-l libertarian, you go do you, be what you want to be. You want to wear a gimp suit and hang from the ceiling with your significant other, go right ahead. What to dress up like a blue fox and attend a furry convention? Sure, whatever, it’s better than pretending to enjoy watching paint dry. You were born a dude and you want to dress up like a chick, go for it. You want to get your dangly bits lopped off, hey great, just don’t send me pictures or tell me about it because, dude, dangly bits and knives = shudder. But where I draw a hard line: you want to be weird and creepifyin’… don’t ask me to pay for it, and for Odin’s sake don’t expect me to *celebrate* it.

Generation Xers like myself can probably be considered to be more or less the first generation raised in an environment where it was *expected* that we’d be all tolerant and such about every damn thing. The Boomers “ended” racism and sexism and homophobia and such; when those of my age were growing up, it was considered good and proper for everyone to simply accept what everyone else was. We were supposed to be a non-racist, non-sexist, non-homophobic generation (your experiences may vary). But holy crap, the way that “acceptance” has morphed into “celebrate it or you’re a Nazi” seems to be working to reverse all the historic gains. I know more than a few people who  have tried to be “good” people who didn’t hold “bad” views, but the way we’ve all been battered with propaganda has actually made these people decide that “bad” views are actually worth a second look. I suspect that the pendulum on “trans” might be not all that far from swinging back, what with the extremely disturbing nature of such clearly “that ain’t right” cultural phenomena as “Desmond” and getting *children* to “transition.”

So I have to wonder just WTF Gillette is thinking. Just who are they marketing to here? The specific sector would seem to be pretty small… females who transition to male and need to shave. On the other hand: commercials such as this certainly bump up discussion of the brand. Without an ad like this, would The Unwanted Blog actually be blathering on about Gillette razors? Unlikely. So, kudos, I guess, for getting their name into the yammer-o-sphere once again.


 Posted by at 10:23 am
May 272019

The god of thunder tried – and failed – to take out a Soyuz rocket on May 27, 2019.

Interesting note: the lightning strikes the nose of the vehicles, as you might expect, and disappears as it travels through the conductive metal body. it then continues as a recognizable lightningbolt on its way down to the ground. However… the lightingbolt does not appear from the tail of the Soyuz, but from well aft, seeming to appear out of nowhere. This is because the superheated and chemically “tainted” exhaust is substantially more conductive than plain air; through the hot gas the electricity can travel more freely and thus does not heat up that gas as it does regular air. Once the exhaust gases have cooled and the chemical dispersed so that they are no longer so conductive, the lightning resumes its normal appearance.

 Posted by at 3:20 pm
May 262019

A while back I created twenty copies of a preliminary draft of a “Booklet of General Plans” of the Space Station V from “2001: A Space Odyssey.” Eight were sent out, leaving twelve that I am making available. These twelve are the last of the only print run of this edition there will ever be. If these all sell out, and if the feedback is promising, it is my hope to eventually, someday, refine these and add considerably more data. Additionally I hope to produce a regular print run not only of the SSV BoGP, but also other sci-fi vehicles (“Deep Impacts” Messiah being near the top of the list; SPECTRE Bird One; perhaps branching out to the likes of Clavius Base) as well as unbuilt non-sci-fi but speculative concepts such as the Bernal Sphere, O’Neill colonies, Dandridge Cole concepts (Aldebaran, Macrolife, etc.), Orion battleship and SDI space weaponry. A few sci-fi designs of my own *may* be included (The Falcon-Class Starfleet runabout USS Millenium is a notion that appeals to me for some reason).

The Space Station V Booklet includes eight 11X17 inch sheets, printed directly rather than photocopied, in a specially printed envelope (which goes in another, larger shipping envelope). These are going for $12 each, plus postage. If you are interested, send me an email letting me know how many you want and what your address is; these will be made available first-come, first-served.    I’ll work out postage and send you a Paypal invoice. (NOTE: On  Tuesday. I’d intended to go to the post office on Monday and take  couple booklets along to get them weighed… but it turns out that that’s a federal holiday…)

Remaining: 12  11 10 9  8  7  6  5 4  3 2 All gone.

 Posted by at 6:41 pm
May 262019

There are lots of good reasons to go to space. But one less discussed reason is the urge to individual adventure. Earth, it seems, is pretty much all out of things to do that other people not only haven’t done, but that aren’t already booked solid. Take, for example, climbing Mt. Everest. Within living human memory, climbing that mountain was something no human had done. And now… this:

Posted by Nirmal Purja MBE: "Project Possible – 14/7" on Wednesday, May 22, 2019

This is confirmed to be the “conga line” of tourists trying to reach the peak of Everest. When they get back, what can they really say? They will have been surrounded by a mass of humanity; hundreds before, hundreds after, not allowed to spend a moment in silence and solitude at the roof of the world because you’ve got to get out of the way of the next crowd. Sure, they will have climbed the tallest mountain on Earth, but really… is it much more of an experience than, say, climbing to the top of a skyscraper, or running a marathon that ten thousand other also ran?

It’s getting to be about as unique an experience as all that hollow Instagram “influencer” nonsense.

What the adventurers of the world need isn’t a chairlift to the top of Everest, but a direct flight to the base of Olympus Mons, or the rim of Valles Marinaris. A lodge at the base of Verona Rupes on Miranda, for the ten kilometer climb to the top and the twelve-minute freefall for the basejumpers. A base camp in the rings of Saturn for a whole new kind of marathon, one where people bounce from chunk to chunk. Skiers on the sulfur snows of Io. Hang gliding across Titan.

Earth is *done.* It’s all been done. Pretty much nothing left that not only hasn’t been done, but that you won’t have to wait in line for.



 Posted by at 4:37 pm